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Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: mongolia-ga List Price: $20.00 |
05 Aug 2005 18:41 PDT
Expires: 04 Sep 2005 18:41 PDT Question ID: 552271 |
Does the Islam religion have the concept of Hell? Also is there an equivalent to purgatory or limbo? In terms of Islam how would hell be described ? What does Islam say about the afterlife of Muslims who have not quite lived up to the teachings of Islam? (do they all go to heaven eventually or somewhere else??) And what does Islam say about the fate of those who are not Muslims (Jews, Christians, atheists, agnostics, hindus etc) Do they get to heaven or is there some other place reserved for them? and with respect to the above questions are there different answers for different muslim sects? Yours Truly Mongolia |
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Re: Hell!!
Answered By: landog-ga on 05 Aug 2005 21:25 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi Thanks for the interesting question. The Isalmic religion deals with three main ideals: - Tawhid, the Unity of Allah. - Nubuuwa, prophecy. - Eschatology or the study of general afterlife. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eschatology) The Islam believes in the bodily resurrection of the dead, the fulfillment of the divine plan for creation, and the immortality of the human soul. The righteous people are rewarded with the pleasures of Jannah or Heaven, while the unrighteous will be punished in Jahannam or Hell. A good part of the Quran deals with these beliefs, with many Hadith (the sayings and doings of Muhammad the prophet and his Sahab - companions). One's eternal destination will depends on the ratio of good to bad deeds in life. On the Last Day, resurrected humans and Jinn will be judged by Allah according to their deeds. They are either granted admission to Jannah, where they will enjoy spiritual and physical pleasures for eternity, or condemned to Jahannam to suffer spiritual and physical torture. The day of judgment is described as passing over Hell on a narrow bridge in order to enter Paradise. Those who fall, weighted by their bad or evil deeds, will remain in Hell forever. The Quran specifies two exceptions to this general rule: - Warriors who die fighting in the cause of God are ushered immediately to God's presence (2:159 and 3:169). - Enemies of Islam are sentenced immediately to Hell upon death. Islam describes Jannah as a place of physical pleasure, sometimes interpreted literally, sometimes allegorically. Heaven is most often described as a cool, very well-shaded, and irrigated garden. The righteous which are deserving of this reward are described in explicitly physical terms - including unlimited food and drink and promises of enormous palaces staffed with multitudes of servants, and perfect, perpetually-virgin spouses. Only the Five Pillars of Faith (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Pillars_of_Islam) determine who will have access to Jannah. Allah is the one who knows best who will enter Jannah and even people of the other Abrahamic faiths ("People of the book") will also get into heaven. The Muslims who are not intitled to reach Jannah are punished with a temporary stay in Jahannam, but will go to heaven later providing there is "one atom of faith in their hearts" as told by Muhammed the prophet. Non Muslims, on the other hand will be punished eternally and do not have chance of pardon from Jahannam. Some Muslims also believe that people who do not accept the Prophet Muhammed after hearing his message, will receive eternal damnation in hell. The descriptions in the Quran of Jahannam are much like the descriptions of Jannah, very visual: Skin is burned off the sinner's body and then they are given new skin so it can be rp[eatedly burned off. Boiling water is poured down throats and it destroys their inner bowels apart. Extreme heat and cold are applied to the sinner's body as punishments. There are two main sects in Islam: The Sunni and The Shi'ite. Sunni Islam is the largest denomination, but some countries it is a minority. "Sunnis have their historical roots in the majority group who followed Abu Bakr, an effective leader, as Muhammad's successor, instead of his cousin and son-in-law Ali. The Sunnis are so named because they believe themselves to follow the sunnah or "custom" of the Prophet. Shi'ites are those Muslims who followed Ali, the closest relative of Muhammad, as Muhammad's successor." "Sufi Islam is not exactly a sect, but the mystical expression of Islam... Sufism might be compared to Christian monasticism, in that both emphasize a quiet, simple life focused on obeying and experiencing God. Opinions of Sufis differ within the Muslim community. " A comparison chart can also be found here: http://www.religionfacts.com/islam/comparison_charts/islamic_sects.htm The difference between Sunni and Shia sects of Islam do not exist to the extreme degrees that non-Muslims may assume. While there are slight variations in the way they view their religious leaders and attach meaning to the history of Muhammad. family, cultural and political differences hold the most divisive power. Both sects emphasize the Five Pillars of Islam, read the same Quran, and consider each other Muslims Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_eschatology http://www.religionfacts.com/islam/fastfacts/overview.htm http://www.muslim.org/islam/int-is35.htm http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-differences-between-the-sunni-and-shia-sects-of-islam.htm |
rated this answer:![]() Landog Very good and somewhat surprising (even scary) answer. Any comments on this subject would be welcome. Mongolia |
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Re: Hell!!
From: pugwashjw-ga on 06 Aug 2005 02:29 PDT |
Having read the answer from Landog, I am amazed. As regular readers know, I would usually counter any claims with scriptures from the Bible, but in this case, will renege. what astounds me is the similarity with Catholic beliefs. Heaven, Hell [ a place of torment] a mix of physical and spiritual [ is that possible?] effects, a divided following, with no love but an emphasis on obedience. A god who would allow cruelty with burning etc. Divided loyalties between relatives. And all this from a god who claims to have created everything. Is the Islam heaven a place for physical or spiritual. I would think that a body is needed to enjoy food and other pleasures. And a body needs other requirements, water etc. For such things to exist, surely a place with the physical aspects of the earth is required. The Catholics answer to tough questions is " its a mystery". Is it also a mystery to Muslims. This is not to denigrate beliefs to to try and understand. I am at a total loss. |
Re: Hell!!
From: frde-ga on 06 Aug 2005 08:44 PDT |
I am not ready for it - but 25 years ago I was introduced to Suficism, by a guy who had spent some years .... It rings a chord. - one needs to choose ones own view - but ethics need to be contemporary |
Re: Hell!!
From: myoarin-ga on 06 Aug 2005 08:45 PDT |
Pugwashjw-ga, What a nice comment! You are right, we (I ) do usually expect a good Bible-based response from you. Something about Islam that is often overseen is that it..., (I'll try to choose my words carefully) the text of the Koran responds to the religions of the time, accepting a lot of Old Testament and recognizing the existance of Jesus, and also dealing with the "problem" of the Christian Trinity in relationship to the idea of a single diety. The Trinity was a problem for some Christians at the time too. But I don't want to start a discussion about that. :) The Koran apparently agreed with then current concepts of heaven and hell. Why not? Keep to the straight and narrow when crossing that bridge. I seem to remember that the previous Pope "did away with" hellfire and damnation, but someone will correct me if that is wrong. Regards, Myoarin |
Re: Hell!!
From: landog-ga on 06 Aug 2005 09:30 PDT |
All, I liked very much your comments on this subject. I would very much like to add my own personal aspects on such matters. But choose to refrain in order to try and remain utterly unbiased in this community. landog. |
Re: Hell!!
From: myoarin-ga on 06 Aug 2005 15:12 PDT |
Landog, What admirable and unusual restraint! Not from you, but for here :) |
Re: Hell!!
From: mongolia-ga on 08 Aug 2005 19:08 PDT |
Pugwashjw Like yourself I was a little amazed at Landog's answer to my question. I am however curious about your comments with respect to hell and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. I would agree with you up to a point that there are interesting similiarities between the Islamic and Catholic views of hell. There are also some key differences (for example the islamic concept of reward and punishment is more physical while the catholic concept is more spiritual) The Roman Catholic church has probably toned down its more traditional view of hell and who are eligible to go there. Furthermore of the various Christian faiths (anglican, methodist, presbyterian, baptist,etc )I cannot remember the Catholic Church having any particular monopoly in it's belief of Hell been a place of everlasting punishment. I understood most Christian sects had a similiar concept of Hell. I am assuming from your alias you are a member of the Jehovah's Witness faith. (apologies if I am wrong on this!!) I would be very interested to hear from your own perspective where members of your faith are destined to go after they die. And also what your faith says about other Christian beliefs , non-Christian religions and non believers? Kind Regards Mongolia |
Re: Hell!!
From: pugwashjw-ga on 09 Aug 2005 06:40 PDT |
Mongolia..Only scriptures can be used to try and prove anything. We are born sinners and commit sins throughout our life, big and small. Our death pays for those sins [ Romans 6;23] In death we are asleep, [ as per Lazarus,,well known Bible story] When dead there is no action AT ALL [ GENESIS 3;19..ECCLESIASTES 9; 5,6,10...EZEKIEL 18;4..ISAIAH 26;14, and I quote " They are dead; they will not live, Impotent in death, they will not rise up"] Nothing here about a separate 'soul' flitting off anywhere. The word 'soul' translated from the Hebrew 'NEPHESH' which means 'that which breathes'. a soul breathes. It is the complete 'us'. We die, we sleep in death, we are resurrected back to earth with a physical body [ as Jesus was..he accepted food] given the option to obey God or not. Those who do get to continue to live on the earth [ Psalm 37; 9-12, 29 & 34] and no longer have to look forward to death, it being done away with [ Revelation 21;4]. The only mention of people going to heaven is at Revelation 7;4 and 14;1, and specifies a number 144,000. These are very special ones who have always been faithful to Almighty God and Jesus and are given the privilege, as spiritual beings, and above the status of angels, of being Kings and Priests to aid Jesus in the Judgement. The judgement applies ONLY to the behaviour of people AFTER they have been resurrected during the thousand year period when Satan is abyssed. And even those whose behaviour is exemplary during that time, will be tested a final time when Satan is released from the abyss at the end of the the thousand years and allowed to TRY and influence those remaining. You ask where will these people be. My answer is here, on the earth, as stated at Psalm 37. By correlatong all these scriptures, and there is one for every point I made, it makes sense. heaven already has its population of angels. We are designed for the earth. Why would God want us up there and what would we do? Our future is here. |
Re: Hell!!
From: pugwashjw-ga on 09 Aug 2005 06:53 PDT |
mongolia; A further point. Revelation 20;10 states that the Devil was hurled into the lake of fire to be tormented day and night forever and ever. This is where the concept of eternal punishment came from. but at verse 14, death and hades [hell?] were sent to the same place. but they are conditions. Can a condition be tormented? No. They are just done away with, no longer there. Then at Luke 10;18, Jesus said ' I began to behold Satan already fallen'. When you compare all the scriptures, one against another, the whole Bible makes sense. |
Re: Hell!!
From: airspace-ga on 09 Aug 2005 16:26 PDT |
Hi all, how are you? I in certainly in no way wish to change the feel of the direction of this question. So my next statement is only to point out the militude of real questions raised by hell. When reading the answer given, all I could think of was how could I bypass judgement and take a job as a employe of haven or hell. Hey being a gorgious wife for pleasure, or even serving fine food would be better then having your skin burned off. I know my point is seemingly senseless, but it does pose real questions. There is a simple fact of our existance that does pertain to this and is seemingly constantly over looked. "I can experience nothing beyond my own conscious." Now if I relate this to physical being then I can experience with out a body. My thoughts are all I have, they are my conscious, they are who I am. My thoughts are not part of my physical body, thought is not a product of the brain. This tells me that my entire existance is in my mind, but very real in my body. Now this leads me to the experience of greater mental anguish over the things I have done then mental anguish of the pain I physically feel. Now this tell me I am responsible for my actions and choice is an action and it tells me I suffer greater from what I do to myself. Now what I am saying is heaven and hell are the same place and we create it for ourselves with the choices we make. "we must judge ourselves." This is one of the objective truths of my existance I get from the life of Jesus. God will judge us by how we judge ourselves. Everything we do we do onto ourselves. Now someone has said that the bible needs to verify everything. Well this is a little back wards. This means I may have to go against my choice for me of what is right or wrong based only on what I feel should be right because of what I want to believe. You see, my strength of belief will not alow this. Now I totaly agree with the use of the bible. It verifies my belief for me, with my understanding, each time it has been presented. My faith in my belief I get from Jesus, and his own words, and my understanding of everything. While on the cross two very important things happened that relate totaly to heaven and hell. The first is Jesus is to have said, "Forgive them father for they know not what they do." Well if this is the son of God and we fear God then we see this as what was done onto Jesus as what Jesus was asking his father to forgive. Well with my understanding, everything we do, we do unto ourselves. So Jesus was asking God to forgive them for what they were doing to their selves because he knew it was damaging their eternal soul, not his. Now secound is the Person next to him on a cross. He is said to have seen this. I understand this this way. He realized that Jesus was asking for forgiveness of the wrong being done on to him. This made him understand that what he had done in his life was wrong. He saw clearly for the first time who he was. He adimited he deserved what he was getting for the life he had lead.(became consciously aware of who he was) He then asked for Jesus to take him to his father with him. Jesus's responce was not through me you can come. It was not I got an in so I will gat you in. It was not since you asked me you can get in. It was,(since he became conciously aware)"You will by beside me in the kingdom of heaven." Or something like that. Heaven or Hell, just take an honest look at who you are because you are creating it now. I truly don't mean this as a resistance to anything that was here before, this is just how I understand it. take care, airspace |
Re: Hell!!
From: bp05-ga on 11 Aug 2005 16:37 PDT |
I think heaven is not like a lolly pop for the kids so we make this as a goal in our life also we don't have to be afraid the hell will burn our body. The relatioship with Jesus is everything! Regards, Bp05 |
Re: Hell!!
From: pugwashjw-ga on 18 Aug 2005 03:15 PDT |
In response to Bp 05. Your reply seems to indicate that you do believe in the possibility of burning in hell, as taught by the Catholic church. If I am wrong here, I apologise. But you do state that belief in Jesus is everything. If belief equates with faith, then you are simply wrong. Faith by itself is not enough. Jesus himself gave a commandment to his disciples at Matthew 28; 19,20. to make disciples and to observe all his teachings. This applies to everyone, not just a small group of 'leaders' or 'priests'. Jesus changed the whole Jewish system with their priestly leaders. these are the works that go with our faith. James 2; 17-26 emphasises the importance of the necessary works. |
Re: Hell!!
From: bp05-ga on 25 Aug 2005 12:18 PDT |
Dear pugwashjw-ga, Thank you for your comment and sorry not to response earlier. On my previous comment I wrote "relationship" and not "belief". If we have relationship with Him, we learn how to think and feel, to say and to do like Him also. If we emphasize on "faith" only we will slip in to the antinomian (cheap grace). But if we only emphasize on "work" we will easyly to slip into the legalism. We should have a balance understanding on this issue. We only saved by grace, with an infinite price, infinite sacrifice on the cross. If we realize this, we will live in harmony and obedience to God's law/Jesus teaching's. God bless, BP05 |
Re: Hell!!
From: laborde2005-ga on 14 Sep 2005 13:15 PDT |
Hell is a place of non-existence. The bible frequently uses the term "fire" in the bible as a term for destruction. If you read Jonah 2:2 you will see that jonah said that he was in the belly of hell. Thus, he was saying that he was in his grave, for sure there was no burning fire in the belly of the wale. If you read in Revelation 20:14, you will see that death and hades(hell), were cast into the lake of fire. Death is a state of existence and surely cannot burn. Some people belive that hell is the fire, why would god throw hell into hell? Like I said, fire means destruction. The verse is saying that death and hell will be destroyed. |
Re: Hell!!
From: laborde2005-ga on 14 Sep 2005 13:36 PDT |
Hell is a place of non-existence. The bible frequently uses the term "fire" in the bible as a term for destruction. If you read Jonah 2:2 you will see that jonah said that he was in the belly of hell. Thus, he was saying that he was in his grave, for sure there was no burning fire in the belly of the wale. If you read in Revelation 20:14, you will see that death and hades(hell), were cast into the lake of fire. Death is a state of existence and surely cannot burn. Some people belive that hell is the fire, why would god throw hell into hell? Like I said, fire means destruction. The verse is saying that death and hell will be destroyed. Once you die, you are sleeping just as jesus said that Lazaruth was sleeping when he raised him from the dead. Don't you think that Lazaruth would of told of all the stories of hell, or heaven, if he would have went. When you die you go to hell(grave), you are there until jesus comes back to judge the living and the "dead". If you read in John 5:25, you can see that the dead will hear the voice of the son of man, and they that hear shall live. It didn't say those in heaven or hell, it said those that are "dead". When we die we go into a state of non-existence. As it is stated in Ecclesiastes 9:5, The living are conscious that they will die, but the dead know nothing. In Psalms 146:4 it states that "his breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth, in that day his thoughts perish." One thing that I do not understand about the Catholic belief is how they listen to a priest and call the priest father. The bible says nothing of we needing man to get to our father. In Matthew 23:1 , It says that you must call no one on earth your father, since you have only one father, and he is in heaven. What is it that the catholic's do not understand about that? If you read in Matthew 6:6, it says to go into a closet and pray to god, not to go say it to a man. If you look in 6:7, it says not to use repetitions for thinking that you will be heard. I have seen many catholics repeat many prayers over and over again. You are supposed to pray from your heart, not from memorization. There is only one mediator between god and us, and it is not a priest. As 1 timothy 2:5 says, that there is "one god and mediator between god and me, Christ Jesus. Matthew 6: 9-12. Many catholics will refer back to the our father prayer, it starts our as "you should pray like this: our father....". It doesn't state to directly pray that prayer. It is a model on how we should pray. It speaks about giving us the food we need, forgive us when we sin, deliver us from evil...etc. This is how we should pray when we pray from our heart, not memorization. Many religions just believe what they believe because of tradition. I like religions that teach directly from the bible, not from tradition. |
Re: Hell!!
From: sleep3-ga on 20 Oct 2005 09:57 PDT |
I will answer your question thru my life as a muslim and my teachings about Islam. Islam does have a concept of Heaven and Hell. Everyone on earth commits sins and hopefeully repents to ALLAH to forgive these sins. Muslims believe that on the shoulders of every person are two 2 Angels (Kiramen and Kathibeen. The one on the left shoulder records every bad deed and the one on the right shoulder records every good deed taken place in the entire lifetime of that person. Once the Day of Judegement arrives there will be scales (balances) placed on earth and they will balance out all your good deeds and all your bad deeds. If your balance tips more towards the bad side then you enter Hell, if the good side then you enter Heaven. There are many levels of Hell Fire as there are many levels to Heaven. If a person commits sin to a max point - then he/she will be placed in a torterous Hell Fire. Hell in itself all togheter is unbearable torterous, we can just imagine how bad the deeper levels of hell are. In Hell you will be punished according to what sins you committed on earth. When Allah (swt) created Paradise and Hell-fire, He sent Gabriel to Paradise, saying: Look at it and at what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants. The Prophet said: So he came to it and looked at it and at what Allah had prepared therein for its inhabitants. The Prophet said: So he returned to Him and said: By your glory, no one hears of it without entering it. So He ordered that it be encompassed by forms of hardship, and He said: Return to it and look at what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants. The Prophet said: So he returned to it and found that it was encompassed by forms of hardship. Then he returned to Him and said: By Your glory, I fear that no one will enter it. He said: Go to Hell-fire and look at it and what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants, and he fount that it was in layers, one above the other. Then he returned to Him and said: By Your glory, no one who hears of it will enter it. So He ordered that it be encompassed by lusts. Then He said: Return to it. And he returned to it and said: By Your glory, I am frightened that no one will escape from entering it. Hadith - Sahih Bukhari 4:464, Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abbas , see also Bukhari 4:464, 7:124 "...Then I saw the (Hell) Fire, and I have never before, seen such a horrible sight as that, and I saw that the majority of its dwellers were women." The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is the reason for that?" He replied, "Because of their ungratefulness." It was said. "Do they disbelieve in Allah (are they ungrateful to Allah)?" He replied, "They are not thankful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors done to them. Even if you do good to one of them all your life, when she seems some harshness from you, she will say, "I have never seen any good from you.' " Hadith - Reported by Darimi, Narrated Abu Sa'id , Tirmidhi transmitted something similar but he said seventy instead of ninety-nine. Allah's Messenger said: There dominate ninety-nine dragons over the unbeliever in the grave. They (constantly) bite him and sting him till there comes the hour (of resurrection). (These dragons are so poisonous) that if one of them exhales on the Earth, no verdure will ever grow upon it. Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi, Narrated Abu Hurayrah Transmitted by Tirmidhi The Prophet was asked about the things which would enable most people to enter Paradise. He answered: Being careful about one's obligations to Allah, and good behaviour. Thereafter, he was asked: What are those things which will lead a person into Hell? He answered: His mouth and genitals. Hadith - Bukhari 8.485, Narrated Abu Huraira The Prophet said, "A slave (of Allah) may utter a word which pleases Allah without giving it much importance, and because of that Allah will raise him to degrees (of reward): a slave (of Allah) may utter a word (carelessly) which displeases Allah without thinking of its gravity and because of that he will be thrown into the Hell-Fire." Will anyone die in Hell? Is there any saheeh hadeeth to that effect or not? If it is true, then what is the nature of this death, and to whom will it happen? It was reported in Saheeh Muslim that Aboo Sa?eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ?As for the people of Hell, they are its inhabitants, and they neither live therein nor die. But there are people who will enter Hell because of their sins ? or mistakes ? so Allah will cause them to die once, then when they become like coal, He will give permission for intercession (for them). They will be brought group by group to the rivers of Paradise. Then it will be said: "O people of Paradise! Pour water on them." Then they will grow like seeds (i.e., the seeds of herbs and aromatic plants, or it was said, small plants that grow in between grasses, or it may mean wheat).?" The scholars said: "What is meant by the people of Hell are its kaafir inhabitants, who will never come out of it and never die at all. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): "But those who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah), for them will be the Fire of Hell. Neither will it have a complete killing effect on them so that they die, nor shall its torment be lightened for them. Thus do We requite every disbeliever!" [Faatir 35:36] As for the sinners among those who believe in the Oneness of Allah, those who have committed major sins (kabaa?ir), they will be punished in accordance with the degree of their sins for a period decreed by Allah, then they will die a lesser death such that they no longer feel anything, for a period decreed by Allah. Then they will be brought out dead, turned into coals and carried like luggage, and they will be thrown into the rivers of Paradise and the water of life will be poured over them. Then they will grow, like wheat at first, but quickly, like herbs. Then they will get stronger and be fully formed, and will be taken to their homes in Paradise. And Allah knows best. |
Re: Hell!!
From: mongolia-ga on 23 Oct 2005 16:12 PDT |
Dear sleep3 Interesting answer to my question from the perspective of a practising muslim. It is also interesting to compare it to the official answer. I have a question to pose to you. You say >"But those who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah), for them will be >the Fire of Hell. Neither will it have a complete killing effect on >them so that they die, nor shall its torment be lightened for them. >Thus do We requite every disbeliever!" [Faatir 35:36] Does that mean you believe that all non-muslims on this planet are condemned to eternal punishment in hell? Kind Regards Mongolia |
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