There are five factors that impact your credit score (FICO score),
which is now used nearly exclusively for credit decisions by the
majority of lenders.
1. Your payment history: what is your track record? (approximately 35%
of your score)
2. Amounts that you owe: how much is too much? (30%)
3. Length of your credit history: how established is it? (15%)
4. New credit: are you taking on more debt? (10%)
5. Types of credit in use: is it a "healthy" mix? (10%)
Your address history is not considred in building your FICO or credit score.
Where you live is expressly excluded from your FICO score.
However, if you had someone manually reviewing your credit report,
they may find 12 addresses in 7 years questionable. I would be
prepared to explain the situation to them. I doubt this will occur
except in situations where the credit decision is not already clear.
Generally, smaller businesses that handle their own financing would be
the only situation that would manually review your credit.
If you require clarification, please ask before rating this question.
Factors That Affect Your Score, Wells Fargo Credit Center
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