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Q: Synonym List ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   5 Comments )
Subject: Synonym List
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Asked by: neo02-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 16 Aug 2002 16:45 PDT
Expires: 15 Sep 2002 16:45 PDT
Question ID: 55442
I need to find a free text file listing of English synonyms and
antonyms. Either most popular ones (a list no less than 1000 entries),
or a more or less complete list in .txt format.

Format should be something like this:

large : big or similar.

The source needs to be free and immediately accessible through web.

Thank you for researchers!

Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 16 Aug 2002 16:57 PDT
When you say you want a "free text file," am I correct in assuming
that you do not want an online database or thesaurus, but a single
file that you can easily print out in its entirety?

Do you want something like this, but with a longer list of words?
Subject: Re: Synonym List
Answered By: webadept-ga on 17 Aug 2002 23:23 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi Neo02-ga, looks like I get to answer this for you. 

The discription of this file is below in my comments. I'm creating it
from a database I made last night. So I'm going to post here a few
lines and see if this is what you are looking for. I can change the
format of the lines, for instance I can use a pipe | instead of a dash
to set the key words form the synons if you would like or just about
anything else.

The synon file has 9700+ words in it, and the ant file has 2200+
records. I can give you both or make you a file that has and equal
amount of syns and ants.

I'm thinking you are using this as a seed file for a database. I can
give this too you in SQL format as well if that will help you. Here
are a few sample records. Take a look, see what you want and let me
know by posting a clarification. I'll set up a download for you so you
can just get the files off a webserver.

abandon - desert, desolate, empty, forsake, give, give, lurch,
unconstraint, vacate, wantonness, wildness
abandoned - deserted, forsaken, uninhabited, uninhibited
abase - chagrin, humble, humiliate, mortify
abash - embarrass
abate - die, let, slack, slack, slake
abatement - hiatus, reprieve, respite, suspension
abbot - archimandrite
abbreviated - brief, short, shortened, truncated
abhor - abominate, execrate, loathe
abide - bear, bide, brook, endure, put, stand, stay, stomach, suffer,
ability - power
abject - contemptible, hopeless, low, low, miserable, resigned,
scummy, scurvy, submissive, unfortunate, unhopeful
abjure - forswear, recant, retract
able - able, capable, competent, fit, healthy
aboard - alongside, on, onboard
abode - domicile, dwelling, dwelling, habitation, home, residence
abominable - atrocious, awful, bad, detestable, dreadful, execrable,
hateful, odious, painful, terrible, unspeakable
abortive - stillborn, unfruitful, unsuccessful
abound - bristle, burst
about - all, almost, approximately, around, astir, close, just, more,
most, near, nearly, nigh, or, active, roughly, some, virtually, well
above - higher, in, preceding, supra, to
abreast - aligned, alined, arow
abridge - abbreviate, contract, cut, foreshorten, reduce, shorten
abridgment - abridgement, capsule, condensation
abroad - afield, beyond, foreign, overseas, over
abrupt - disconnected, discourteous, precipitous, sharp, staccato,
steep, sudden
abruptly - dead, short, suddenly
absent - absentminded, abstracted, away, awol, departed, gone,
inattentive, lacking, missing, nonexistent, remove, scatty, truant,
absolute - arbitrary, complete, conclusive, dead, direct, downright,
implicit, inalienable, independent, infinite, infrangible, inviolable,
living, out, pure, rank, right, sheer, total, unalienable,
unambiguous, unconditional, unconditioned, undiluted, unequivocal,
univocal, unmixed, unquestioning, utter, very
absolutely - dead, perfectly, utterly
abstinence - abstention
abstract - abstraction, abstractionist, cabbage, conceptional, filch,
hook, ideal, ideational, lift, nobble, nonfigurative, nonobjective,
nonrepresentational, notional, outline, pilfer, pinch, precis,
purloin, snarf, sneak, swipe, synopsis, technical, theoretical
absurd - derisory, foolish, illogical, incongruous, ludicrous,
nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous, unlogical, unreasonable
abundance - copiousness
abundant - abounding, ample, bumper, copious, easy, extensive,
exuberant, galore, long, lush, luxuriant, overabundant, plenteous,
plentiful, plethoric, profuse, rank, rich, rife, riotous, swarming,
teeming, thick
abundantly - copiously, extravagantly, profusely
abuse - blackguard, clapperclaw, contumely, ill, ill, ill, ill,
insult, maltreat, maltreatment, mistreat, misuse, pervert, revilement,
abused - affronted, assaulted, battered, beaten, cuffed, ill,
insulted, maligned, maltreated, mistreated, misunderstood, misused,
molested, raped, reviled, slapped
abysm - abyss
accent - accent, accentuate, accentuation, bring, dialect, emphasis,
emphasize, idiom, punctuate, set, speech, stress
accept - admit, assume, bear, consent, go, have, swallow, take, take,
acceptable - accepted, fit, good, received, satisfactory, standard,
tolerable, unexceptionable, unimpeachable, unobjectionable
acceptance - adoption, banker, credence, sufferance, toleration
accepted - acceptable, acknowledged, conventional, established,
noncontroversial, received, recognized, standard, uncontroversial,
access - admittance, approach, entree, get, memory
accessary - accessory, accomplice
accident - chance, fortuity
accidental - casual, chance, extrinsic, inadvertent, unintended,
accidentally - by, circumstantially, incidentally, unexpectedly,
accommodation - adjustment, fitting
accompanied - attended
accompany - attach, come, companion, company, follow, go, keep
accompanying - attendant, concomitant, incidental, incidental,
related, related
accomplish - achieve, attain, carry, carry, execute, fulfil, fulfill,
accomplished - complete, completed, established, realized, settled,
accord - accordance, agree, agreement, allot, conformity, consort,
fit, grant, harmonize, pact, rapport, treaty
according - accordant, reported
accordingly - consequently
accost - address, come, solicit
account - accounting, account, bill, business, calculate, chronicle,
explanation, history, invoice, news, report, score, story, write
accountant - comptroller, controller
accoutred - accoutered, equipped, equipt
accumulation - accretion, accrual, accruement, aggregation,
assemblage, collection
accursed - accurst, cursed, curst, maledict
accurst - accursed, cursed, curst, maledict
accusation - accusal, charge
accusative - accusative, accusatory, accusing, accusive, inculpative,
inculpatory, objective, objective
accuse - charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate
accused - defendant, suspect
accuser - claimant
accusing - accusative, accusatory, accusive, inculpative, inculpatory
accustom - habituate
accustomed - customary, habitual, used, usual, wonted, wont
acerb - acerbic, acid, acrid, astringent, bitter, blistering, caustic,
sharp, sour, sulfurous, sulphurous, unpleasant, venomous, virulent,
ache - aching, hurt, languish, long, pine, smart, suffer, yearn, yen
acheron - river
achieve - accomplish, attain, reach
achievement - accomplishment
aching - ache, achy, painful
acknowledge - admit, cite, know, mention, notice, receipt, recognize
acknowledged - accepted, admitted, assumed, assumptive, avowed,
conceded, confessed, given, granted, purported, putative, recognized,
reputed, self, supposed, taken, unquestionable
acold - cold
aconitum - genus
acquaint - familiarise, familiarize, introduce, present
acquaintance - acquaintanceship, conversance, conversancy,
familiarity, friend
acquainted - acquainted, familiar, familiar
acquire - adopt, assume, develop, get, grow, produce, take, take
acquit - assoil, bear, behave, carry, clear, comport, conduct, deport,
discharge, exculpate, exonerate
acquittance - release
acquitted - clean, guiltless, innocent, not
acres - demesne, estate, land, landed
across - crossed, crossways, crosswise, decussate, intersectant,
intersecting, over
acting - impermanent, temporary, performing, playacting, playing
action - action, activeness, activity, legal, military, natural,
active - about, acrobatic, activated, active, active, activist,
activistic, agile, alive, alive, astir, athletic, brisk, bustling,
busy, combat, dancing, dynamic, dynamical, energetic, erupting,
eruptive, existent, existing, fighting, going, gymnastic, hot,
hyperactive, in, involved, live, lively, moving, nimble, on, on, on,
on, open, operational, overactive, participating, physical,
practicing, progressive, quick, spry
activity - action, activeness, bodily, bodily, body, natural, natural,
actor - doer, histrion, player, role, thespian, worker
acts - acts
actual - current, de, existent, factual, genuine, literal, real, true,
acute - acuate, acute, ague, critical, discriminating, incisive,
intense, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, perceptive,
piercing, pointed, sharp
adage - byword, proverb, saw
adam - ecstasy, mdma, methylenedioxymethamphetamine
adamant - adamantine, diamond, inexorable, inflexible, intransigent
added - additional, another, else, extra, further, more, other, side,
superimposed, supplemental, supplementary
adder - common, vipera


Clarification of Answer by webadept-ga on 17 Aug 2002 23:33 PDT
Here's a link to that complete file.

The antonyms file  is here,

thanks again, 

neo02-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Thank you very much webadept! This is exactly what I was looking for -
just exactly. Very much apprecite you taking the time to compile this,
thanks a lot!

Subject: Re: Synonym List
From: webadept-ga on 16 Aug 2002 17:19 PDT
Hey Brad, all those are removed from the website... hope you can find
somethng else for him.
Subject: Re: Synonym List
From: pinkfreud-ga on 16 Aug 2002 17:45 PDT
If Brad is correct that a thesaurus is what you want, here is a source
which has the files listed above:
Subject: Re: Synonym List
From: webadept-ga on 17 Aug 2002 05:24 PDT
Hey Brad-ga, 

Why don't you pop into the forum and I'll tell you where you can find
this, so you don't have to work so hard :-) check out your newsletter
and I'll see you latter today.

Subject: Re: Synonym List
From: webadept-ga on 17 Aug 2002 19:54 PDT
Really feel for you that it turned out this way neo02-ga... 

if you repost the question at the same price I'll post this database I
have of words. For my Friday night fun I decided to do something that
I've been wanting to do for a very long time. I took a copy of the
Complete works of Shakespeare, took out all the words that were more
than 3 letters long and stuck them in a database ... then, using
another script I ran each of these words against the Roget database
and got synonyms and antonyms for each one of these words, where it
found them. I've been wanting to do this as a small part of a larger
project to delve into the vocabulary of different writers, such as
Mark Twain, Steven King and Milton. Making a sort of "author"
thesaurus type thing.. I like words. And using Perl this didn't take
very long to accomplish.. again.. just a little thing to do on a
Friday night.

Anyway.. I have this huge list of over 2k in words with antonyms and
7k with synonyms, and was willing to post the entire thing to him. Not
sure why he didn't take me up on it, but he didn't.

I have this in a MySQL datafile, so I can post it to you any any
format you would like. Syns in one page and Ants in another, seperated
by colon, pipe, comma, whatever. Take me a few minutes to do this.

Again, I'm confused by the responce you got there from Brad-ga, but
willing to help out if I can.

Subject: Re: Synonym List
From: brad-ga on 18 Aug 2002 21:50 PDT
Hi Webadept,

Since you've already got the Shakespeare list, it would be neat if you
could compare it to a similar list of the works of Edward de Vere!
With all the commotion about deVere being the real Shakespeare, a
comparison might offer some amusement.

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