A friend of mine had an issue of negligence from one of the Toyota
maintenance centers in the Middle East area and he's documented the
issue, which is still pending, and would like to get it addressed via
their trackable procedure as well as through the right people whom are
responsible for taking care of these issues.
Please provide me with the *European* office's procedure and, if any,
Service Level Agreements and legal terms and customer rights that
Govern vehicle maintenance and how are issues regarding customer
rights and responsibilities dealt with that both them and their
customers should be aware of and follow.
Also, provide all the contacts we can use: Names, positions, phone,
fax and email if available to get this issue escalated in Europe and
they'll guide us and take care of getting acknowledged by the
responsible parties.
It would be ideal to know what entities and departments of quality and
service that are not part of the procedure do actually look and
monitor customer satisfaction to get them involved in the issue that
has now taken more than two months without being addressed.
Recommendations from what is seen as the best rout to go in handling
issues like these to get the best results?
-Mao |