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Should I donate to a charity to try to help ordinary Iraqis and if so which one?
Category: Relationships and Society > Politics Asked by: nevilley-ga List Price: $10.00 |
07 Sep 2005 05:05 PDT
Expires: 07 Oct 2005 05:05 PDT Question ID: 565157 |
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Re: Should I donate to a charity to try to help ordinary Iraqis and if so which one?
Answered By: politicalguru-ga on 12 Sep 2005 01:00 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dear Neville, Some of your question asks for opinion, another part asks for research. I'll start with opinion, and say that especially at this time, when ordinary Iraqis suffer under the horrors of war, it is a good idea to support charities meant to help them. I live in a neighbourhood, where there are many Muslim immigrants, and I see the charity boxes. Be careful - as you said yourself, some of these innocent looking charity boxes (or better said: the charity organisations that operate them) actually support, under the disguise of "Muslim charity", terrorist organisations. On the other hand, an anarchist might claim that any help served to Iraq right now would support the occupation mechanism, because people would be cared for; others might claim that the large charities of the type are wasting money on offices in Europe, and that the actual people in need receive very little thereof. This three lines of critique notwithstanding, I think it is a sensible idea to support organisations that have been proven in the past to care for the needy. Here are some ideas: Oxfam Iraq <http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_we_do/where_we_work/iraq/index.htm> MSF ("Doctors without Borders") <http://www.msf.org/unitedkingdom/> Iraqi Red Crescent Society <http://www.ifrc.org/helpnow/index.asp> Iraqi Prospect Organisation <http://www.iprospect.org.uk/> Mines Advisory Group - Iraq <http://www.mag.org.uk/magtest/magwproj/projirq.htm> Medical Aid for Iraqi Childern <http://www.maic.org.uk/index.html> I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any clarification on this answer before you rate it. |
rated this answer:![]() Excellent - just what I needed. Thank you very much for your help. Regards Nevilley |
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Re: Should I donate to a charity to try to help ordinary Iraqis and if so which
From: dkseshadri-ga on 11 Sep 2005 15:53 PDT |
I would like to say that it is a good idea to donate money to charities, if you are inclined to. I would never believe that donating money to a noble and true charity would ever make the money end up in government, terrorist or business houses hands. Let me put it this way, I do not for a moment think that the "Allies" out there are for any sense of charity. They are there for a selfish reason and the report from the ground, following the newspaper reports over two years indicate that there is a huge scandal out there at all levels. It was the famed American stupidity and attitude for boasting that let the pictures of Abu Garib out. Had the prison staff been properly trained about keeping things confidential, we, perhaps would never have known about it. The reason I am stating this is that there is no kind hearted gevernment helping any civilians in a proactive way. If the charity cannot or will not buy something for a helpless kid or an aged person, no one ever will. No government or any business house will do it. So I would donate to a bonafide charity anyway. I am attaching two links. One is 'Save the children' and the other is the Helpage. I know helpage to have done some really wonderful work. I live in London now, but, when I was a kid and in Bangalore, India, these people would come over to the schools and talk to the headmaster and in minutes the whole school would be a teeming volunteer army collecting donations from their residential locality for Helpage. I have collected donations for them twice during my school years. So happy to recommend them. http://www.savethechildren.org.uk http://www.helptheaged.org.uk/CampaignsNews/International/_iraq.htm?FourNation=gn Hope this helps. Sesh |
Re: Should I donate to a charity to try to help ordinary Iraqis and if so which
From: nevilley-ga on 12 Sep 2005 00:13 PDT |
I am grateful for the suggestions of charities to look at. I had hoped to avoid getting into attacks such as "famed American stupidity and attitude for boasting" which I don't really feel get us anywhere. My question was, I hoped, worded so as to stick to the particular quesation I was asking, which was how to help ordinary Iraqis. I was not hoping to start a political debate, and if I get much more like that, I'm withdrawing the question. Thank you for your interest. |
Re: Should I donate to a charity to try to help ordinary Iraqis and if so which
From: nevilley-ga on 12 Sep 2005 00:19 PDT |
I've now had a look at those two links - they're excellent, thanks very much. Nevilley. |
Re: Should I donate to a charity to try to help ordinary Iraqis and if so which one?
From: jamesmassola-ga on 02 Oct 2005 08:11 PDT |
I would suggest that it is a good idea to donate to a charity that helps "ordinary" people in Iraq. In my Masters class, there has been much discussion about the so-called "bad" charities that wash money, re-route it in to their own coffers, have an inefficient management structure, and even "fund terrorists." I think the easiest way to cut through the layers is to go for a bigger, more reputable charity. Amnesty is always a good place to start, or Oxfam, or the Red Cross/Red Crescent. |
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