Hello j_phillip,
I'm reposting my clarification,along with the ret of the answer. for continuity,
On the first page:
I would capitalize ?letras in Laberinto de letras
Also capitalize ?cerebro
Change SquareWords to PalabrasCuadrados
Capialize -Obras Maestras
Capitalize -¿Cual palabra? , both words, as is the overall format
Capitalize all the words in Voy a leer su mente. Per your format, and
remove the period
Arrastrador looks good
¿ Que fue? looks good, but the question it asks is in English! ?The
eightball was on position ...?? Now that I see the game, you probably
should change the text from ¿ Que fue? To ¿Cual es? Also, the
answers seem to be all in English.
Spellice- Hmmmmm. The text in Spanish is good, but the game is all in
English. It?s doubtful a non-English speaker would be able to play
this game.
Change -Haga clic donde las pinturas son distintas- to -Hay una
diferencia en una pintura. Haga clic en la parte diferente.
Laberinto de palabras- again, the words are in English, and much
harder for a non-English speaker.
Anagramania - Change -La primera letra ya es correcta.- to -La
primera letra de la anagram es la primera letra de la palabra en
busca. Again, the words are in English!
Obras Mestras ? I like this one! Change -apareceiran. To ?aparecen
Mastercards and CalculaNumeros look fine!
Letramania only has English words.
BuscaNumeros ? change only -Sumando los números brincando ¿cual es su
resultado?- to ?Suma los números que están moviendo, e ingresa su
respuesta en la caja.-
Square Words ? words are in English!
Here is the rest of the check:
Looks good.
Now that I see how the game works, change:
Haga clic en el cuadrado lo cual es diferente a los demas.
To -- Los cuadros no son iguales. Haga clic en la parte differente.
Colorama has the answer page still in English.
La Bandera
I didn?t notice on all the games, but you have Continuar or seguir?.
On the answer page. You may omit the ?seguir (means the same) but
Continuar is best in this context.
Lugar donde?..
is OK. You may want to let the video run a bit longer, as it takes
ALL the time to read the directions!
Now that I SEE the game, it would make sense to change the name to
Martian Money and not Marsmoney, in Spanish-
Also the markings needs to be changes, not using numbers, but markings.
Change - Los marcianos tienen su propia moneda,con números muy
distintos de tiene la moneda de la Tierra.
To ? Los marcianos tienen su propia moneda, las quales tienen marcas
distintivas de que tiene la moneda de la Tierra.
¿Cual palabra?
---¿Cual palabra se defina is lacking the final question mark.
? Spanish is good, but can you delay the start of the game to allow
time to read the directions? I am a fast reader, but the game starts
too soon.
Leer su mente-OK
Now that I SEE the game, I suggest you change - Cual es la palabra que
indica las letras animadas? To
- ¿Cual palabra se hace con las letras que estan moviendo?
Leer con velocidad
The title at the top of the page is in English. (You can?t add Spanish
words to the game?)
TriviaNuez does not convey TriviaNut as in English. Perhaps try Loco
por los trivialidades. The Spanish is good, but again, it would be
nice to have Spanish words to use in the game.
Match pairs of the same color by clicking on them. = Haga clic en los
cuadros que son parejas.
Does not start for me at all.
Checkers is - Damas - in Spanish
El juego se comienze con una dama roja. Restart= reanudar Rules = reglas
Hope this has helped! I see you have already made some changes from
the clarification!
Regards, Crabcakes |