Hello karendotcom,
There are a remarkable number of sites where people can post offers to
host victims of Hurricane Katrina. The
"Across U.S., homes opened to Katrina refugees" (Associated Press, Sept. 1, 2005)
I have found another site, which includes links to other sites where
people are offering housing to Katrina victims.
Homes for Katrina
Several pages note difficulties in matching people who want housing to
people who are offering it. So you may want to do a little homework
before deciding to post an offer on one of these sites. (Aside from
the considerations listed on these pages, you should also carefully
evaluate the trustworthiness of the site on which you intend to post.)
Homes for Katrina Victims [under "Important Information from Relief
Agencies," by William Hennessy (September 01, 2005)]
"Getting the data into the hands of refugees" (Sept. 1, 2005)
"Frequently Asked Questions" [under "How can I be protected in this process?"]
Homes for Katrina
KatrinaHome.com [under "Screening & Your Safety"]
- justaskscott
Search strategy --
Searched on Google Web and Google News for:
"host victims"
"housing for hurricane katrina"
"housing for katrina"
"homes for hurricane katrina"
"homes for katrina"
"housing for victims"
"homes for victims" |