Looking for a Joe Palooka comic strip featuring a character called Gun
Cotton Gus. Interested in a copy of the character or the actual strip
featuring Gun Cotton Gus |
Clarification of Question by
15 Aug 2005 20:06 PDT
Character name is Guncotton Gus
Joe Palooka started as a comic strip in 1928
Guncotton Gus PROBABLY appeared between 1928 -1938
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Aug 2005 22:43 PDT
Did Guncotton Gus appear just once in the strip, or was he a recurring character?
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Aug 2005 23:09 PDT
I ask because a search for "guncotton gus" on NewspaperArchive.com
yields one result.
Search result for: "guncotton gus"
Since I do not have a subscription to the site, I cannot tell whether
this is the strip you're looking for. But I can say that another
Researcher had success in finding Joe Palooka strips through this
"Joe Palooka comic strip"
Google Answers
If this site provides you with the strip you want, I would be happy to
post this information as the answer.
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Aug 2005 04:52 PDT
Guncotton Gus appears in a cartoon, alright, but not Joe Palooka. The
link that justaskscott provided actually leads to a 1936 cartoon
called "Bobby Thatcher" (ring a bell?).
Gus is a heroic sort of guy who has just saved a damsel from pirates.
The final panel reads:
"Guncotton Gus was struck by the sudden madness of the pale yellow
moon. He kissed the skipper's daughter, and promised not to leave the
Does this sound like the right character? If so, what additional
information would you need to make for a complete answer to your
P.S. Scott -- get a subscription! Everyone should.
Clarification of Question by
21 Aug 2005 20:06 PDT
Guncotton Gus could very well have been from Bobby Thatcher rather
than from Joe Palooka's comic strip. To complete I need a print of the
character (either a copy of the comic strip featuring the character,
or just a frame of the character himself) or info leading to my
getting it.
Clarification of Question by
21 Aug 2005 20:09 PDT
And, yes, it does sound like the right character (heroic), though I
thought he was a boxer....Can you get a print for me?
Here's a link to a picture of Gus, in all his glory:
Please save this on your local system, as the above link is only temporary.
The image is from a strip of a Bobby Thatcher cartoon that appeared on
November 13, 1936 in The Oakland Tribune.
The image was extracted from the link provided by justaskscott in his
earlier comments -- thanks Scott.
Let me know if you have any questions, or need any additional information.
pafalafa-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
15 Oct 2005 14:58 PDT
Thanks for the response! I must apologize, I am not familiar with this
system and did not realize you had responded. The link has expired, so
I cannot access it. Would you be so kind as to resend it? I will
gladly follow thru once I get the info...I had been waiting for an
email and now know how to check for your response. Again, I apologize
and am anxious to see what you send.
Thank You!!!
Clarification of Answer by
15 Oct 2005 18:51 PDT
No problem...here's another link, which is also temporary, so be sure
to save the file locally:
Let me know what you think after you've had a look.
Request for Answer Clarification by
16 Oct 2005 16:20 PDT
paf - I'm sure this is it! I'm sending it on to my uncle in Louisiana
who was nick-named so many years ago for this character. I know he
will be excited to see it.
Again, I am new to this format. How do we arrange payment?
Clarification of Answer by
17 Oct 2005 05:51 PDT
Nothing you need to do...by posting an answer, payment was made automatically.
Hope your uncle enjoys the cartoon strip.