The "Magic Wallet" was originally invented by French waiters for
storing their tips. It does work rather magically, since all you have
to do is place bills in it, close it, then open it from the other
side, and the bills are safely strapped in. You can even do all this
with one hand, if necessary.
"Unlike ordinary wallets, Magic Wallet instantly secures whatever you
put into it, whether it's cash, business cards, parking stubs or a
receipt from last night's dinner. You'll be amazed as you watch the
Magic Wallet grab and secure money, lotto tickets and business cards.
Just insert loose items into the Magic Wallet and close. Open the
wallet again and your items will be magically and tightly secured
under strong nylon straps. Nothing will fall out even if you turn it
upside down and shake it!"
All TV Stuff: Magic Wallet
This site offers several variations, including a deluxe "professional"
version which includes a coin purse and credit card holder:
Magical Wallet
"Magic Wallet Plus" is a larger design which enables you to store
bills without folding them:
Enkueros Leather Goods: Magic Wallet Plus
There are hundreds of online sources for Magic Wallet. If you want to
browse other sites that offer this product, just click the Google link
that I've posted below.
Google search strategy:
"magic wallet"
Best regards,
pinkfreud |