Request for Question Clarification by
14 Aug 2005 23:31 PDT
Be aware of Microsoft's EULA.
For example, the EULA for WinXP Home Edition:
"Installation and use. You may install, use, access, display and run
one copy of the Software on a single computer, such as a workstation,
terminal or other device ("Workstation Computer"). The Software may
not be used by more than one processor at any one time on any single
Workstation Computer..."
This means simply - one license for one computer. If the gentleman you
mention is not activating 100% of all WinXP installations (and does
not belong to any Microsoft alternative licensing programs) then he is
simply violating the EULA.
You can look at Microsoft's website for details of their Open License
and VLK ( Volume License Product Key) programs and see if you can find
a sweetspot for your business (see below).
You could also create an image for each computer you install Windows
on -- and keep that image for restoration purposes. Not ideal, but
Or you could just simply keep on record all the license keys for all
your customers. Then use a generic restore CD and change the key in
the registry back to the specific custmer's key that he purchased
after you have restored the image. There are a few utilities on the
web you can find. I'm not sure the legality of using these utilities,
but the end result will be a computer with WinXP installed that has a
legal license from Microsoft.
Now, if a customer comes in to your shop and did not purchase from you
the computer and he requires a reinstallation of WinXP (YOU do not
have his restoration CD or his WinXP license key), then he either
shows you his original CD + Key or equivalent - and you can provide
legal service. Or he has to purchase a new license if he does not have
any proof of owning a WinXP license.
From Microsoft's Website:
Volume licensing FAQ:
How are businesses supposed to activate software on dozens or even
hundreds of machines? This can't be done efficiently.
That is why Microsoft Corp. does NOT require customers who acquire
their licenses through one of its volume licensing agreements, such as
Open License and Select License, to activate most of their licenses.
For example, a customer can acquire licenses through the Microsoft®
Open License Agreement program with an initial purchase of just five
licenses. Customers in these programs will be required to use a Volume
License Product Key (VLK) when installing products with Product
Activation. Using the VLK will bypass activation. Customers can use
Microsoft's documented deployment tools such as Custom Installation
Wizard (CIW) in Office XP or Office 2003 and unattended setup in the
Windows® XP operating system to automate product key entry into
network and custom CD install images so that end users are never
prompted to enter a product key during product installation.
What is a Volume License Product Key?
A Volume License Product Key is a product key issued to a specific
customer under a specific license agreement. Each VLK is associated
with a particular customer and type of product that the customer is
licensed for.
How to get a VLK?
More information about VLKs and the phone number for the Microsoft
Activation Center in your region, can be found by going to and clicking on the "Volume
License Product Key" link.
Which products require which VLKs?
Office 2003 Suite VLK
Office 2003 Application VLK
Office XP Suite VLK
Office XP Application VLK
Windows XP VLK
Windows Server 2003 VLK
Many business customers use images to quickly and easily create and
maintain standardized desktops. How does Product Activation affect a
business's ability to do that?
Businesses can create custom images for designing and maintaining a
standardized desktop by using their VLK and volume licensing CD media.
An image created using the VLK and volume licensing CD media can be
reimaged onto any PC without requiring activation.
As a Select License customer, how can I legally install on multiple computers?
Microsoft enables Select License customers to acquire licenses and
install them on multiple computers. Microsoft Select License customers
receive a special Select CD-ROM kit designed specifically for easy
installation of a large number of licenses. For Select License or
Enterprise Agreement customers, product installed from CDs contained
in this kit does not require activation. A VLK is required to install
software that contains Product Activation from the Select CD-ROM kit.
Also take a look at the Microsoft Open License Program:
Microsoft® Open License is a software volume licensing program
designed for corporate, government, charity, and academic customers
who order as few as five licenses. After the initial order, customers
can benefit from volume pricing for all licenses for the remainder of
the term of their Open License authorization number.
I hope this helped.