Dear David,
Following your penultimate clarification, my answer will focus on the
question: "Can philanthropic behavior be taught to large groups of
people, for example entire communities or societies?"
If we accept as a fundament the existence of actions carried on under
the assumption of an affirmative answer, then the answer is yes.
I can describe for you some significant experiences, which I'm already
familiar with due to my work as a consultant in the not-for-profit
The Philanthropic Initiative, Inc.
[ ]
The mission of this organization is "to increase the impact of
philanthropy in society by:
"Working with donors to make their giving more strategic, effective and fulfilling;
"Crafting creative and productive approaches to important social issues;
"Inspiring and supporting others to become deeply engaged in
philanthropic endeavors."
[ ]
All these objectives are directed to the idea of teaching
philanthropic behaviors to a large group of adults --as opposed to
teaching them to children, what you said not to be of your interest
right now.
In their "Promoting Philanthropy" section
[ ] it reads:
"TPI's commitment to philanthropy is far-ranging and has resulted in a
wide variety of activities over its history. At the broadest level,
TPI encourages a positive climate for philanthropy and actively
promotes giving in order to bring about constructive change. Through
our research and educational programming, a range of publications,
regular speaking engagements, annual conferences, and outreach
programs, TPI shares knowledge of new and traditional elements of
philanthropy. To increase the impact of philanthropy, TPI is also
committed to working with Regional Associations of Grantmakers."
In the introduction to the article "Doing What's Necessary: Promoting
Philanthropy" (Initiatives; Spring 2001, Volume 7, Number 1
[ ]), we
can read:
"Since its inception twelve years ago,TPI has made promotion a core
tenet of its mission.We have sought to make more people aware of the
philanthropic possibilities before them, arousing their desire to
participate and helping them to do so in more effective and satisfying
ways of giving.
"Where once we were perhaps unique, there are now new players and new
approaches responding to the philanthropic potential of wealth waiting
to be tapped. In the pages that follow, there are examples of
exciting, diverse and innovative initiatives that signal a future
filled with creative collaborations to promote philanthropy. The
diversity of promotion efforts is dazzling and offers great hope for
long-term impact."
TPI pursues the expansion of the giving culture trough programs that
range from family giving (see Philanthropy
for the Wise Donor-Investor - A Primer for Families on Strategic
Giving [ ]) to
encouraging entrepreneurs to become donors (see article "Turning
Entrepreneurs into Philanthropists"; Initiatives; Spring 2000 Volume 6
Number 1 [
You may also be interested in checking out their Publications page:
[ ]
While with a different focus, this organization who works worldwide is
also endeavored to encouraging philanthropic values. Ashoka's mission
"Ashoka's mission is to shape a citizen sector that is
entrepreneurial, productive and globally integrated, and to develop
the profession of social entrepreneurship around the world. Ashoka
identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs - extraordinary
individuals with unprecedented ideas for change in their communities -
supporting the individual, idea and institution through all phases of
their career. Once elected to Ashoka, Fellows benefit from being part
of the global Fellowship for life."
[ ]
Ashoka identifies individuals carrying on innovative actions with
philanthropic ends and supports them both financially and by
integrating them in their net of people all around the world working
in different projects to better community conditions. In this way,
Ashoka contributes to experience interchange and replication of
successful endeavors.
Among the Ashoka's criteria for selection , there is the one they call
"Social Impact of the Idea". Part of it reads:
"Ashoka is only interested in ideas that it believes will change the
field significantly and that will trigger nationwide impact or, for
small countries, broader regional change. (The ideas we back almost
always have the potential to transcend national boundaries.) Ashoka
will not support the launch of a new clinic or school unless it is
part of a broader strategy to reform the education or health care
system at the national level or beyond.
"The first question to ask in applying this criterion is: 'Assuming
that the entrepreneur behind this idea succeeds in demonstrating it in
one place but then disappears, would ordinary people in that field
look at that demonstration and perceive it to be so new, practical,
feasible, and attractive that they would pick it up and bring it into
their work?' In other words, would it spread on its own merits?"
[ ]
The bottom line is that the idea that the social entrepreneur is
carrying on not only has an important community impact by itself, but
also teaches itself to others so that its impact is indefinitely
According to their impact measurement done in 2002 for Ashoka Fellows
selected in 1997, "90% of Ashoka Fellows indicate that other
independent groups (citizen organizations, governments, etc.) are
replicating their ideas/projects".
[ ]
Fundación Compromiso (Commitment Foundation)
[ (English
version); (in Spanish)]
This organization from Argentina has the mission:
"To serve non-profit organizations by strengthening their management skills".
Fundación Compromiso was founded in 1994 by Carolina Biquard, who was
consequently awarded an Ashoka fellowship. In her Fellow Profile
[ ] we can
"Carolina Biquard is working to strengthen the burgeoning Argentine
social sector through a series of activities that introduce to
non-profit organizations a new culture of management and institutional
development and provide them with the concrete skills needed to
maximize their impact.
"The Foundation is guided by three overarching goals: (1) to raise
public awareness of the importance of non-profits in the country's
social and economic development, (2) to strengthen non-profits by
teaching members how best to run their organizations, and (3) to
facilitate the sharing of experiences and create a social network
based on democratic values and civic participation."
Fundación Compromiso works to achieve its mission by a wide range of
programs, such as seminars, workshops, the annual meeting of the
non-profit sector --which has become a major event for the field, that
gathers hundreds of organizations from all over the country every year
since 1994, and has begun to have its local versions in three regions
of the country [ ].
Other programs include business and community, building bridges
between the business sector and the community needs; institutional
advising, with a number of tools for different kind of organizations
to help them overcome difficulties in their management, internal and
external communication, volunteer management, etc.
[ ]
A program I find of interest to highlight under the scope of your
question is the one designed specifically to apply in public schools,
because its goals are specifically designed to help schools become a
referential institution to build community in their areas of
influence, promoting philanthropic values.
[ ]
These cases show a number of actions that can only be carried on under
the assumption that philanthropic values can be taught, describe the
ways by which this can be achieved, and are all successful
experiences. I hope that, by letting you know of them, I had
adequately answered your question. Please do not hesitate to ask for
clarification if you think it's needed. Thanks for your question.
Guillermo |
Request for Answer Clarification by
12 Sep 2005 06:25 PDT
Dear Guillermo,
Thanks so much for your response. I had seen the Ashoka website
previsously, but not the other two. You are zeroning in on the essence
of my question(s) and I very much appreciate your diligence on this
matter. I am wondering if you might be able to take one more run at
this by probing more deeply into the subject of "teaching entire
communities and societies philanthropic ways of living?" The
important distinction here is the philanthropic "ways of living". As I
outlined in one of my previous clarifications, I am interested not so
much in simply teaching people how to give time or money. I more
interested in how we might teach new value systems and new "ways of
BEING", more generous in spirit, more compassionate in our day to day
interactions as we walk through life. For example, how can we help an
entire society, or community move in this direction? A natural by
product of this might, of course, be that people contribute more time
and money. But my point is that I am asking a broader question that
goes beyond simply donating resources to worthy causes. It's more
about how we live, what we believe, what's in our hearts, the
abundance and "sufficiency" we feel about ourselves (rather than our
assets) and the generosity of spirit that comes out of all this
through our thoughts, values and behavior. I'm not sure I can locate
this perspective in the websites you referenced, although TPI seems to
suggest they have this interest. I just could not find much on their
website that speaks to this perspective as it applies to larger groups
such as entire societies and/or communities. Did I miss it?
Perhaps this is a sociological question as much as it is a
philanthropy question. I'm not sure. Also, if you come across any
information about my third question, "What role might community not
for profit hospitals play in teaching these principles and cultivating
these behaviors in our communities?" that would also be helpful, but
the other question, at this point in my research, is of greater
I'm not sure how far we have gone toward my $100 allotment. Perhaps
you could let me know.
Thanks again for your help. I think you're on the right track.
Clarification of Answer by
12 Sep 2005 15:23 PDT
Hello David,
Thanks for your appreciation of my answer. Sorry for not replying to
your request earlier, but I was busy offline.
I understand the aspect you're willing to focus in, and the examples I
chose were meant in that direction. However, maybe either they did not
match exactly your interest, or I failed in highlighting where they
did. In order to respond to your request for clarification, I'll give
you a more specific review for those examples, and also search for
others. My only difficulty is that right now I'm engaged in a series
of meetings out of town, so my online time is quite limited. However,
I'll get it done as soon as possible. Please let me know if this is OK
for you. Thank you.
Request for Answer Clarification by
12 Sep 2005 16:22 PDT
Dear Guillermo,
I undeerstand. My first speech is this Friday (9/16) so I won't be
able to use the information you may find for that presentation, but I
have another speech scheduled shortly after the first one. I would
like to be able to use the information for that one, if possible. So,
when you have a chance I'd appreciate your taking the next step.
Thanks again for your help.
Clarification of Answer by
13 Sep 2005 05:41 PDT
Hello David,
Thanks for your understanding. You can count on it for your second
speech. As to the first one, while I can't promise to have more
information before it, I suggest you check out this thread tomorrow
just in case I could manage to take some time to have an advance. But
please, take in mind it's just a possibility. I'll be in touch.
Request for Answer Clarification by
13 Sep 2005 06:29 PDT
Thanks for your persistence. I appreciate your help. I'll check to
see if anything comes through later today or tomorrow.
Clarification of Answer by
26 Sep 2005 04:11 PDT
Hello David,
I'm finally back from a complicated period. I appreciate your
patience. My priority now is responding to your request for
clarification, so you can expect it today or tomorrow at most.
Clarification of Answer by
27 Sep 2005 22:52 PDT
Hello David,
While working on this second run for your question, I came to think
that discussing the approach to this subject ?say, the conceptual
frame from which I address it- would be of help in order to explain to
you why I see the examples I provided in my answer in the lines of
philanthropy teaching. Maybe the point here is what we understand by
?teaching? in this context. I am a social psychologist and an
educator, and actually do the kind of job that I?d include within the
scope of ?teaching philanthropic values and behavior? to large groups
of people. As an educator, the theoretical background I find better
adjusted to reality is the constructivist theory, according to which
knowledge, behavior and feelings are constructed, built by the
interaction between individuals and their surrounding reality, mainly
trough action ?which includes from reading a book to laying bricks-
and we call it learning. Thus, teaching is a matter of facilitating
learning rather than passing on knowledge, values or behaviors. In
other words, teaching comes to be a matter of providing people with
situations and experiences for their learning, including ?but not
limited to- written and oral language.
(I?m not taking the constructivist approach as a sole and excluding
method, but definitely as the basic one to build a sound
teaching/learning strategy upon.)
However, methods centered on the transmission -rather than the
construction through experience- of knowledge, can be quite successful
for cognitive skills, like those based on response to stimuli are also
effective to induce and develop certain behaviors. But when dealing
with the internalization of values and principles, which involve a
deep emotional commitment of the individual, the construction through
learning experience is irreplaceable.
What I find in the organizations that I?ve mentioned as examples is
that they consciously and methodically provide communities with
experiences meant to develop a philanthropic attitude:
- TPI?s actions are not merely oriented to encourage the practice of
giving, they promote a whole philosophy centered on what lies behind
the act of giving. They encourage wealthy people to give not just
because that will make a difference for good causes, but because they
consider that giving is a practice that better themselves and the
society, by way of realizing that the needs of the community are the
needs of all. TPI works not only to increase the amount of money given
to philanthropic causes, it also strives to beget more philanthropists
but, ultimately, to deepen the commitment and understanding of
philanthropy, the profound reasons behind the act of giving. That is
why TPI have all those different programs, publications, lectures,
debates, practices like family giving, etc.
- Ashoka addresses the concept of ?social entrepreneur? -people that
outstand due to their philanthropic behavior. Ashoka looks for them
worldwide, supports them, and helps their original ideas be adopted
and adapted by other groups in other philanthropic endeavors. Their
aim is explicitly not limited to support those projects, but to spread
and replicate them. To achieve that, it implements not only the
stipend for the Ashoka Fellow, but also grants for original ideas,
activities to gather together the fellows, and to contact them with
other potential supporters such as the business sector. In this way,
they contribute to develop CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility),
which is the philanthropic aspect of businesses.
- Fundación Compromiso is an even more explicit case. It is an
organization of the philanthropic sector devoted to strengthen the
philanthropic sector. Its activity is nationwide in Argentina, and
also has operated in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico,
Puerto Rico. I highlight the broad scope for considering it pertinent
to the concept of ?teaching large groups?. (All the examples I picked
up share this characteristic.) By helping philanthropic organizations
do a better job, Fundación Compromiso explicitly intends to build a
philanthropic culture in the community. Ultimately, the objective of
Fundación Compromiso is ?while helping philanthropic organizations be
more effective- spread philanthropy. Particularly its work with public
schools has a clear orientation to spread the philanthropic commitment
in their communities ?please notice that this isn?t an activity
addressed to children, but to teachers, other school staff and
parents, and is completely unrelated to teaching values to children:
it?s all about how the school can help strengthening the community
solidarity by strengthening itself.
So far, my attempt to explain how the examples I had described in my
answer illustrate an affirmative assumption for the question on
whether philanthropic behavior can be taught to large groups of
people, and show concrete cases of its implementation. Maybe our
initial understanding of the idea of ?teaching? was not exactly the
same, that?s why I diverted a bit in the beginning of this
clarification in order to explain the basis of what I have in mind
when teaching is the subject. Other than these examples, I can
visualize other ways to teach and cultivate philanthropic principles
and behavior but, honestly, all of them very much in the same lines,
that I would summarize like providing the community and its
individuals with opportunities to put into practice philanthropic
actions oriented to both a specific common benefit and the development
of philanthropy itself. Any different approach, say, public diffusion
of principles, lectures, or whatever transmission of philanthropic
values and behaviors, may have a complementary role, but the core
resides in concrete actions of the kind described.
Other examples in similar lines are:
-Avina ( )
?The AVINA Foundation partners with leaders of civil society and the
business sector in their initiatives toward sustainable development in
?We work to identify and partner with leaders, providing a host of
services in our joint ventures.
?We promote the formation of networks amongst the leaders themselves,
both across countries and areas of activity, which bring about synergy
and results that exceed those of individual projects.?
-The Leader to Leader Institute ( )
Its mission is ?to strengthen the leadership of the social sector? by
providing educational opportunities and resources to leaders.
?By providing intellectual resources to leaders in the business,
government, and social sectors, and by fostering partnerships across
these sectors, the Leader to Leader Institute works to strengthen
social sector leaders of the United States and of nations around the
?The Leader to Leader Institute believes that a healthy society
requires three vital sectors: a public sector of effective
governments; a private sector of effective businesses; and a social
sector of effective community organizations. The mission of the social
sector is changing lives. It accomplishes this mission by addressing
the needs of the spirit, the mind, and the body -- of individuals, the
community, and society. The social sector also provides a significant
sphere for individuals and corporations to practice effective and
responsible citizenship.?
"The 21st century will be the century of the social sector
organization. The more economy, money, and information become global,
the more community will matter. And only the social sector nonprofit
organization performs in the community, exploits its opportunities,
mobilizes its local resources, solves its problems. The leadership,
competence, and management of the social sector nonprofit organization
will thus largely determine the values, the vision, the cohesion, and
the performance of the 21st century society." (Peter F. Drucker,
cofounder of the Institute)
As to your question on the possible role of community not for profit
hospitals in teaching these principles and cultivating these
behaviors, I must regret that I didn?t find information about it. Now,
my guess is that, with programs alike the one that Fundación
Compromiso implements in schools, community hospitals may play an
effective role in spreading philanthropy in their areas.
I hope to have been able to focus the answer in a clearer and more
helpful way to your purpose.
Best regards,
Request for Answer Clarification by
28 Sep 2005 10:48 PDT
Dear Guillermo, Thanks so much for your very thorough and helpful
final response. I think you "hit it" right on target! Your explanation
is extremely helpful and insightful and your elaboration about
"teaching" and "learning" was a good reminder. Calling my attention to
some of the information and points of view from the websites you
previously mentioned was also most helpful. I will now go back and
revisit them with those insights, as well as visiting the additional
sites you referred me to.
I am in the process of finalizing the second speech right now, so
this information is most timely. I am speaking to a group of
philanthropists and hospital foundation managers about the subject:
"CREATING ABUNDANCE"---which essentially is based on the three
questions I posed to you. I now think I'm in pretty good shape for
this presentation.
Thanks again for your help. Glad we were able to connect. How might
I find you again next time I need some research help?
With kind regards,
Clarification of Answer by
28 Sep 2005 12:17 PDT
Dear David,
I'm the grateful one for the generous tip and praising words. One of
the greatest joys is to be told that our job has been well done and
useful. I'm glad that I did make it timely enough for your next speech
(I was worried about that), and wish you the best of luck --it sounds
like a very interesting project.
It's not frequent to find questions that mix my two main fields of
work, Google Answers and the philanthropic sector, so you can imagine
how this particular task was challenging and enjoyable for me, and I
thank you for that too.
As to how to contact me for a future research help, just mention my
user name in the subject, and I'll be happy to work with you again.
Warm regards,