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Q: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name ( No Answer,   15 Comments )
Subject: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
Category: Relationships and Society
Asked by: trlg-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 22 Aug 2005 01:30 PDT
Expires: 21 Sep 2005 01:30 PDT
Question ID: 558608
New start-up involving political email communications seeks an
interesting firm name. There are two possible name approaches:

	1. (Preferred approach) The name is unusual but easy to remember and
has a tie to political email communications ? perhaps an historical
tie or some story it can be associated with so when ask why do you
call your firm______?? The answer would open the door to begin a

2. The name could have nothing to do with the nature of the business
itself but is just a catchy word or maximum three words which would
then be tied to a tag line that  would be more explanative.  It also
could be a name suggestion that while not directly tied to this
specific businesses service,  has some connotation of politics and/or
emails,? example ?Apple? computer (especially at the time- what did
the word Apple have to do with computers?

If interested in this assignment, DO NOT BEGIN until you have
responded indicating your interest. At that time more details about
the nature of the business specifics will be provided.  Anyone who
begins this project without first requesting more information, namely
the details about this business venture, its goals and target market
and submits an answer, the answer will not be accepted as a valid

This should be an interesting and fun project with a lot of leeway
once you have first requested the required specific information.

Request for Question Clarification by politicalguru-ga on 22 Aug 2005 01:42 PDT

I am interested in your project, but also a bit leery: in many cases
in the past, clients have asked us for names for their firms or
iniatives. We have offered names in the comments section, since only
one Researcher can post an answer, and one could be sure that the
client would like his/her offer. The result: the client enjoyed our
free work through the comments, closed the question, and no-one got

Clarification of Question by trlg-ga on 23 Aug 2005 03:07 PDT
Your concern is understandable, and I open to suggestions , however
here is mine. The research who provides a firm name, directly or
indirectly,  that we select to use or a version of  the researcher?s
suggested  name will earn the $100, with the following exception:

The researcher who officially accepted  this question has indeed done
due diligence and expended significant  recourses as  determined by
us,  based on a number of factors including the length of time the
research has truly worked on the question, the priority the researcher
has demonstrated they have given this question and the initial results
the research has provided us as well as the extent of dialog we have
had with that researcher.  We reserve the right to pay $50 to said
researcher and the other $50 to the researcher who may through their
questions or other comments actually provided us with a name we find

As you know,  we also have the ability to "tip" researchers, and
believe we are fair and would provide additional compensation where

We are, of course, open to alternatives and/or modifications to the
above compensation formula until such time as a  researcher accepts
this question and then would only modify this compensation statement
with the consent of said researcher.

Request for Question Clarification by pafalafa-ga on 23 Aug 2005 06:24 PDT

politicalguru has voiced some valid concerns, but nonetheless,
business-naming type questions have certainly been answered
thoughtfully and successfully here in the past.  Hopefully, we can
answer your question as well.

Please provide the additional details about the business that will
help us think through naming possibilities.  Once those are posted, I
will try my best to come up with a list of creative and memorable
names, and hopefully one (or more) of them will resonate with you.

All the best,


Clarification of Question by trlg-ga on 25 Aug 2005 11:13 PDT
In recognition of concerns voiced, is it possible to have dialoque
about the question in a form that is not visible to all other

Request for Question Clarification by pafalafa-ga on 25 Aug 2005 11:34 PDT

The only communications allowed are right here in these text boxes,
and they are visible to all.


Clarification of Question by trlg-ga on 26 Aug 2005 17:26 PDT
Here are more specifics about our new business:

We have joint ventured with the largest, most current and accurate
compiler of email address in the country to establish a new entity. 
This new company (which of course needs a name) will be selling
pre-permission opt-in emails of rgistered voters nationwide to
progressive causes and organizations, Democratic Party Organizations,
and Democratic candidates and officeholders at all levels (City
Council, State Legislature, Congress, Governor, Presidential, etc.).

Our product is ONLY the email addresses (which can be targeted on
numerous criteria) and their transmission.

WE WILL NOT PROVIDE agency services such as creative concept, message
development, copywriting and graphic design. We may at most refer
candidates and organizations to agencies to assist them in the
development of their email campaigns, but this is not considered a
service of our business.

Clarification of Question by trlg-ga on 26 Aug 2005 17:26 PDT
Here are more specifics about our new business:
We have joint ventured with the largest, most current and accurate
compiler of email address in the country to establish a new entity. 
This new company (which of course needs a name) will be selling
pre-permission opt-in emails of rgistered voters nationwide to
progressive causes and organizations, Democratic Party Organizations,
and Democratic candidates and officeholders at all levels (City
Council, State Legislature, Congress, Governor, Presidential, etc.).

Our product is ONLY the email addresses (which can be targeted on
numerous criteria) and their transmission.

WE WILL NOT PROVIDE agency services such as creative concept, message
development, copywriting and graphic design. We may at most refer
candidates and organizations to agencies to assist them in the
development of their email campaigns, but this is not considered a
service of our business.

Request for Question Clarification by tutuzdad-ga on 29 Aug 2005 17:09 PDT
How about "Maelstrom" ? I like it and it sounds great!


Clarification of Question by trlg-ga on 02 Sep 2005 11:21 PDT
As was stated in the question we can take one of two approaches, but
would prefer to have the benefit of them both.  That is to have a
catchy name even though people may or may not know of its meaning if
it if it indeed has some relevant meaning.  However, if it did have an
association with a story that was appropriate to the field of
communications or politics or both it would always be there as an
icebreaker for a conversation for example.

The second approach is just to come up with something as a name the is
catchy, but more ?.
More as in ?..Perhaps it has a futuristic connotation, or just sounds
vibrant while being memorable.  Moreover, if the name or word hits us
positively, Great.  The meaning may not matter as we most surly will
need to place a tagline under nearly any name.

Personally, I like the name RedFrog.  Why?  Don?t know really.  

An associate suggested I consider Blue Frog, as it seemed more
political.  I don?t really care about sounding political, as being in
the political business 30 years I know the community of consultants on
either side of the isle is relatively small so when we launch our
unique products with superior quality it won?t take long to brand the
name ? nearly any name.

So why didn?t I like Blue frog?  It just does not sound as vibrant and
fresh as Red Frog, but isn?t this all subjective for the most part

So please give us your best shot.  While something that ties into
politics and/or communication would be great, it seems to be too
limiting for all you creative minds.  I suggest if that?s the case
then walk past any perceptions of limiting parameters we may have
indivertibly created and give us what you like

Request for Question Clarification by tutuzdad-ga on 02 Sep 2005 14:25 PDT
I'm going to step up here and make a couple of friendly observations
that might help you understand what's happening here:

First, I recommend you simplify your approach here. Your "question"
reads more like an imposing and intimidating business contract than an
inspiration to produce a creative name. In the end you went went the
long way around the barn to tell us do do what we've been doing all
along - suggest names that we like.

Relax. Tell us what you want, what you like, and see if you get some good results. 

Secondly, if you look back through the archive of answered and
unanswered questions you'll immediately notice that these "name my
business" (my dog, my website, my kid, whatever) don't do well. The
reason is unclear. I speculate that most people who come here looking
for a name are not truly satisfied unless they come up with it
themselves. Whatever the case, you wil also notice that many
researchers steer clear of "name my project" questions because they
are usually unfruitful and unproductive to both of us (customer or
researcher). Some of us will keep giving your request and half-hearted
look, but you can expect a lot of comments, visitors and bored
hobbyists to take a passing crack at your "question" but probably not
much more - after all, this "is" Google ANSWERS, not Google

Just so you know.

There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: frde-ga on 23 Aug 2005 06:14 PDT
iSHOUT  (capitalization as required)
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: robinthomas-ga on 24 Aug 2005 05:46 PDT
well a possible name would be "POLLMail" cos since the email content
will have connections to political scenarios the ultimate aim i
presume would be to get electoral victories.
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: muhammad-ga on 25 Aug 2005 11:48 PDT
While Researchers are at it...

Three Golden Rules of Naming (by Naseem Javed,
Don?t lean under someone else?s umbrella,
you?ll still get wet.
Don't be a copycat. It is very bad to copy or borrow from an
established identity. A look-alike, sound-alike name, resembling the
personality of a powerful, established, legendary name will be
fruitless in the long run.
Stay clear of legendary names.

Creativity is a spark of genius.
Over-creativity can cause fire and damage.
Don't get too creative. Do not twist, bend, stretch, exaggerate,
corrupt or modify alpha-structures to their extremes in naming. It may
result in difficult,confusing, unpronounceable and only silly names.
Avoid overly creative solutions

Work locally, think globally & name universally.
Do not short-change. No matter how small or local the project, think
of the future and think of this small planet. A name is only good when
it is free and clear to travel around the globe, without encountering
translation problems or trademark conflicts.
Name for the universe. 


"Choosing a Business Name FAQ"

My suggestions
 PolitEmail (polite email)
 PolitiCALL (political call)
 VotEmail (vote email)
 OpineMail (opinion email)

 and this random crazy phrase that came to my mind...
 PigeonSMTP (outsourcing the task to founding fathers of communication carriers)

all the best!

Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: tutuzdad-ga on 25 Aug 2005 12:17 PDT
My suggestions originate from methods of communication or message
conveyance dating back to early American political history:






Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: henrycat-ga on 26 Aug 2005 01:53 PDT
How about POEM
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: politicalguru-ga on 26 Aug 2005 03:26 PDT
Hallo there, 

Here are few suggestions, for a starter. Please note, that no name has
been double-checked for  potential competitors with similar names. All
of the symbolic names already give you idea for a logo/symbol for the

Symbolic names with stories
Hermes ? The (Green mythology) messenger of the gods, with his winged
sandals (= the fast messenger of political information). Wikipedia
also adds: ?A lucky find was a hermaion. An interpreter who bridges
the boundaries with strangers is a hermeneus. Hermes gives us our word
"hermeneutics" for the art of interpreting hidden meaning.? Could be
also ameliorated to express the fact that we are discussing an email
message company: E-Rmes, Hermes-Communications, Hermesmail, etc. The
Roman version of Hermes is Mercury ? and again, one could use it in
the original form, or to use it as: e-Mercury, Mercury-Mail (good
sound to that), etc. The Norse version is Hermod (the Swift), who had
a magical mailbag with him the whole time.

Iris is also a wing-footed messenger of the Gods in Greek mythology,
name also means ?rainbow?. Appears in the Iliad. Like the previous
example, some amendments could be made to the name.

Bernard ?The dog served as messenger between villages. In general,
dogs are loyal to their masters, and serve as messengers. St. Bernard
(or Bernadine, Bernhardt, Bernardino) is a name of a saint who is
actually the patron saint of PR and advertising, so it works both
ways. Again, possible names are also ?BernardMail?, ?Bernard
Communications? ?Bernard Messages? etc.

And speaking of saints, here are several saints that have some
connection to your themes:
-	Fortitudo Dei (Angel Gabriel) ? patron saint of communication,
telecommunication, diplomats etc.
-	Isodore ? the recently announced patron saint of the Internet and of
computers. E-sidore could be also a good name.
-	Bona ? another good name, because it also means ?good?. She?s the
patron saint of couriers.

Names, that are not symbolic, but appropriate
Emissary ? ?An agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the
interests of another.? Could be also used as ?e-missary?,
?emissarian?, ?emissarian-mail? or other declensions.

Names that combine the main messages that you?ve presented : Polimail
, Polimedia,

Why is Apple Called So, and What We Can Learn From It 
Wikipedia reveal: ?for the favourite fruit of co-founder Steve Jobs
and/or for the time he worked at an apple orchard. He was three months
late in filing a name for the business, and he threatened to call his
company Apple Computer if his colleagues didn't suggest a better name
by 5 p.m. Apple's Macintosh is named after a popular variety of apple
sold in the US. Apple also wanted to distance itself from the cold,
unapproachable, complicated imagery created by the other computer
companies at the time had names like IBM, NEC, DEC, ADPAC, Cincom,
Dylakor, Input, Integral Systems, SAP, PSDI, Syncsort and Tesseract.
The new company sought to reverse the entrenched view of computers in
order to get people to use them at home. They looked for a name that
was unlike the names of traditional computer companies, a name that
also supported a brand positioning strategy that was to be perceived
as simple, warm, human, approachable and different. Note: Apple had to
get approval from the Beatle's Apple Corps to use the name 'Apple' and
paid a one-time royalty of $100,000 to McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., a
maker of high-end audio equipment, to use the derivative name
'Macintosh', known now as just 'Mac'.? (SOURCE: ?List of company name

What we can learn from it? 
That we don?t have to have ?related? or ?symbolic? names. One can name
their company after their favourite, fast, dog; or on the other hand,
name their dog ?Santa?s Little Helper?, because he was found at
Christmas time. In other words, the most unrelated name could be good
if it sounds crisp enough. How about Seleri-Communications?
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: henrycat-ga on 26 Aug 2005 05:58 PDT
Lots of ideas for names: none so far for designs. Apple worked for
computer, but Pear and Plum didn't for other computers around the same
The key is not to just have a name, but to have a name that can be
made into an interesting logo. Look at Plessy, Sun systems, and the
like. It is their logo that is instantly identifiable. What you are
actually looking for is a name that that can be made into an
appropriate picture or sign. You won't get a good designer for a £100
though. If you want to have a go yourself then checkout my website at which teaches children how to make pictures out
of words.
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: darkguardian-ga on 29 Aug 2005 13:26 PDT
I have a few ideas swirling already.

I am wondering what information you will send once I comment here and
if I am on the correct track.

Please provide the additional details.
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: myoarin-ga on 29 Aug 2005 15:28 PDT
I posted this on one of your new questions already:

pollingbooth   -  "where you can find all the active voters"  (or the like)

And, just by chance, the domain    is for sale:

Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: sineflux-ga on 31 Aug 2005 07:24 PDT
How about "Clariphon"  (like: clarification phone) or
"Communique"  (this would be my personal choice).
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: renegade21-ga on 13 Sep 2005 17:14 PDT
I like the name "Scribe" its a catchy one syllable word and in a
lingusitic sense its a strong word.
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: hedgie-ga on 20 Sep 2005 17:54 PDT
I would  stay away from frogs of any color.
Sounds French.

Choose something uniquely American,
 witty, and related to (neo-)liberal politics:

 "Freedom_Fries"   or

 Just a Thought.
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: mksionsk-ga on 21 Sep 2005 12:07 PDT
I suggest:

"MyVoice" - it's inspriational for people with political opinions and
convictions, it's also simple and easy to coin catch phrases with.

I thought of:

"Passage" - combination of Political Message and simple

"Scout" - synonym of informer or messenger

"Fat Mouth" - catchy and also a synonym of informer

but they are both used. I couldn't find any online company with this
name or using the web address

I also caution you to really research the name with all states. If you
decide on a name and there is a business in that state (even a little
business similar to you in nature) you may have difficulty
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: heybrooksie-ga on 21 Sep 2005 21:44 PDT
Throwing another name into the ring, perhaps to start a brainstorm:

"Common Sense Contacts" or "Common Sense xxx"

Common Sense was the name of Thomas Paine's seminal pamphlet
advocating independence from Great Britain.
Subject: Re: New Political & Email Firm Needs Company Name
From: guyfromusa-ga on 22 Sep 2005 10:34 PDT

aller = to go
politico = here in France we use this term in familiar speech.

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