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Q: Argument for and against affirmative action hiring program ( No Answer,   0 Comments )
Subject: Argument for and against affirmative action hiring program
Category: Business and Money > Employment
Asked by: bren-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 18 Aug 2002 12:18 PDT
Expires: 24 Aug 2002 01:03 PDT
Question ID: 55933
What are the moral, ethical, and or justice based arguments for and
aaganist affirmative action hiring programs in the private corporate
sector vs. public corporate sector

Request for Question Clarification by alienintelligence-ga on 20 Aug 2002 03:14 PDT
Hi bren... 

I had a good portion of text 
written up as the answer but 
I kept being concerned about
the end in the specification 
of private vs public sector.

Are we required in our answer
to establish the distinctions
that exist between the public
and private sectors? If there
isn't a clear divisor, can we
reply with overall regards to
both private and public?

Another concern in forming an
answer is the age of the info
that's to be found on the net
regarding affirmative action.
Reports are dated considering
the most recent changes which
have happened just this year.

Would you establish for us a
range of years the data will
be valid for you?

Also you put and / or justice
based arguments for & against
the hiring programs. Just for
clarity, is it ok then not to
cite justice reasonings if we
can't find suitable reference
for it?

I just thought I'd ask since
you are one of answers.googles'
most frequent and prolific users.
I wanted you to get the answer you
wanted out of this question.


Clarification of Question by bren-ga on 20 Aug 2002 07:35 PDT
I will repeat the question 

What are the moral,ethical and/or justice-based argument for and
against affirmative actiion hiring programs in the private corporate

My question is in regards to the private corporate sector.  

It would be intesting to have it answered from that view point by
itself. And not compare the two.

It would also kike to have it answerd from the public by itself.

They them separte.

Request for Question Clarification by alienintelligence-ga on 22 Aug 2002 02:29 PDT
Thanks for the clarification
bren. I'm glad I didn't answer
with what I had... it was off-
base from what you wanted as I
had suspected. Private corps, as
well as they can... stay private
about operations ;-) I haven't
found many pieces of info to
substantiate good arguments
from their perspective. Others
are welcome to join in on this.

It seems to require alot
of text distillation to find
the parts that are private-


Clarification of Question by bren-ga on 22 Aug 2002 19:47 PDT
Answer the question using the law and support the issue if ethcial
philosoy and by different people, Kant jonn Ralsare anything like

Moral meaning is it right or wrong "ought" or "purdent" all people are
equal etc.

Ethical is it an utilianian act or rule utilitian.

Justice menaing legal 

Does this help 

Just give it a go
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