What you are looking for is a reverse DNS lookup tool or utility that
also displays Whois Information together with the location of the
"Reverse DNS (Reverse Domain Name System)- Name resolution software
that looks up an IP address to obtain a domain name. It performs the
opposite function of the DNS server, which turns names into IP
addresses. Reverse DNS is used by an ISP to log incoming traffic by
domain name for statistical purposes, enabling high level domains
(.com, .net, etc.) and specific domains (aol.com, ibm.com, etc.) to be
counted. Reverse DNS is also used to determine the authenticity of a
domain; for example, is an e-mail really coming from the same domain
in the from field"
Some free Reverse DNS Lookup web sites offering such a free service:
This is only to name a few. For more:
Enter an IP address such as into a Reverse DNS lookup
and the results will be a list of various Yahoo domain names or name
Once you have the domain name you can look it up in a WHOIS database search:
"Whois databases have become the master directories for domain name
registrations. When a new domain is added or changed, the information
is sent to the appropriate Whois database. Domain name registrars may
provide a search function on their sites that can access various or
all of the Whois databases. A site that provides a Whois search as
well as an index to all the Whois databases is http://www.tektips.us.
Another site that tracks Whois databases is http://www.freewho.com."
Some of the results returned are Registrar, the WHOIS server the data
was retrieved from, the nameservers, the domain name's date of
creation, date updated and the date the domain name will expire. Also
you will see the owner's name, address and other various contact
A nice online free utility that's very easy to use and will track any
IP address up to its ISP and country of origin is here:
For more advanced features you will want to look at some commercial
software that deal with tracing down attempted hacks to your server or
For ease of use I can recommend two suites of Internet Security software:
McAfee Internet Security Suite (including McAfee Visual Trace) costs
also around 50usd for the complete suite http://www.mcafee.com/us/
The suite includes Visual Trace, McAfee's effective, graphical IP
trace tool, which helps advanced users ferret out the sources of hack
Read an article from ZDnet here
VisualRoute Personal Edition that costs around 50usd. has a free trial
version and boasts the following features:
- Integrated traceroute, ping tests, reverse DNS and Whois lookups
- Internet connectivity analysis
- Shows the connection route path on a world map
- Network latency reporting
- Packet loss reporting
- Worldwide Whois reporting
- Network Provider reporting
- eMailTracker identifies email servers
- One-click tracing from Internet Explorer
For Automation you may want to look at the Enterprise editions of the
said software.
Various shareware/freeware exist that claim to perform the same
functions of the above commercial software, but be warned some may
install themselves along with various adware spyware/malware or worse.
You can find some here:
I hope the above was helpful
Landog-ga |