A morphological analyzer is a program for analyzing the morphology of
an input word, the analyzer including a recognition engine,
identifying suffixes and finding a stem within the input word
algorithms. Suffix identifying means cooperate to conduct
morphological analysis of the input word from the root to the affix
and wherein the recognition engine performs inflectional and
derivational analysis.
Morphological analyzers are using lexicon/thesaurus, keep/stop lists,
and indexing engines for their process.
I?m interesting in text management systems, where morphology analysis
takes some role there, but couldn?t find any information about
morphological analyzers used by popular search engines, even though
I?m sure they are using such.
Include support (publications, product behavior, etc.) for your answer.
I like to know also if site search companies like ATOMZ, EasyAsk, etc.
are using it or other different algorithms. |