I have an Excel spreadsheet that contains data from a survey given to
about 500 individuals (each person's answers are listed in a different
row) with nearly 100 questions (each question has answers listed in a
separate column). I need to know how to take this data and efficiently
process it so that I can create a summary view and graphs as quickly
as possible.
For example:
Column D might include the answers to the question "How Happy are you
with the Service Provided?" and in this column there will be about 500
rows filled with one of 5 answer choices (e.g. Very Happy, Happy,
Neutral, Unhappy, Very Unhappy). I need to know the best way to select
each and every one of the ~100 columns and then automatically
calculate how many occurences of a certain term exist in that column
and then spit that data out onto another worksheet, etc. with
aggregate stats along with a graph. I tried using the COUNTIF function
but ran into problems because the "Happy" answer choice was counted
too many times because it also included the occurences of the "Very
Happy" choice. COUNTIF also took too long to use for every single
question manually.
Any tips on using an Excel feature to run through this data within 30
minutes or less? Basically, I need to quickly create ~100 summary
views of the data with graphs containing the incidence of an answer
choice in a column.
How Happy are you with the Service Provided?
Column D
Very Happy
Very Unhappy
n/r (no response)
I would need something like the following to be spit out for the column above:
3. [Column D Header]
Very Unhappy 1
Unhappy 2
Neutral 1
Happy 1
Very Happy 1
Total Responses 6
n/r 1
A graph should be generated with this along with % numbers.
Preferably, there would be a way to isolate the "n/r" choices so they
don't get totaled into the "Total Responses category"
Assistance needed ASAP!! Within the next 8 hours. Microsoft Access
features used to do this analysis are also welcome |