Hi Neo02-ga, looks like I get to answer this for you.
The discription of this file is below in my comments. I'm creating it
from a database I made last night. So I'm going to post here a few
lines and see if this is what you are looking for. I can change the
format of the lines, for instance I can use a pipe | instead of a dash
to set the key words form the synons if you would like or just about
anything else.
The synon file has 9700+ words in it, and the ant file has 2200+
records. I can give you both or make you a file that has and equal
amount of syns and ants.
I'm thinking you are using this as a seed file for a database. I can
give this too you in SQL format as well if that will help you. Here
are a few sample records. Take a look, see what you want and let me
know by posting a clarification. I'll set up a download for you so you
can just get the files off a webserver.
abandon - desert, desolate, empty, forsake, give, give, lurch,
unconstraint, vacate, wantonness, wildness
abandoned - deserted, forsaken, uninhabited, uninhibited
abase - chagrin, humble, humiliate, mortify
abash - embarrass
abate - die, let, slack, slack, slake
abatement - hiatus, reprieve, respite, suspension
abbot - archimandrite
abbreviated - brief, short, shortened, truncated
abhor - abominate, execrate, loathe
abide - bear, bide, brook, endure, put, stand, stay, stomach, suffer,
ability - power
abject - contemptible, hopeless, low, low, miserable, resigned,
scummy, scurvy, submissive, unfortunate, unhopeful
abjure - forswear, recant, retract
able - able, capable, competent, fit, healthy
aboard - alongside, on, onboard
abode - domicile, dwelling, dwelling, habitation, home, residence
abominable - atrocious, awful, bad, detestable, dreadful, execrable,
hateful, odious, painful, terrible, unspeakable
abortive - stillborn, unfruitful, unsuccessful
abound - bristle, burst
about - all, almost, approximately, around, astir, close, just, more,
most, near, nearly, nigh, or, active, roughly, some, virtually, well
above - higher, in, preceding, supra, to
abreast - aligned, alined, arow
abridge - abbreviate, contract, cut, foreshorten, reduce, shorten
abridgment - abridgement, capsule, condensation
abroad - afield, beyond, foreign, overseas, over
abrupt - disconnected, discourteous, precipitous, sharp, staccato,
steep, sudden
abruptly - dead, short, suddenly
absent - absentminded, abstracted, away, awol, departed, gone,
inattentive, lacking, missing, nonexistent, remove, scatty, truant,
absolute - arbitrary, complete, conclusive, dead, direct, downright,
implicit, inalienable, independent, infinite, infrangible, inviolable,
living, out, pure, rank, right, sheer, total, unalienable,
unambiguous, unconditional, unconditioned, undiluted, unequivocal,
univocal, unmixed, unquestioning, utter, very
absolutely - dead, perfectly, utterly
abstinence - abstention
abstract - abstraction, abstractionist, cabbage, conceptional, filch,
hook, ideal, ideational, lift, nobble, nonfigurative, nonobjective,
nonrepresentational, notional, outline, pilfer, pinch, precis,
purloin, snarf, sneak, swipe, synopsis, technical, theoretical
absurd - derisory, foolish, illogical, incongruous, ludicrous,
nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous, unlogical, unreasonable
abundance - copiousness
abundant - abounding, ample, bumper, copious, easy, extensive,
exuberant, galore, long, lush, luxuriant, overabundant, plenteous,
plentiful, plethoric, profuse, rank, rich, rife, riotous, swarming,
teeming, thick
abundantly - copiously, extravagantly, profusely
abuse - blackguard, clapperclaw, contumely, ill, ill, ill, ill,
insult, maltreat, maltreatment, mistreat, misuse, pervert, revilement,
abused - affronted, assaulted, battered, beaten, cuffed, ill,
insulted, maligned, maltreated, mistreated, misunderstood, misused,
molested, raped, reviled, slapped
abysm - abyss
accent - accent, accentuate, accentuation, bring, dialect, emphasis,
emphasize, idiom, punctuate, set, speech, stress
accept - admit, assume, bear, consent, go, have, swallow, take, take,
acceptable - accepted, fit, good, received, satisfactory, standard,
tolerable, unexceptionable, unimpeachable, unobjectionable
acceptance - adoption, banker, credence, sufferance, toleration
accepted - acceptable, acknowledged, conventional, established,
noncontroversial, received, recognized, standard, uncontroversial,
access - admittance, approach, entree, get, memory
accessary - accessory, accomplice
accident - chance, fortuity
accidental - casual, chance, extrinsic, inadvertent, unintended,
accidentally - by, circumstantially, incidentally, unexpectedly,
accommodation - adjustment, fitting
accompanied - attended
accompany - attach, come, companion, company, follow, go, keep
accompanying - attendant, concomitant, incidental, incidental,
related, related
accomplish - achieve, attain, carry, carry, execute, fulfil, fulfill,
accomplished - complete, completed, established, realized, settled,
accord - accordance, agree, agreement, allot, conformity, consort,
fit, grant, harmonize, pact, rapport, treaty
according - accordant, reported
accordingly - consequently
accost - address, come, solicit
account - accounting, account, bill, business, calculate, chronicle,
explanation, history, invoice, news, report, score, story, write
accountant - comptroller, controller
accoutred - accoutered, equipped, equipt
accumulation - accretion, accrual, accruement, aggregation,
assemblage, collection
accursed - accurst, cursed, curst, maledict
accurst - accursed, cursed, curst, maledict
accusation - accusal, charge
accusative - accusative, accusatory, accusing, accusive, inculpative,
inculpatory, objective, objective
accuse - charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate
accused - defendant, suspect
accuser - claimant
accusing - accusative, accusatory, accusive, inculpative, inculpatory
accustom - habituate
accustomed - customary, habitual, used, usual, wonted, wont
acerb - acerbic, acid, acrid, astringent, bitter, blistering, caustic,
sharp, sour, sulfurous, sulphurous, unpleasant, venomous, virulent,
ache - aching, hurt, languish, long, pine, smart, suffer, yearn, yen
acheron - river
achieve - accomplish, attain, reach
achievement - accomplishment
aching - ache, achy, painful
acknowledge - admit, cite, know, mention, notice, receipt, recognize
acknowledged - accepted, admitted, assumed, assumptive, avowed,
conceded, confessed, given, granted, purported, putative, recognized,
reputed, self, supposed, taken, unquestionable
acold - cold
aconitum - genus
acquaint - familiarise, familiarize, introduce, present
acquaintance - acquaintanceship, conversance, conversancy,
familiarity, friend
acquainted - acquainted, familiar, familiar
acquire - adopt, assume, develop, get, grow, produce, take, take
acquit - assoil, bear, behave, carry, clear, comport, conduct, deport,
discharge, exculpate, exonerate
acquittance - release
acquitted - clean, guiltless, innocent, not
acres - demesne, estate, land, landed
across - crossed, crossways, crosswise, decussate, intersectant,
intersecting, over
acting - impermanent, temporary, performing, playacting, playing
action - action, activeness, activity, legal, military, natural,
active - about, acrobatic, activated, active, active, activist,
activistic, agile, alive, alive, astir, athletic, brisk, bustling,
busy, combat, dancing, dynamic, dynamical, energetic, erupting,
eruptive, existent, existing, fighting, going, gymnastic, hot,
hyperactive, in, involved, live, lively, moving, nimble, on, on, on,
on, open, operational, overactive, participating, physical,
practicing, progressive, quick, spry
activity - action, activeness, bodily, bodily, body, natural, natural,
actor - doer, histrion, player, role, thespian, worker
acts - acts
actual - current, de, existent, factual, genuine, literal, real, true,
acute - acuate, acute, ague, critical, discriminating, incisive,
intense, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, perceptive,
piercing, pointed, sharp
adage - byword, proverb, saw
adam - ecstasy, mdma, methylenedioxymethamphetamine
adamant - adamantine, diamond, inexorable, inflexible, intransigent
added - additional, another, else, extra, further, more, other, side,
superimposed, supplemental, supplementary
adder - common, vipera
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