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Q: Spanish Translation of Games Site ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   3 Comments )
Subject: Spanish Translation of Games Site
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: j_philipp-ga
List Price: $60.00
Posted: 14 Aug 2005 23:21 PDT
Expires: 13 Sep 2005 23:21 PDT
Question ID: 555825
I'm looking for a translation of this file into Spanish:

It will contain 2-3 languages already; just enter "something-es: "
below each pair of translation, where "something" changes from line to
line (e.g. it can be "answer-es"), and post the answer here. It must
work as character encoding UTF-8, so Notepad works fine if you save as
UTF-8. I'm looking for something stable & working, not Shakespeare.
It's mostly stuff like "Answer: " which I need to have translated.

One important note: some lines will contain obvious stuff like the
logo-name, just leave it empty, I fill those. And:
site-document-title-es and site-claim-es are of special importance.
The former, I want to include in the logo, so it should be short and
sweet. The latter is the site's global footer: it should be attracting
search engines with its keywords, e.g. it should contain words like
"riddle" or "brain" and similar.

Clarification of Question by j_philipp-ga on 15 Aug 2005 00:21 PDT
After the question is answered I'd be happy to show you how it is then
implemented on the site, and how it "feels" like. I could add a
follow-up question then for the same researcher to adjust certain

Clarification of Question by j_philipp-ga on 17 Aug 2005 04:08 PDT
I've just updated the original dictionary.utf8 file, but nevermind --
all things stayed the same except for the Chinese version and the typo
in German... good job spotting that one, Myoarin!
In other words, as someone answers the question right now, it doesn't
matter if you started translating from the old or new file, both are
perfectly fine.

-- Philipp
Subject: Re: Spanish Translation of Games Site
Answered By: crabcakes-ga on 17 Aug 2005 16:47 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello  j_philipp,

I have translated your file as best I could. Some translations will
definitely need to be revised for context and use. Note toot hat
different countries use different words for the same thing. I have
tried to keep the wording understandable by all Spanish speakers. (I
did save the file in UTF-8 format, but I'm not sure such format is
saved once posted here!

Here you go!

site-document-title-en: Games for the Brain
site-document-title-de: - Spiele zum Denken
site-document-title-zh: - ????
site-document-title-es: Juegos para el cerebro, ejercicios para el
cerebro (exercises for the brain)

extension-en: -en
extension-de: -de
extension-zh: -zh
extension-es: extensión-es  (right format?)

logo-en: logo.gif
logo-de: logo-de.gif
logo-zh: logo-zh.gif

time-en: Time: 
time-de: Zeit: 
time-zh: ??
time-es: Tiempo (context)

continue-in-en: Continue in 
continue-in-de: Weiter in 
continue-in-zh: ????
continue-in-es: continuar or seguir (depending on context)

score-en: "IQ" Score:
score-de: Dein "IQ":
score-zh: "??"
score-es: resultado (score) but IQ would be cociente de inteligencia
or  CI, depending on context)


site-claim-en: Play neverending quiz & memory games to train your thinking.
site-claim-de: Trainiere dein Gehirn mit Endlos-Denkspielen & -Rätseln.
site-claim-zh: ??????????????
site-claim-es: Juegos de memoria interminable que mejora su forma de pensar 
	   or  Juegos de memoria sin fin para entrenar su forma de pensar	

discuss-with-others-en: Discuss with others in the 
discuss-with-others-de: Diskutiere mit anderen im 
discuss-with-others-zh: ??????,???
discuss-with-others-es: Platica con otros en  (followed by el or la
depending on context)

forum-en: Forum
forum-de: Forum
forum-zh: ??
forum-es: Foro

bonus-en: Bonus Room
bonus-de: Bonusraum
bonus-zh: ???
bonus-es: Sala de premios

about-en: About
about-de: Über
about-zh: ????
about-es: Acerca de (need a word for what), or Sobre

ticket-1-en: You won a ticket!
ticket-1-de: Du hast ein Los gewonnen!
ticket-1-zh: ????????
ticket-1-es: ¡Ud. ha ganado un boleto!

ticket-2-en: Keep the number 
ticket-2-de: Nimm die Nummer 
ticket-2-zh: ???????
ticket-2-es: Anota el número

ticket-3-en: and enter it in the 
ticket-3-de: und gib sie ein im 
ticket-3-zh: ????
ticket-3-es: y pongalo en or  escribelo en  or ingresalo (depending on context)

ticket-4-en: bonus room. 
ticket-4-de: Bonusraum.
ticket-4-zh: ???
ticket-4-es: la sala de premios

call-to-forum-en:  *Got feedback?* Join us in the 
call-to-forum-en:  *Hast du Vorschläge?* Triff dich mit uns im  
call-to-forum-zh:  *?????*  ????
call-to-forum-es:  ¿Tiene Ud. una reacción?  or Tiene algo que
sugerir?   Hagase socio del    or    ¿quiere hacer algún comentario?
Hagase socio del

call-to-forum-2-en: forum.
call-to-forum-2-de: Forum.
call-to-forum-2-zh: ??
call-to-forum-2-es: foro.

tell-a-friend-en:  *If you like*, please tell
your friends about it!
tell-a-friend-de:  *Wenn du magst*, erzähl doch
deinen Freunden davon!
tell-a-friend-zh:  *?????*, ?????????
tell-a-friend-es:  * Si le gusta*, ¡cuénteselo a sus amigos! 

games-folder-en: game
games-folder-de: german
games-folder-zh: chinese
games-folder-es: ???

right-pick-en: Your pick was right, congratulations!
right-pick-de: Deine Auswahl ist richtig, Glückwunsch!
right-pick-zh: ??, ????!
right-pick-es:  Ud.seleccionó la respuesta correcta, ¡felicitaciónes!

wrong-pick-en: Your pick was wrong.
wrong-pick-de: Deine Auswahl war falsch.
wrong-pick-zh: ????,????.
wrong-pick-es: Ud. seleccionó la respuesta incorrecta.

right-solution-en: Your solution is right, congratulations!
right-solution-de: Korrekt gelöst, Glückwunsch!
right-solution-zh: ??, ????!
right-solution-es: Su respuesta es correcta, ¡felicitaciónes!

wrong-solution-en: Your solution is wrong.
wrong-solution-de: Leider falsch gelöst.
wrong-solution-zh: ????, ????.
wrong-solution-es: Su respuesta es incorrecta.

answer-right-pre-en: Your answer
answer-right-pre-de: Deine Antwort
answer-right-pre-zh: ????
answer-right-pre-es: Su respuesta

answer-right-post-en: is right, congratulations!
answer-right-post-de: ist richtig, Glückwunsch!
answer-right-post-zh: ????, ??!
answer-right-post-es: es correcta, ¡felicitaciónes!

points-en: points
points-de: Punkte
points-zh: ??
points-es: puntos

answer-wrong-pre-en: Your answer
answer-wrong-pre-de: Deine Antwort
answer-wrong-pre-zh: ????,
answer-wrong-pre-es: Su respuesta

answer-wrong-post-en: is wrong.
answer-wrong-post-de: ist falsch.
answer-wrong-post-zh: ????.
answer-wrong-post-es: es incorrecta.

answer-would-have-been-en: The right answer was
answer-would-have-been-de: Richtig wäre gewesen: 
answer-would-have-been-zh: ??????
answer-would-have-been-es: La respuesta correcta es:

continue-en: Continue
continue-de: Weiter
continue-zh: ??
continue-es: Continuar or seguir (depending on context) (Will they be
clicking on a button to continue? The verb form may need to be changed
if not)

answer-en: Answer:
answer-de: Antwort:
answer-zh: ???
answer-es: La respuesta


app-title-dragger-en: Dragger
app-title-dragger-de: Zieher
app-title-dragger-zh: ??
app-title-dragger-es: Arrastrador (Do you mean like a slider, to drag
things across the screen?)

dragger-instructions-en: Drag and drop the images to get the right picture.
dragger-instructions-de: Ziehe die Teilbilder zu einem richtigen
Gesamtbild zusammen.
dragger-instructions-zh: ???????????
dragger-instructions-es: Arrastre y suelta los imágenes para encontrar
los imágenes correctas.

app-title-anagramania-en: Anagramania
app-title-anagramania-de: Anagrammanie
app-title-anagramania-zh: ?????
app-title-anagramania-es: Anagramania 

anagramania-instructions-en: Can you move the letters to get to the
original word for this anagram? The first letter is already correct.
anagramania-instructions-de: Kannst du die Buchstaben zum
ursprünglichen englischen Wort zurücksetzen? Der Anfangsbuchstabe ist
bereits richtig.
anagramania-instructions-zh: ????????????????????????
anagramania-instructions-es: Busca la palabra original de la anagrama,
arrastrando las letras. La primera letra ya es correcta.

app-title-colorama-en: Colorama
app-title-colorama-de: Abgefärbt
app-title-colorama-zh: ????

colorama-instructions-en: Click on the single square which is
different in the two blocks.
colorama-instructions-de: Klicke auf den Farbblock, der in beiden
Kästen unterschiedlich ist.
colorama-instructions-zh: ??????????
colorama-instructions-es: Haga clic en el cuadrado lo cual es
diferente a los demas. (Again, I would need to SEE the context)
colorama-right-en: You picked the right square, congratulations!
colorama-right-de: Du hast den richtigen Block gewählt, Glückwunsch!
colorama-right-zh: ????????????
colorama-right-zh: Ud.seleccionó el cuadrado correcto, ¡felicitaciónes!

colorama-wrong-en: You picked the wrong square.
colorama-wrong-de: Du hast den falschen Block gewählt.
colorama-wrong-zh: ????,??????????
colorama-wrong-es: Ud.seleccionó el cuadrado incorrecto

app-title-counterfeit-en: Counterfeit
app-title-counterfeit-de: Original und Fälschung
app-title-counterfeit-zh: ????
app-title-counterfeit-es: Falso (need context)

counterfeit-instructions-en: Click on where the paintings differ.
counterfeit-instructions-de: Klicke auf den Bildpunkt, an dem sich die
Gemälde unterscheiden.
counterfeit-instructions-zh: ?????????????????
counterfeit-instructions-es: Haga clic donde las pinturas son
distintas (Need context)


app-title-crime-scene-en: Crime Scene
app-title-crime-scene-de: Tatort
app-title-crime-scene-zh: ????
app-title-crime-scene-es: Lugar donde se cometió el delito

crime-scene-instructions-en: Who was in the car on the crime scene?
Analyze the video and pick the criminal from the list of suspects.
crime-scene-instructions-de: Wer saß zur Tatzeit hinter dem Steuer?
Merk dir die Person aus dem Überwachungsvideo, um sie später zu
crime-scene-instructions-zh: ????????????????????????
crime-scene-instructions-es: ¿ Quien estaba en el caro cuando se
cometió el delito? Analiza el  vídeo y escoge el criminal de los

app-title-letterama-en: Letterama
app-title-letterama-de: Buchstabensuppe
app-title-letterama-zh: ????
app-title-letterama-es: LetraMania ?  Sopa de letras?  

letterama-instructions-en: Can you guess the word even though some
letters are blanked?
letterama-instructions-de: Kannst du das unvollständig gezeigte
englische Wort erraten?
letterama-instructions-zh: ??????????????????????
letterama-instructions-es: Falta algunas letras - ¿ Puede Ud. adivinar la palabra?

app-title-lettermaze-en: Lettermaze
app-title-lettermaze-de: Wortlabyrinth
app-title-lettermaze-zh: ????
app-title-lettermaze-es: Laberinto de letras

lettermaze-memorized-en: I memorized this
lettermaze-memorized-en: Hab's mir gemerkt
lettermaze-memorized-zh: ????
lettermaze-memorized-es: Lo aprendí de memoria

lettermaze-instructions-en: Memorize the 2 words -- then spell them by
moving your mouse through the maze.
lettermaze-instructions-de: Merk dir die 2 Worte -- dann buchstabier
sie, indem du die Maus durchs Labyrinth bewegst.
lettermaze-instructions-zh: ??????? -- ???????????????????????
lettermaze-instructions-es: Aprenda de memoria las dos palabras - pues
deletrealas moviendo su ratón  por el laberinto.


app-title-marsmoney-en: Marsmoney
app-title-marsmoney-de: Marsmark
app-title-marsmoney-zh: ????
app-title-marsmoney-es: MonedaMarte

marsmoney-question-en: Who of the two martians is richer?
marsmoney-question-de: Welcher der Marsianer ist reicher?
marsmoney-question-zh: ???????????
marsmoney-question-es: ¿Cual de los dos marcianos son más ricos?

marsmoney-instructions-en: Martians have their own currency with
numbers unlike ours on earth.
marsmoney-instructions-de: Marsbewohner haben ihre eigene Währung mit
anderen Zahlen als bei uns auf der Erde.
marsmoney-instructions-zh: ??????????????????
marsmoney-instructions-es:Los marcianos tienen su propia moneda,con
números muy distintos de tiene la moneda de la Tierra.
    *****shorter but still descriptive: La moneda de loa Marcianos
tiene números distintos de tiene la moneda de la Tierra.				   Martian
money has numbers unlike ours on Earth.

marsmoney-left-en: Left
marsmoney-left-de: Links
marsmoney-left-zh: ??
marsmoney-left-es: Izquierda (need context)

marsmoney-right-en: Right
marsmoney-right-de: Rechts
marsmoney-right-zh: ??
marsmoney-right-es: Derecha (need context)

app-title-mastercards-en: Mastercards
app-title-mastercards-de: Meisterkarten
app-title-mastercards-zh: ????
app-title-mastercards-es: Mastercards (context?)

mastercards-instructions-en: Click on cards to uncover pairs.
mastercards-instructions-de: Klicke auf Karten, um Paare aufzudecken.
mastercards-instructions-zh: ????,?????????,?????????
mastercards-instructions-es: Haga clic en las cartas para emparejarlas.

mastercards-right-pre-en: You solved the game, congratulations! You needed
mastercards-right-pre-de: Du hast das Spiel gelöst, Glückwunsch! Du hast
mastercards-right-pre-zh: ???????? ?????
mastercards-right-pre-es: Ha solucionado el juego, ¡felicitaciónes!
Necesitaba (need context)

mastercards-right-post-en: moves.
mastercards-right-post-en: Züge gebraucht.
mastercards-right-post-zh: ??
mastercards-right-post-es: pasos. (Context)

mastercards-wrong-en: Time out! The game stayed unsolved.
mastercards-wrong-de: Zeit vorbei! Das Spiel blieb ungelöst.
mastercards-wrong-zh: ??????????
mastercards-wrong-es: ¡Se acabó el juego! No se solucionó el juego.

mastercards-moves-en: Moves: 
mastercards-moves-de: Züge: 
mastercards-moves-zh: ?
mastercards-moves-es: Pasos (context)


app-title-mastermind-en: Mastermind
app-title-mastermind-de: Meistermischung
app-title-mastermind-zh: ????
app-title-mastermind-es: El cerebro

mastermind-instructions-en: After you memorized the images, one will
be replaced and positions are shuffled. Then pick the image that was
mastermind-instructions-de: Nachdem du dir die Bilder gemerkt hast
wird eins ersetzt. Dann werden die Bilder gemischt, und du musst das
ersetzte Bild finden.
mastermind-instructions-zh: ???????????????????????????????????
mastermind-instructions-es: Despues que se aprenda de memoria los
imágenes, se cambiará uno, y los posiciónes se barajan. Escoge el
imágen que cambió.

mastermind-memorize-en: Memorize all images.
mastermind-memorize-de: Merk dir alle Bilder.
mastermind-memorize-zh: ???????????
mastermind-memorize-es: Aprenda de memoria todos los imágenes.

mastermind-click-en: Click on the new image that replaced an old one.
mastermind-click-de: Klick auf das Bild, welches ein altes ersetzt hat.
mastermind-click-zh: ??????????
mastermind-click-es: Haga clic en el nuevo imágen, lo que remplazó la
carta anterior.

mastermind-pick-en: Your pick
mastermind-pick-de: Deine Wahl
mastermind-pick-zh: ????
mastermind-pick-es: Que escoge uno  (context)

mastermind-new-en: New image
mastermind-new-de: Neues Bild
mastermind-new-zh: ??????
mastermind-new-es: nuevo imágen (context)


app-title-masterpieces-en: Masterpieces
app-title-masterpieces-de: Meisterwerke
app-title-masterpieces-zh: ????
app-title-masterpieces-es: Obras maestras (context)

masterpieces-memorize-en: Memorize the image order.
masterpieces-memorize-de: Präge dir die Bildreihenfolge ein.
masterpieces-memorize-zh: ????????
masterpieces-memorize-es: Aprenda de memoria los imágenes en orden.

masterpieces-instructions-en: After you memorized the order of images,
you need to rebuild them in the next screen.
masterpieces-instructions-de: Nachdem du dir die Reihenfolge der
Bilder gemerkt hast, baust du sie später nach.
masterpieces-instructions-zh: ???????????????
masterpieces-instructions-es: Despues que ha aprendido de memoria los
imágenes,hay que reconstruirlos en la próxima pantalla.

masterpieces-click-en: Click on the bottom-row images in the order they appeared.
masterpieces-click-de: Klick auf die unteren Bilder in der wie eben
sortierten Reihenfolge.
masterpieces-click-zh: ???????????????
masterpieces-click-es: Haga clic en los imágenes de la ultima fila, en
el orden en que se apareceiran.

masterpieces-guess-en: Your guess:
masterpieces-guess-de: Deine Auswahl:
masterpieces-guess-zh: ????
masterpieces-guess-es: Adivina

masterpieces-correct-en: Correct order: 
masterpieces-correct-de: Richtige Reihenfolge: 
masterpieces-correct-zh: ?????: 
masterpieces-correct-es: En orden


app-title-memocoly-en: Memocoly
app-title-memocoly-de: Farbenspiel
app-title-memocoly-zh: ????
app-title-memocoly-es: ???

memocoly-instructions-en: Can you memorize the colors and press them
in the order they appeared?
memocoly-instructions-de: Kannst du die Farben in der vorgespielten
Reihenfolge nachdrücken?
memocoly-instructions-zh: ????????????????????????
memocoly-instructions-es: ¿Puede recordar los colores? Oprimalos en el
orden en que aparecieron.


app-title-mindreader-en: I Will Read Your Mind
app-title-mindreader-de: Gedankenleser
app-title-mindreader-zh: ????????
app-title-mindreader-es: Voy a leer su mente. 

mindreader-1a-en: Mentally pick one card and memorize it. *Do not
click on the card.* Then
mindreader-1a-de: Fokussiere eine Karte. *Klick nicht auf diese Karte.* Dann 
mindreader-1a-zh: ???????????*?????*
mindreader-1a-es: Escoge una carta, y memorizela. *No haga clic en la carta*. Pues,

mindreader-1b-en: continue to step two.
mindreader-1b-de: mache weiter mit Schritt 2.
mindreader-1b-zh: ??????
mindreader-1b-es: continua al siguiente paso, 2

mindreader-2a-en: The cards are being shuffled. Now *move your mouse
over the gray area* for several seconds while thinking of your card.
mindreader-2a-de: Die Karten werden gemischt. *Bewege deine Maus nun
ein paar Sekunden über den grauen Bereich* während du an deine Karte
denkst. Dann
mindreader-2a-zh: ????????????????????
mindreader-2a-es: Las cartas se estan barajando. Ahora, * mueva su
ratón encima el color gris* por unos segundos mientras esta pensando
en carta. Entonces, (need context)

mindreader-2b-en: continue to the shuffled cards.
mindreader-2b-de: gehe weiter zu den gemischten Karten.
mindreader-2b-zh: ????
mindreader-2b-es: continua hasta las carta bajarados. (Context?)

mindreader-3-en: Here are the shuffled cards. *Your card has
disappeared.* Surprised your mind has been read?
mindreader-3-en: Hier sind die gemischten Karten. *Deine Karte ist
verschwunden.* Überrascht, dass die Gedankenübertragung geklappt hat?
mindreader-3-zh: ???????*????????* ??,????????! ???????
mindreader-3-es: Aqui se presenta las cartas barajadas. * Su carta ha
desaparecido*  Sorpresa, ¡su mente se ha leído!


app-title-numbercruncher-en: NumberCruncher
app-title-numbercruncher-de: Zahl für Zahl
app-title-numbercruncher-zh: ????
app-title-numbercruncher-es: CalculaNúmeros

numbercruncher-instructions-en: Can you calculate this? Just enter the
correct result.
numbercruncher-instructions-de: Kannst du das ausrechnen? Gib einfach
die richtige Lösung ein.
numbercruncher-instructions-zh: ?????????????
numbercruncher-instructions-es: ¿Puede calcular el resultado? Ingresa su resultado.

app-title-numberhunt-en: NumberHunt
app-title-numberhunt-de: Zahlenjagd
app-title-numberhunt-zh: ????
app-title-numberhunt-es: BuscaNúmeros

numberhunt-instructions-en: What result do you get when you add up all
moving numbers?
numberhunt-instructions-de: Was kommt raus, wenn du alle Zahlen addierst?
numberhunt-instructions-zh: ????????
numberhunt-instructions-es: Sumando los números brincando ¿cual es su
resultado? (Context)

numberhunt-sum-en: Sum: 
numberhunt-sum-de: Summe: 
numberhunt-sum-zh: ??:
numberhunt-sum-es: Suma  or resultado (context)


app-title-speedread-en: SpeedRead
app-title-speedread-de: Schnellleser
app-title-speedread-zh: ??
app-title-speedread-es: Leer con velocidad

speedread-instructions-en: Can you type the full phrase after seeing it briefly?
speedread-instructions-de: Kannst du dir alle Worte merken und dann eintippen?
speedread-instructions-zh: ?????????? 
speedread-instructions-es: ¿Puede escribir el frase completo despues
de verlo por poco tiempo?


app-title-spellice-en: Spellice
app-title-spellice-de: Alice im Fehlerland
app-title-spellice-zh: ??????
app-title-spellice-es:  ??? I don't know what this  means in English???

spellice-instructions-en: Can you correct the misspelled sentence from
*Alice in Wonderland* (by Lewis Carroll, illustrations by Mabel Lucie
spellice-instructions-de: Kannst du die Fehler aus dem englischen
*Alice im Wunderland* (von Lewis Carroll, illustriert von Mabel Lucie
Attwell) korrigieren?
spellice-instructions-zh: ????????????*??????*???????????
spellice-instructions-es: Corrige el frase mal escrito de *Alice in
Wonderland* (por Lewis Carroll, illustrada por Mabel Lucie
Attwell).(Context - is the whole SENTENCE misspelled?)


app-title-squarewords-en: SquareWords
app-title-squarewords-de: Kastenwort
app-title-squarewords-zh: ????
app-title-squarewords-de: Kastenwort
app-title-squarewords-es: PalabrasCuadrados

squarewords-instructions-en: Can you see the word in the square?
Letters are in order, start at any single square, and flow in
horizontal or vertical direction.
squarewords-instructions-de: Siehst du das englische Wort im Kasten?
Die Buchstaben folgen aufeinander, fangen in irgendeinem Kästchen an,
und verlaufen dann horizontal oder vertikal.
squarewords-instructions-zh: ??????????????????????????????????????????????
squarewords-instructions-es: ¿Se puede ver la palabra en el cuadrado?
Las letras estan en orden - empezando con cualquier cuadrado singular,
mueva en rumbo horizontal  o  vertical.


app-title-what-was-there-en: What Was There?
app-title-what-was-there-de: Was war da?
app-title-what-was-there-zh: ?????
app-title-what-was-there-es: ¿ Que fue? (Context)

what-was-there-instructions-en: Memorize the image and answer a
question on it later on.
what-was-there-instructions-de: Präge dir das Bild ein und beantworte
dann eine englische Frage dazu.
what-was-there-instructions-zh: ?????????????????
what-was-there-instructions-es: Memoriza el imágen, para contestar una
pregunta más despues.

what-was-there-memorize-en: Memorize the image.
what-was-there-memorize-de: Präge dir das Bild ein.
what-was-there-memorize-zh: ?????
what-was-there-memorize-es: Aprenda por memoria el imágen.


app-title-what-word-en: What Word?
app-title-what-word-de: Welches Wort?
app-title-what-word-zh: ??
app-title-what-word-es:  ¿Cual palabra?

what-word-definition-en: Definition: 
what-word-definition-de: Definition: 
what-word-definition-zh: Definition: 
what-word-definition-es: Definición

what-word-first-en: First letter: 
what-word-first-de: Anfangsbuchstabe: 
what-word-first-zh: ?????: 
what-word-first-es: La primera letra

what-word-instructions-en: Which word is being defined?
what-word-instructions-de: Welches englische Wort ist hier erklärt?
what-word-instructions-zh: ????????
what-word-instructions-es: ¿Cual palabra se defina


app-title-wordhunt-en: WordHunt
app-title-wordhunt-de: Wortjagd
app-title-wordhunt-zh: ????
app-title-wordhunt-es: BuscaPalabra

wordhunt-instructions-en: Can you tell the word the moving letters spell?
wordhunt-instructions-de: Erkennst du das englische Wort, das sich aus
den Buchstaben schreiben lässt?
wordhunt-instructions-zh: ?????????????
wordhunt-instructions-es: Cual es la palabra que indica las letras
animadas? (Context)

This should get you going, with a few chnges due to context, to be
expected. (Or maybe I forgot an accent here or there)

Regards, Crabcakes

Request for Answer Clarification by j_philipp-ga on 18 Aug 2005 12:28 PDT
Hya Crabcakes,

Can you please take a look at the follow-up question?


Clarification of Answer by crabcakes-ga on 18 Aug 2005 13:17 PDT
Hi... I have asked for a little patience... on the second question! Thank you!
j_philipp-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $4.00
Though I don't speak Spanish, this looks perfect! I would appreciate
if once I put this live, you look out for my follow-up question on
Google Answers for corrections due to context. I will also post a
pointer to the new question here.

Subject: Re: Spanish Translation of Games Site
From: myoarin-ga on 16 Aug 2005 16:48 PDT
Hey, Spanish speakers, Guillermo-ga, et al.,
Click on the link, this should be easy.

In the German, there is a typo:  "gewonnen", with an N at the end. 
There may be more.

Subject: Re: Spanish Translation of Games Site
From: myoarin-ga on 17 Aug 2005 18:35 PDT
A couple of more typos:

a couple of times "klicke"  is missing the "e", also "buchstabiere" somewhere.

game sound interesting.
Subject: Re: Spanish Translation of Games Site
From: j_philipp-ga on 18 Aug 2005 00:22 PDT
Thanks once more Myoarin! I will correct these typos.

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