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What happens to fingerprints from volunteers?
Category: Relationships and Society > Law Asked by: rambler-ga List Price: $8.00 |
10 Aug 2005 14:12 PDT
Expires: 09 Sep 2005 14:12 PDT Question ID: 554147 |
I've seen a couple of documentaries where a person (or a whole community of people) was asked to give fingerprints and/or a DNA sample to help investigators solve a crime. What happens to fingerprints and DNA samples that have been provided by such volunteers? Are they destroyed as soon as "no match" is determined? Or do they remain on file somewhere, available to investigators of future crimes? | |
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Re: What happens to fingerprints from volunteers?
Answered By: tutuzdad-ga on 10 Aug 2005 16:22 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dear Rambler: Being an evidence technician this is right up my alley. In spite of what might be popularly thought, the solicitation of voluntary fingerprint and DNA samples is not the common, thus the samples, and information concerning them, are not that plentiful either. It just so happens however that I have a bit of insight into this particular matter that might not be common knowledge (it isn't secret but its probably not something you'd hear your neighbor talking about): In the United States there is a database for fingerprints known as AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems). Fingerprints are entered into this system for comparison against all other known samples. Whether the samples produce a positive match or not, the fact remains that they are entered into the system. The actual paper fingerprint (ink) cards onto which the fingerprints are recorded for submission are scanned and most likely destroyed (I know the ones I am responsible for are destroyed and I imagine all other are too or there would be acres of fingerprint cards somewhere). Suffice it to say that each agency has its own policy where this issue is concerned. As for the DNA samples CODIS (COmbined DNA Index System), is an electronic database of DNA profiles that can identify suspects, and is very similar to the AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) database. DNA samples are compared to the known samples in these databases but whether or not they are permanently entered into it is not known (presumably they are since this is an FBI brain-child). What I do know (from processing DNA evidence myself) is that at one time DNA evidence was considered a biohazard and was destroyed almost immediately after testing or comparison. Technology however is now advancing in this area by leaps and bounds. Because of this many states are cleverly planning ahead and have now begun enacting laws that require the virtually interminable storage of DNA in the hope that future technology will be able to do much more with them and perhaps solve some unsolved mysteries. I hope you find that my research exceeds your expectations. If you have any questions about my research please post a clarification request prior to rating the answer. Otherwise, I welcome your rating and your final comments and I look forward to working with you again in the near future. Thank you for bringing your question to us. Best regards; Tutuzdad ? Google Answers Researcher OTHER INFORMATION SOURCES AFIS http://onin.com/fp/afis/afis.html CODIS http://www.fbi.gov/hq/lab/codis/index1.htm SEARCH STRATEGY SEARCH ENGINES USED: Google ://www.google.com SEARCH TERMS USED: Fingerprints Latent DNA Evidence AFIS CODIS | |
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rated this answer:![]() I'm grateful to have such a clear and thoughtful answer from a well-respected researcher (even though I'm disappointed, politically, with the implications of that answer). |
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Re: What happens to fingerprints from volunteers?
From: journalist-ga on 10 Aug 2005 15:01 PDT |
Greetings Rambler, I believe I have located a fairly solid reference to the fact that DNA samples in the U.S. are currently kept by law enforcement. To add to the UK blurb I provided above, visit a UK law at http://hgc.gov.uk/insideinformation/iichapter9.pdf ************************************* From http://newstandardnews.net/content/?action=show_item&itemid=1044 September 27, 2004 "Over the last three years, police have used this investigative technique [DNA Dragneting] to look for a serial murderer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and a serial rapist in Omaha, Nebraska. According to local news reports, the dragnet in Baton Rouge ensnared more than 1,000 people over the course of ten months, netted no viable suspects, and gave way to a lawsuit accusing the police of violating the Fourth Amendment rights of those sampled without written consent. The lawsuit is also asking that police destroy or return the DNA samples of those exonerated of any wrongdoing." This translates to me as the police do keep them, and don't necessarily destroy them. *************************************** Here's a 2004 report "DNA Fingerprinting and Civil Liberties Project Report of Workshop 1" http://www.aslme.org/dna_04/work1/report.php *************************************** From "Liberty, Privacy, and DNA Databases" by Christine Rosen It appears hospitals can keep DNA samples: "In 2002, the Mayo Clinic formed a partnership with IBM to develop a genetic database of patient information from the clinic s extensive archival data. Some of these databases, with their capacity to run large-scale epidemiological studies quickly, yield important findings. In August 2002, for example, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, followed a hunch about hypercholesterolemia a condition that causes dangerously high cholesterol levels by searching a 12,000-person genetic database of patients maintained by the UCSF Cardiovascular Research Institute. Using the database, they eventually succeeded in locating the genetic defect that causes the disorder." http://www.ccr.buffalo.edu/Workshop03/newatlantis.html and note this from the same article "The first Virginia database stored DNA samples only from convicted sex offenders, but within a year, the law had expanded to require DNA samples from all adult felons. Juveniles over the age of fourteen who committed serious crimes were added in 1996, and beginning in January 2003, any person **arrested** for a violent felony or burglary must give the state their DNA [not convicted, only arrested]. When I asked Ferrara whether he was concerned about the compulsory sampling of people who were, by law, innocent until proven guilty, he replied that these expansions were all passed by the legislature. Besides, he noted, the sample and records of those arrested are destroyed if the charges are dismissed." Please read the entire article. *********************************************** I haven't been able to discover what happens to fingerprints, but if I do (and can quote the law or the nonexistence of one), I'll post all my research as an answer. Best regards, journalist-ga SEARCH STRATEGY "voluntary DNA" use law united states "voluntary fingerprint" samples use law united states voluntary "fingerprint samples" use law united states "fingerprint samples" use law united states "fingerprint samples" destroy law united states voluntary fingerprint sample "consent form" united states voluntary fingerprint samples use law united states -DNA |
Re: What happens to fingerprints from volunteers?
From: rambler-ga on 10 Aug 2005 20:13 PDT |
To journalist-ga: Thanks for all the great info! If I understand you correctly, some states destroy DNA samples after suspects have been cleared, and other states do not. (1) Louisiana does not destroy DNA samples. (2) Virginia does. What about DNA samples from volunteers? I noticed the word "volunteer" in your search strategy, but I didn't see the word in the main text of your comment. |
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