Hi.. I have some points:
1. A growth originating from the colon and also affecting the urinary
tract is not "possibly" cancer, it can actually be nothing else than
cancer. If anybody was told that it "possibly" is cancer, I suspect
that this was because the growth was only seen on a CT or something
and not histologically confirmed with a biopsy (which would be done
during the operation or could be done during coloscopy). The biopsy is
what is legally needed to establish a diagnosis of "cancer".
2. As the tumor was already growing out of the lumen of the colon, the
operation would be paliative anyway. As the cancer invades the
peritoneum (the inner surface of the abdomen), it can spread on it to
any place in the abdominal cavity... the peritoneum is to cancer cells
like the soil is to plants .. they can grow on that.
3. The stents were placed in the kidneys (or ureters?) possibly
because there was a danger of renal failure if the urine flow was not
maintained. If the tumor was blocking the urine flow, there could be
marked azotemia and other signs of renal insufficience already, and
this MUST be treated BEFORE the big operation as any condition like
this actually kills the chances of survival in the operation.
4. I recommend obtaining an autopsy report. That should state the
cause of death and it could also clarify the reason for the intestinal
obstruction. The autopsy will also show the extent of the disease.
With the autopsy report (which is the most important), and any other
documentation you can get, find a doctor - someone you trust - and
consult the case with him prior to going to a lawyer (who will
definitely want to earn some money .. if you are not in the US you
will pay him even if you lose).
However, as I read your explanations, I didnt find any apparent
mistake in what the doctors did. The operation you complain about
(stents) -- if it actually was necessary, it MUST have been performed
BEFORE the colon resection. The necessity of this operation can be
told from the laboratory results prior to this stents operation.
My last comment is on the whole thing - if I was 71 years old and had
cancer growing already THROUGH my organs, I would like to die fast. |