The number of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy procedures performed
from 2000-2002 are as follows:
Japan: 250
China: 10
Korea: 40
?The first laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in Japan, China, and
Korea was preformed in January 2000, November 2000, July 2001,
respectively. Since then, more than 250 cases in Japan, more than 10
cases in China, and more than 40 cases in Korea were performed for
about 2 years. Recently, robot-assisted laparoscopic radical
prostatectomy is a new procedure for treating prostate cancer.?
Abstracts of 4th Asian & Oceanic Congress of Andrology
26-28 March 2004
Penang, Malaysia
?In Japan, more than 250 patients have undergone this surgery. It
seems that satisfactory results in terms of positive surgical margin
rate, bleeding volume, recovery from surgery, and urinary continence
have been obtained so far. We need longer follow-up to assess
recurrence rate and sexual function. The main obstacles for this
surgery are the long operative time and the difficulty of the
procedures. Although it will take time until laparoscopic
prostatectomy becomes an approved treatment modality, we are gradually
conquering these problems. In this paper, we review the current
situation facing laparoscopic prostatectomy in Japan.?
Published 1 April 2002
Japanese Experience with Radical Prostatectomy
Isao Hara MD and Gaku Kawabata MD
Department of Urology, 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Kobe University School of
Medicine, Kobe, Chuo-ku, 650-0017, Japan.
Current Urology Reports 2002, 3:159-163
Search criteria:
Japan OR Japanese Radical Prostatectomy OR prostatectomies ?50..500000?
I hope this helps!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |