Can finding on CT scan of abdomen of loop of bowel adherent to
abdominal anterior wall, as well as ileus, be treated conservatively
taking into account that patient has huge history of multiple
abdominal surgeries, for prior hernias, cholestectomy, hysterectomy,
cystocele and rectocele repair etc.?Report of CT scan of abdomen as
read by surgeon showed "incarcerated" small bowel in suprapubic space.
According to my research, incarcerated is defined as confined or
trapped in a space, as in a hernia, whereas, "strangulated" is defined
as when the blood supply is cut off, literally killing the tissue not
receiving its blood supply, which is an emergency. If the CT scan was
read as incarcerated, can that be treated conservatively with NG tube
and suction vs immediate surgery? I look forward to your response. |