(You're not an Irish tenor, perhaps? Sang with an Ezekiel in a choir
and later chorus, back when.)
Here are a couple of sites that will give you some information about
sycamores (and many other trees). The sycamore is noted for its
?zig-zag?growth pattern, by which I understand that it alternates
between a years of growth and one with less growth.
This site does indeed say that the growth pattern of young trees can
be affected by light.
Young trees must develop their root systems to support physically and
nutritionally further above-ground growth.
Here is site that may help you. See the Bio-Pak fertilizer page:
Here is your major enemy (also squirrels):
On the above site you can click to other subjects, under treehelp
store you will find more fertilizers.
And here is a site specifically about tree fertilizing:
I could go on, but with a search for: sycamore fertilizer OR fertilizing
You will find many other sites.
Most sites recommend watering plants with warm water and to avoid
softened water, and I suppose this applies to trees too. I once heard
that one could start plants? growth in the early spring by using warm
water, which makes sense, but if I were you, I would ask a
professional in your area before trying this, especially before trying
to extend growth in the fall, since this might upset some
?pre-hibernation? activity, making the tree too susceptible to
And finally, my original thought when I read your question: plant a
larger tree. :-)
And have patience.
Good luck, Myoarin |