Meaning of name: Dyami
Category: Relationships and Society > Cultures Asked by: eagle212-ga List Price: $32.00 |
29 Aug 2005 19:16 PDT
Expires: 31 Aug 2005 13:36 PDT Question ID: 562007 |
Looking for the definitions, origins, and history of the name Dyami. It is a native american name that means Eagle, but I have also seen it defined as Soaring Eagle in some places. Some resources claim that the name is of Conchiti (tribe?) origin, and perhaps at one time there was (or there is) a Dyami Clan. A good answer to this question would include: All known definitions of the name Dyami with some background provided about the characteristics/significance of the name; Date and place of name origin(s)- including name of tribe and language known to have originated its usage; a brief history of said tribe; and lastly, a list of resouces (online AND offline) for further investigation. Good Luck! |
There is no answer at this time. |
Re: Meaning of name: Dyami
From: justaskscott-ga on 29 Aug 2005 20:01 PDT |
I have contacted two pueblos associated with the name. I will let you know if I receive a reply. |
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