Dear Bachii,
Expository writing is a big term for something, which is actually very
simple: it is an essay (or a similar piece of writing) meant to
explain, "to describe, to present information or to persuade" (SOURCE:
"Expository Text", University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Education
310, <>).
It is subject-oriented, and if you've received a topic, that means
that you've to stick to it.
In other words, there is no big difference between an "expository"
essay and any good admission essay: any good admission essay should be
focused and clear to the reader, describing someone or something.
If you haven't been given a topic, these instructions, from the step
of chosing a topic and writing the essay, could help:
Expository Essays
See also:
Stanford University - Information about Expository Writing
Writing An Expository Essay
I would structure an expository essay like that:
- Introduction to the topic
- "chapter" 1
- "chapter" 2
- "chapter" 3 (and so on)
- Conclusion
By "chapter", I mean either a division of the topic into subtopics
(periods, if in history; stages, if describing a process; etc.).
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
further clarification on this answer before you rate it. My search
term, was simply :expository writing |
Clarification of Answer by
30 Aug 2005 23:59 PDT
Dear Bachii,
I am sorry that you feel that way. I apologize for the
misunderstanding. However, nowhere in your original question did you
state that you'd like someone to write the essay for you, and I'm
afraid that I wouldn't have answered it had I knew that this is what
you were looking for, since this kind of service is not permitted
here. I also feel that I have answered your question as stated.
However, if you feel unsatisfied, you can contact the editors and ask
for a removal of this answer.