Dear Valvbartos,
Since each college or university set their own policy regarding
handling misconduct (and expulsion as a punishment), it is difficult
to generalise regarding "Canada".
(1) In general, expulsion is one of the severest levels of punishment
for academic or non-academic misconduct. Usually, one is first
suspended and only then, for repeating or serious misconduct, also
expelled. Expulsion is written on the student's record at the
"Expulsion is dismissal from the University for an indefinite period
(in no case less than two calendar years). A student who has been
expelled must petition to the Council Discipline Committee for
permission to apply for readmission.
A student who is appealing a penalty of suspension or expulsion may
continue to register for and attend classes until the appeal process
has been exhausted, unless the student has been excluded from campus.
Where the appeal process has been exhausted and a penalty of
suspension or expulsion is the final outcome of that process, the
student will be withdrawn from courses in progress with grades of CW
(?compulsory withdrawal?) and no refund of tuition and fees.
Registrations in future parts of term will be cancelled.
A student who is suspended or expelled, and who is also excluded from
campus will be immediately withdrawn from courses in progress with
grades of CW and no refund of tuition and fees. Registrations in
future parts of term will be cancelled. Where the student appeals the
suspension or expulsion and the appeal is successful and the penalty
is rescinded, the student will be reinstated in courses in progress,
if possible, or will have the course records deleted from the official
transcript and receive a full refund of tuition and fees.
Registrations in future parts of term will be reinstated to the extent
(SOURCE: University of Regina, Policies and Procedures
(2) A student who has been expelled from a certain university can
register to other academic institutions. You can see that both in the
University of Regina page ("Students who have been suspended or
expelled from the University and who are subsequently readmitted to
the University will not receive transfer credit for any courses they
may have taken from other institutions during the period of their
dismissal.", ibid); but also from this statement from York
University's persident, regarding a political activist, who'd been
expelled: " "will not be permitted to re-register at York University
for three calendar years."" (SOURCE: Nicole Cohen, "U of York
Stumbles", Eye Magazine, May 14, 2004, as quoted in : "Reinstate
Daniel Freeman-Maloy!", website,
(3) The general rule is that one required to notify of that fact, in
the admission application. Most forms already contain this question.
In addition, since an applicant is required to present his or her
transcripts, from the former institute, as well as their CV, this
would contain such information.
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
clarification on this answer before you rate the answer. My search
admission "expulsion" "university OR college" canada, admission "been
expelled" "university OR college" canada, "been expelled" "university
OR college" canada, "been expelled" "university OR college" canda, |