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Two part question to ease my aching brain
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature Asked by: mj1000-ga List Price: $10.00 |
24 Aug 2005 15:20 PDT
Expires: 23 Sep 2005 15:20 PDT Question ID: 559956 |
1) There is a short story out there in which people were afraid to travel the road through a tunnel because the tunel would randomly close on each end, trapping people within and killing them. What is the name of that story? Who wrote it? 2) There is a movie in which a group of people are inflicted with a highly contagious disease in which if they fell asleep, their heads would explode. At the end of the movie, the government sends a few scientists out with pills that were reported to be the cure to the disease. It turned out that the pills were not a cure, but poison to kill them all and rid the world of these deadly contagious people. What was the name of that movie? | |
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Re: Two part question to ease my aching brain
Answered By: juggler-ga on 24 Aug 2005 19:22 PDT |
Okay... The short story is "The Tunnel Ahead" (1961) by Alice Glaser. "The Tunnel Ahead" by Alice Glaser follows a family in a densely populated future America returning home from a day at the beach, creeping along through nearly parked traffic toward home. Traffic stops completely while the tunnel ahead closes for a while. The family are nervous about passing through the tunnel; exactly why is hinted at gradually, only fully revealed at the end." http://bellsouthpwp.net/j/i/jimhenry1973/review/log-0309.htm Also see this thread on Google Groups: http://groups.google.com/group/rec.arts.sf.written/tree/browse_frm/thread/e1031910289712e4/73f82a7556f7e697?rnum=71&_done=%2Fgroup%2Frec.arts.sf.written%2Fbrowse_frm%2Fthread%2Fe1031910289712e4%2F4ffa704c71fa49cf%3F#doc_0f19a144b7c19269 The story is in various anthologies: http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/s105.htm * The 7th Annual of the Year?s Best S-F, ed. Judith Merril, Simon & Schuster 1962 http://dogbert.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?bx=off&sts=t&ds=30&bi=0&an=merril&tn=7th+Annual+of+the+Year%92s+Best+S-F%2C&sortby=2 * Voyages: Scenarios for a Ship Called Earth, ed. Rob Sauer, Ballantine 1971 http://dogbert.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?y=0&tn=Voyages%3A+Scenarios+for+a+Ship+Called+Earth&x=0 * As Tomorrow Becomes Today, ed. Charles W. Sullivan, Prentice-Hall 1974 http://dogbert.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?sts=t&y=0&tn=As+Tomorrow+Becomes+Today%2C&x=0 ------- search strategy: google groups: story "in a tunnel" Thanks. |
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Re: Two part question to ease my aching brain
From: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Aug 2005 17:24 PDT |
I suggest that you divide this into two questions, each posted separately. When unrelated items are bundled together, you are much less likely to get an answer than if each item had its own question, which would enable a Researcher who knew one answer but not the other to post and receive payment. |
If you feel that you have found inappropriate content, please let us know by emailing us at answers-support@google.com with the question ID listed above. Thank you. |
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