Howdy norman0305-ga,
According to the article "Harvard's Hoard" written by New York Times'
Johanna Berkman, dated June 24, 2001 and posted on the Harvard web site,
the Roman Catholic Church appears to have a larger endowment than Harvard.
"... the endowment of the institution [Harvard] he inherits has climbed in
recent months to as much as $19 billion -- a sum greater than the physical
assets of McDonald's ... or, according to The Boston Globe, the endowment
of every nonprofit institution in the world after the Roman Catholic Church."
However, the world's largest charitable foundation, and endowment, is the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, worth $28.8 billion. From the Wikipedia
web site.
"The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the world's largest charitable
foundation, endowed by Bill Gates, chairman and founder of Microsoft, and
his wife, Melinda Gates."
The number one or two spot could change when Warren Buffett dies, according
to this article by Larry Kanter and dated Aug. 31, 1999.
"... Buffett has said that he intends for 99 percent of his money to
eventually go to his foundation, which will likely become the largest
endowment in the country."
Warren Buffett is worth around $42.9 billion these days.
If you need any clarificatiom, please feel free to ask.
Search strategy:
Google search on: endowment largest OR total OR greater OR larger
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