Hi outlawoman,
Good day, and thanks for your question. Since your company deals with
Hyaluronic acid, I don't think you need any introduction to the acid.
So, lets get right into the answer.
The following is a set of excerpts from general information on
Synthovial 7, which contains hyaluronic acid
"Hyaluronic acid taken orally is usually degraded by stomach acid. A
method of altering hyaluronic acid to prevent degradation in the
stomach without altering its basic structure has been devised."
"Since Synthovial 7 is an oral supplement, it is not subject to FDA
and safety data are not available. However, elimination studies
indicate that the kidney and liver remove excess efficiently.
Approximately 1500 humans and 3000 animals (horses, dogs) have
received this particular oral hyaluronic acid. The longest anyone has
taken oral hyaluronic acid up until now is 18 months. Benefit is
usually noted within 1 week, and in some cases is delayed up to a
month. Dosage comes as a liquid, and a dropper is used to place 10
drops per day (for study patients) into a cool beverage. The
temperature of the beverage should not be more than 100 degrees."
The above is from the "Layman's Explanation" section. There is a more
detailed explanation below the section on the page.
"Patients who take oral supplements with Hyaluronic acid, should note
that it is derived from chicken cartilage. If you are allergic to
chicken, consult your physician before taking. Inflammatory reactions
have been reported, though rarely."
Source :: http://www.thewolfeclinic.com/ultimateha.html
The consumer of the product knows the best about the product, and
hence consumer testimonials are worth its weight in gold.
The following bits of text have been taken from customer testimonials
at Yahoo! store
The full text can be found at
(These testimonials are unsolicited. They speak for themselves. These
are people whose lives have been changed by this product!)
From: Mike Murphy, KCMO .710 AM Radio Personality
"My wife has had a case of fibromyalgia and arthritis for years. I was
approached about a new product called Synthovial 7, which is an all
natural liquid that helps people with their pain. I gave a bottle to
my wife and within 4 days she was out in the garden, doing what she
loves to do! It has been some time since I have seen her this active!
I recommend this product to anyone who is tired of not being able to
live life to it's fullest."
From: R. Gonzales
"I have been taking Synthovial 7 for only one week and am almost pain
free for the first time in 3 years! Not even steroids combined with
Vioxx or Celebrex took this much pain away, or even came close. Each
day my pain lessened, each day I woke feeling better. No more fetal
position. I think this is a miracle, my whole family does. Sunday I
rode my bike for the first time in years. All you do is put 5-7 drops
of HA in a glass of water and drink it all, one time a day! That's it.
(it's tasteless)"
aditya2k's note -> HA = Hyaluronic Acid
From: J Filippelli
"I started with 10 drops and quickly went to 7 then 5 then 4. I now am
only on 4 drops a day. It has provided me with such spectacular
results. No stiffness even in cold weather which was always hard for
me. I recently went to Wisconsin with a friend for football games and
major sight seeing and I can honeestly say that in 5 days I did more
walking and stair climbing than I had in the past 40 years. I have had
a total of 6 left knee opertions from ligament damage to tibia injury
and fema damage so I have had almost constant pain and stiffness in my
left knee with my right knee also with stiffness due to contant
pressure on it. Since I started with your product I am at least 90% to
98% better and my friends cannot believe the difference in my
From: Ms. Ellis
"I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1997 and I have tried so many
things that didn't work and I found out about this product and being
an open-minded person I thought I may as well try it! Wow! I am so
glad I did. For the first time since May, 1997 I feel like my old
From: D. Ehmke
"I am a 63 year old and I have had arthritis for many years. I had
tired just about everything. I have taken high doses of aspirin for 20
years now to relieve the pain. I have been taking the Synthovial 7 for
about a four months now. I only have to take my aspirin twice a day
now compared to every three hours for the pain."
From: Joyce
"My name is Joyce, I am a 10 year Fibromylagia suffer. Over the years
I have tried everything, and I mean everything. From herbs to special
diets etc. Then someone else mentioned this "new wonderful product".
So OK I tried it. Thank you God for helping these wonderful people
make this SYNTHOVIAL 7. I am getting my life back."
From: Lynn
"I also have dry eyes and I have been to the Eye Doctor thinking I
needed glasses due to blured vision. That is when I found out about my
eyes. The Synthovial 7 helps with that too."
There are many more on the website.
Injuv is another drug which uses HA as an ingredient. It's brochure
mentions the following regarding the safety of injuv :
"Oral use of HA is comparatively new, but it has been used in other
countries, notable Japan for quite some years. Acute oral toxity tests
in animals reveal no significant toxicity and a very high LD-50 level
(50/50 mg/kg of body weight), making the acute toxic dose for the
average human 343-400 mg"
The full brochure can be obtained in a Portable Document Format (PDF)
Note : In order to view PDF files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader,
which can be downloaded from
All this while, I've been talking about the human. In case you're
looking for information on horses as well, you should go through a
publication titled "Oral Efficacy of Oral Hyaluronic Acid to the
Racing Thoroughbred", Pierce, S et al. 2001. I have been unable to
locate a copy of it on the internet.
The only real live test happening right now, whose presence has been
announced on the internet is one
http://www.integrativemedicineresearchonline.com is one being
conducted by K. Dean Reeves, M.D., F.A.A.P.M.& R. (Fellow of the
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehab) in conjuction with
Shawnee Mission Medical Center. The results are expected in November
or December this year. I have e-mailed Dr Reeves, requesting him the
results so far. However, I feel that you should e-mail him giving your
company information and your intent. I feel it would be more
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post your clarification. If you feel this answer is incomplete, and
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aditya2k-ga only" with the compensation amount.
But, if you have any clarifications, please do post them. I will be
more than happy to attend to it. Thank you for using this service and
have a good day.
aditya2k |