Yeah, this one was a toughie!
Fortuately, I have a file that I obtained from the SEC in 2004 that
has the names and addresses of all the listed public companies (about
12,000 in all). I examined this list to identify the number of
companies in indiviual cities.
Of course, New York tops the list. But there were quite a few surprises as well.
Here's the list:
Number of Public Company Headquarters by City
1. New York.....................1,057
2. Houston........................271
3. Chicago........................196
4. Dallas.........................192
5. Las Vegas......................172
6. Charlotte, NC..................163
7. San Diego......................123
8. Salt Lake City.................114
9. Irvine, CA.....................108
10. Denver.........................107
11. Los Angeles....................103
12. Atlanta........................102
That's it for the over-100 crowd. Even cities like Miami, San
Francisco and Boston had considerably less than 100 on my list.
I trust this is the information you needed. But before rating this
answer, please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.
Just post a Request for Clarification, and I'm at your service.
pafalafa-ga |