Hello again, Kella,
Your mother's case is one I have seen several times before. It
should not be difficult to get the death certificate changed, if the
doctor is willing to do so. If not, you have further recourses.
I called Vital Records for Los Angeles County, at 213-240-8374, and
briefly relayed your story. The person I spoke with was surprised that
the sepsis was not mentioned at least as an underlying cause. The very
nice woman I spoke to (Whose name I did not get)said that you need to
start with your mother?s primary physician first. S/he is the one to
amend the death certificate. If the doctor refuses, your next step is
to call the pathologist who performed an autopsy, if one was
If no autopsy was performed, and the primary care physician will not
amend the certificate, call the medical examiner?s office. I have
also posted other offices who deal with death certificates, further
down in the answer, who may be helpful. I could do no more, as the
office wanted your mother?s information, and that I could not supply.
County of Los Angeles-Department of Coroner Program
Office of Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner
1104 North Mission Road
Los Angeles, CA 90033-1578
If you find no satisfaction there, the office of Vital Records told
me your next step is to find a lawyer who will help you get the
certificate changed. Sometimes a simple call from a lawyer to an
unwilling doctor will do the trick!
About Death Certificates:
On Page 17, of this CDC document on preparing death certificates, you
will read that infection (sepsis) may be too vague to post on a
?The cause-of-death section is designed to elicit the opinion of the
medical certifier. Causes of death on the death certificate represent
a medical opinion that might vary among individual physicians. A
properly completed cause-of-death section provides an etiologic
explanation of the order, type, and association of events resulting in
death. The initial condition that starts the etiologic sequence is
specific if it does not leave any doubt as to why it developed. For
example, sepsis is not specific because a number of different
conditions may have resulted in sepsis, whereas human immunodeficiency
virus syndrome is specific.?
?When a number of conditions resulted in death, the physician should
choose the single sequence that, in his or her opinion, best describes
the process leading to death, and place any other pertinent conditions
in Part II. ??Multiple system failure?? could be included in Part II,
but the systems need to be specified to ensure that the information is
However, on Page 39, you will notice that ?sepsis? and ?septic shock?
are listed as terms used on death certificates. This may help you in
at least getting the sepsis (infection) listed on the certificates as
to what started the chain of events.
On Pages 28 and 29, you will see a case history of a woman who died of
Pseudomona aeurginosa infection (sepsis), and which IS listed on the
death certificate.
From the CDC, here is a standard US death certificate. Notice that
there are spaces to enter the underlying cause of death, as well as
the actual cause of death.
?The cause-of-death section consists of two parts. Part I is for
reporting a chain of events leading directly to death, with the
immediate cause of death (the final disease, injury, or complication
directly causing death) on line a and the underlying cause of death
(the disease or injury that initiated the chain of events that led
directly and inevitably to death) on the lowest used line. Part II is
for reporting all other significant diseases, conditions, or injuries
that contributed to death but which did not result in the underlying
cause of death given in Part I. The cause-of-death information should
be YOUR best medical OPINION. A condition can be listed as ?probable?
even if it has not been definitively diagnosed.?
The National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information
Systems (NAPHSIS)
?The National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information
Systems (NAPHSIS) is a national association of state vital records and
public health statistics offices which is based in the Washington, DC
area. The association was formed in 1933 to provide a forum for the
study, discussion, and solution of problems related to these programs
in the respective members' health departments.?
According to NAPHSIS:
?The causal chain should begin with the cause that was closest to the
time of death and work backwards to the initiating condition which is
called the underlying cause of death. For example, the physician might
report a death for which staphylococcus pneumonia occurs closest to
the time of death; however the physician also reports that the
pneumonia is due to carcinoma metastatic to both lungs, which in turn, is due to
poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, unknown primary site.?
The following statement came from a Vanderbilt University, in
Tennessee, but it should apply to California as well.:? Death
certificates are legal documents. Do not attempt to change a death
certificate, especially if there are questionable circumstances,
without notification and discussion with the medical examiner's
office. If a change is requested (for example, by the family), the
attending physician should be notified immediately?
Amending a death certificate:
You may get some help from Alan Oppenheim (916-324-1100) or Jessica
McCarroll (916-322-5179), who work for the automated vital statistics
Michael Rodrian
State Registrar and Chief
Center for Health Statistics
Here is the contact information for the death records section, of L.A.
County, CA. Branch addresses are also on this site for in-person
Birth, Death and Marriage Records Section
P.O. Box 53120
Los Angeles, CA 90053-0120
Certificate Information.....................(562) 462-2137
Request for certificates
The county health officer may be able to assist you as well:
Jonathan Fielding, M.D.
313 North Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office (213) 240-8117
FAX (213) 975-1273
Belinda Towns (Acting)
Medical Director, Public Health
313 N. Figueroa St., Room 806
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office (213) 250-8685
FAX (213) 481-9853
Bone Marrow Biopsy
While complications from bone marrow biopsies do occur, they are
rare. A bone infection is called osteomyelitis. Hopsital acquired
infections are far more common in cancer patients, as the have such
lowered immunity. You mentioned your mother?s white blood cell count
(WBC) had gone down to zero! This made her highly susceptible to
infections that lurk in the hospital, especially an opportunistic
organism as P. aeruginosa. I can?t say with certitude, but your mom?s
infection likely came from another source, and not the bone marrow
biopsy. You can see the procedure outlined on this page. (You may have
to sign up for free registration to view this page.)
According to Textbook of Bacteriology, P. aeruginosa is an evil
attacker of cancer patients:
?It causes urinary tract infections, respiratory system infections,
dermatitis, soft tissue infections, bacteremia, bone and joint
infections, gastrointestinal infections and a variety of systemic
infections, particularly in patients with severe burns and in cancer
and AIDS patients who are immunosuppressed. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
infection is a serious problem in patients hospitalized with cancer,
cystic fibrosis, and burns. The case fatality rate in these patients
is 50 percent.?
· A general feeling of illness (malaise).
· Fever, chills, and sweating.
· Deep bone pain.
· Pain that is worse when pressing on the infected area or when standing.
· Swollen and red skin (sometimes) over the affected bone.
· Drainage of pus from the wound.
?Antibiotic treatment is necessary to prevent destruction of bone
tissue. If the osteomyelitis is severe, surgery may be required.?
Good luck in your quest to change the certificate. Your mother?s
experience is not untypical of managed health care in the US. Stand
though, that even if tests came back negative, tests have to be run on
very ill patients, to assess their condition. A negative test can help
doctor?s rule out something, allowing them to focus on the real
problem. Tests such as blood cultures, that are drawn often on septic
patients, need to be drawn frequently. Some will come back negative,
and some can reveal a bacteria that is causing a fever. Most tests
ordered are very useful, and serve a purpose. I truly understand your
feeling that many tests seem unnecessary and may have caused pain and
anxiety in your mother. The fact that the doctors did not call you
back is inexcusable though. You have a right to lodge a complaint, if
you like. (You might want to wait until after the death certificate is
amended!) You can also call the hospital patient advocate services and
tell them about your experience at the hospital, along with the
doctor's names. SOmeone will then look into it.
Contact for information about filing a complaint:
Jonathan Fielding, M.D.
313 North Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office (213) 240-8117
FAX (213) 975-1273
I?m sorry you and your mother had to endure such an illness and the
subsequent treatment. Wishing you the best!
If any part of my answer is unclear, please request an Answer
Clarification, before rating, and I will be happy to respond.
Sincerely, Crabcakes
Search Terms
Los Angeles + death certificates + changing cause of death
Los Angeles + amending death certificates
LA county medical examiner
Pseudomonas aeruginosa + nosocomial infections |