Greetings Tooza7264,
I have found 2 labs that meet your criteria, and a third that may be useful.
Specialty Laboratories
Specialty Laboratories, of Valencia, California meets all of your
criteria for urine iodide:
Specialty labs will bill patient?s insurance companies, as well as
Medicaid and Medicare:
?Third Party Billing
Specialty will bill the patient's insurance company directly if the
following information is
? Patient's Full Name
? Patient's Address including City, State and Zip
? Patient?s Date of Birth
? Patient?s Sex
? Guarantor's (Insured) Name (if different from patient)
? Patient?s relationship to Subscriber
? Insurance Carrier?s Name
? Insurance Carrier?s Address including City, State and Zip
? Guarantor's (Insured) Policy Number
? Guarantor's (Insured) Group Number
? Medicare/Medicaid Eligibility #, if applicable
? Proper ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes for test(s) ordered
? Ordering Physician?s Name
? Ordering Physician UPIN, Medicaid Provider # and/or license #
Urine Iodide
Contact Information
Quest Diagnostics
Urine iodide. You can check the drop down menu for labs close to you,
as you did not state where you are. Most larger reference labs, such
as Quest provide couriers to pick up samples, or appropriate
packaging for mailing.
You can check insurance accepted in your state on this page (Numerous
companies are listed for most states/areas):
Quest contact information
Quest Diagnostics Corporate Headquarters
1290 Wall Street West
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
ARUP Laboratories
500 Chipeta Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1221
Tel: (801) 583-2787
Toll Free: (800) 242-2787
Fax: (801) 583-2712
Urine Iodide
ARUP contact information
ARUP fails to mention anything about insurance, so you will need to
contact them during business hours.
Duke University Medical Center
Consider too, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC. (They have
changed their name since I was there, and I?m not sure why they chose
the mnemonic they did!) If they do not perform urine iodine or iodide,
they will know where to send it!
DUH Laboratories DUHS Clinical Laboratories
Box 2712 4425 Ben Franklin Blvd
Durham, NC 27710 Durham, NC 27704
Phone: (919) 684-5356 Phone: (919) 613-8400
Finally, if none of the above works out, call the laboratory manager
of a large local hospital. Large hospitals may perform this in-house,
or know of the best reference lab. They may offer for you to send them
your samples and they will send it on to a reference lab. I have seen
this set up before, when the performing lab does not accept insurance.
The samples are sent to the hospital lab, who accepts insurance, and
sends it on to the performing lab.
If any part of my answer is unclear, please, before rating, request an
Answer Clarification. I will be happy to assist you further on this
Regards, Crabcakes
Search Terms
Reference labs
Diagnostic testing labs
Urine iodine testing
Urine iodide testing |