I am looking for a list of as many media as possible (print,
broadcast, and online) that identifies each one's type (newspaper,
media conglomerate, blog, etc), source of funding, corporate
ownership, adherence to journalistic code of integrity, and
evidence of bias or lack of bias.
The bias could be because of active/influential ownership (such as
Voice of America being an arm of the American government intended to
promote American policies). Evidence of bias or lack of bias could be
shown by corporate structure (such as Reuters that limits ownership to
15% so that no
one voice becomes too influential in their news point of view) or
because of their successful consistent adherence to a stated code of
journalistic ethics. |
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Aug 2005 19:00 PDT
Hello susanam-ga,
Take a look at this list.
Who Owns What
As you can see, someone has compiled a list of the owners of media by
type. Your other items (source of funding, adherence to journalistic
code of integrity, and evidence of bias or lack of bias) are much
tougher. In your comment you ask, "this is probably a list that
exists, no?" Probably not, at least not for free.
The factors you ask for are quite subjective. It's hard to guess what
you mean by "source of funding." It might be possible to compile a
list of which media properties are publicly held vs. privately funded.
Beyond that it's hard to guess what you're looking for. The question
of journalistic ethics and bias are even more subjective. Why would
someone have already compiled a list for these criteria?
I'm afraid Pink is right. Compiling a list for you will be a major
project if it's possible at all.
Please review the pricing guidelines and either raise what you're
willing to pay or redifine the scope of the project.
Good luck.
~ czh ~