Cool question.. After searching the web as much has I have been the
last few years I read you question and thought "That's Changed now"..
and was sure I could find many indexed pages in the Google and
AlltheWeb databases.. and I was right.
I'm going to post the queries I used, but really, I could have found
as many with just about any query I think. The engines are much better
at handling cgi and asp pages these days then they are with frames,
believe it our not. The thing to watch out for is to make sure those
cgi pages don't trap the spiders. Otherwise those may get
"blacklisted" off the robots list of places to go. There are plenty of
indexed pages out there.
Queries... On Google
/*.cgi? "cgi?"
is the url for the search I used.
[FreeCode] - Browse project tree
NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS), v 2.0
Wireless Communities
... WWW]http://www.wifi.ee/?p=us&lang=eng; Finland, Helsinki
Finland, Helsinki [WWW]http://www.wlanvoorumi.com/cgi ...
www.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/WirelessCommunities - 53k - 18 Aug
2002 - Cached - Similar pages
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation: Fellowships for Science ...
www.packard.org/index.cgi?page=scifellow - 8k - 18 Aug 2002 - Cached -
Similar pages
license-discuss@opensource.org: Threads for August 2002
[<<-]Messages by date] [eSubscribe] [eFAQ] Threads for
August 2002. August 2002. [2] Re: question about the term "source ...
www.crynwr.com/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?3 - 5k - 18 Aug 2002 - Cached -
Similar pages
Join or leave the EDUPAGE list
Join or leave the EDUPAGE list. This screen allows you to join or
the EDUPAGE list. To confirm your identity and prevent third ...
listserv.educause.edu/cgi-bin/ wa.exe?SUBED1=edupage&A=1 - 7k - Cached
- Similar pages
lots ... lots .. more
Yahoo.. is the same as Google so we won't bother posting the same ones
All the web -- Used the advanced search area and asked for cgi in the
URL and ? in the URL
This is the link for the actual search
We got several examples of what you are talking about.
CGI Pull Down Menu Redirector
Have you ever wanted a pull-down menu that redirects users to a
specified webpage based upon the menu option they selected? If so,
then this CGI script is perfect for you. This script will work with
all major browsers and is very easy to install
http://webdevelopment.developersnetwork.com/Articles.asp?... (26.9 kB)
HotFreeSite: Add a New Listing
free hot stuff including free samples, fonts, games, graphics,
Webmaster freebies, email service, Web hosting, chat programs,
screensavers, contests, java, javascript and MP3s.
http://www.hotfreesite.com/cgi-bin/add.cgi (32.5 kB)
106. CGI Pull Down Menu Redirector | Web Host Search, Web Hosting
Have you ever wanted a pull-down menu that redirects users to a
specified webpage based upon the menu option they selected? If so,
then this CGI script is perfect for you. This script will work with
all major browsers and is very easy to install
http://www.webhostsearch.info/Articles/Articles.asp?... (32.2 kB)
111. An interactive introduction to HTML and CGI scripts on the WWW
It is a hypertext link to a web page containing examples of the HTML
features under discussion. The reader can if they wish modify the text
to try out their own ideas of style and formatting
http://www.is-edu.hcmuns.edu.vn/WebLib/Books/.../HTML&... (15.4 kB)
134. No Title
http://new.search.com/search?channel=1&q=Spill: A Fictional Pilgrimage
from Valencia to Santiago in the Fifteenth Century&tag=ex.pt.savvy..se
http://magnus.bleken.no/seelog.cgi?logfile=/index_main.html (976.4 kB)
258. not on the second copy that # appears as an in some modes. # #
zoom_in.url # Like...
etc. If you don't want to mess with HTML # (one of the main benefits
of this CGI is that you can just upload your # images and not have to
mess with a bunch of HTML authoring), the file can # contain just
plain text, but note that if you have multiple...
http://harkless.org/dan/software/image_album?2002-03-30 (83.1 kB)
308. ICQ Inc. - ICQ Search - Category "GNATS"
ICQ Search results for GNATS
http://www.icqit.com/cat.adp?id=173312 (14.2 kB)
313. Davezilla | One blog to rule them all
A thorn in the side of the A-List
http://www.davezilla.com/index.php?p=395&c=1 (13.0 kB)
Another search of the AlltheWeb Site, this time using a query that
\.cig/ must be in the URl came up with these, which are more to your
point. The slash before the . dot is to escape it, so its really used
in the query.
Here's the link to the query itself
147. Dr Clue's HTML Guide [] CGI Programming and C++ Classes for the
Common Gateway...
Information covering how CGI works and the different methods of
interaction. Includes a free C++ class that compiles on both Unix and
Windows , along with several pieces of code that exploit it.
more hits from: http://www.drclue.net/F1.cgi/HTML/CGI/CGI.html (9.2
278. MSp ČR - Zadávání podmínek pro výběr subjektu
Odtěpný závod nebo jiná organizační sloka podniku zapi
http://www.justice.cz/cgi-bin/sqw1250.cgi/or/l_hled.sqw (4.5 kB)
Using AltaVista the query best suited was url:*.cgi/*
Wells Fargo - 2nd mortgage company
Click here for Wells Fargo 2nd mortgage company!
www.wellsfargo.com/?tag.cgi=938668148671...391145549207448 Translate
428. Explore the States
Click on the name of the state you want to explore. Choose a State:
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut
Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois
Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland...
http://www.americaslibrary.gov/cgi-bin/page.cgi/es (13.6 kB)
Lycos is unfamilar to me, because I never get good results there I
don't keep up on how to search it. But, I searched for one of the
links I found on AlltheWeb and found it right off.
I didn't cheat by using a URL search.. My query was this :
Click on the name of the state you want to explore
And it came up with this one 4 down.
4. Explore the States Fast Forward » - Click on the name of the
state you want to explore. Choose a State: Alabama Alaska Arizona
Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia
Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois...
Excite is a Meta Search engine so it has no advance features in it, it
simple queries the real engines
HotBot is Lycos with a different front end.
Infoseek is Overture with a different front end. Overture is more or
less a pay or play listing area, and doesn't have very good advanced
search features.
So I used our : "Click on the name of the state you want to explore"
and got this page
Hope that was as fun for you as it was for me.
webadept-ga |