There are numerous sources for news articles about the peace efforts
of UN Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte, his assassination, and its
impact on the Middle East (which reverberates to this day).
Due to copyright restrictions, we cannot repost articles in Google
Answers, but we can provide references and citations for them. I have
also given you several suggestions and sources so you can pursue this
complicated and sensitive subject in greater detail.
Thank you,
Count Bernadotte in Palestine -
Let's start with a brief review of Bernadotte's peace-making
activities in Palestine.
Count Folke Bernadotte, 53, Swedish diplomat, vice chairman of the
Swedish Red Cross in WWII and nephew of King Gustaf V, was appointed
by the United Nations Security Council in May 1948 to mediate the
Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine. War had been simmering since the
UN's partition plan for Israel was announced in late 1947, but it
broke out in full force after Israel declared itself a state on May
14, 1948.
Bernadotte arrived in the Holy Land at the end of May, 1948. He was
successful in establishing an initial truce between the two sides
which lasted from June 11 to July 9, 1948.
Bernadotte also proposed a peace plan in which Israel would get the
northern and western portions of Palestine, and the Arabs would get
the eastern and southern portions. Although each side would recognize
the other's right to exist, they would not be independent states and
would eventually form an economic and political union of sorts.
Under the UN's original 1947 Partition plan, Jerusalem was to always
remain an international city, surrounded by Arab territory. However,
under Count Bernadotte's revised plan, the city of Jerusalem would
only stay under the control of the United Nations for two years, and
would then be turned over to full Arab control.
But Israel didn't want to surrender Jerusalem and its sizable Jewish
population to Arab control, and the Arabs felt they were getting
poorer land and mistrusted the Jews. Both sides rejected Bernadotte's
plan, and fighting resumed after the initial truce expired on July
9th, 1948.
Seen by some in Israel as a threat to the future of Israel, Count
Bernadotte was assassinated in Jerusalem on September 17, 1948. This
was done by members of LEHI, an offshoot of the Jewish Stern gang.
For more historical details, the Jewish Virtual Library has several
articles about Count Bernadotte:
Count Folke Bernadotte
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 186
Appointment of a United Nations Mediator
The First Truce (June 11-July 9, 1948)
The Bernadotte Plan
[with map]
The Assassination of Count Bernadotte
The Jerusalem Post -
Obviously, you want to look for articles published after September 17,
1948, and the primary newspaper source would be the Jerusalem Post.
You can search the archives of the Jerusalem Post online, but they
only go back to January 1989:
Archives Jerusalem Post
A search there using the keyword "bernadotte" turns up several
promising titles:
A Bullet for the Count
[Magazine Edition] Michael S;
Jerusalem Post; Sep 11, 1998; pg. 08
Forgotten Statesman
[Books Magazine. Edition] Meron Medzini;
Jerusalem Post; Nov 7, 1996; pg. NOPGCIT
The Bernadotte Murder
[Daily Edition] Maurice R;
Jerusalem Post; Jun 29, 1995; pg. 06
The Bernadotte Plan
[Daily Edition] Stanley Goldfoot;
Jerusalem Post; Jun 13, 1995; pg. 06
Bernadotte's Murder
[Daily Edition] Walter Eytan;
Jerusalem Post; May 31, 1995; pg. 06
Peres apologizes for assassination of Bernadotte
[Daily Edition] David Makovsky;
Jerusalem Post; May 15, 1995; pg. 01
The Twists And Turns Of Lehi
Sraya Shapiro;
Jerusalem Post; Aug 1, 1993; pg. 07
About A Previous Peace Try
Sraya Shapiro;
Jerusalem Post; Nov 10, 1991; pg. 05
Sweden: Me Mediator Or Meddler?
[Daily Edition] David Makovsky;
Jerusalem Post; Jun 1, 1990; pg. 08
You can click on any result and see a short abstract, like this:
A Bullet for the Count
Jerusalem Post; Jerusalem; Sep 11, 1998; Michael S. Arnold;
Words in Document: 3156
Available Formats: Buy Full Text
Fifty years ago next week, on September 17, 1948, UN peace mediator
Count Folke Bernadotte was assassinated in Jerusalem by a gang of
militiamen from Lehi, the radical Jewish underground movement, who
believed his partition plan posed a mortal danger to the newborn
state. It often is said that history repeats itself. Half a century
after Bernadotte's death, the terms of Israeli political ...
If you want to see the full text online, you must pay $2.50 per
article, but discounts are available for quantity purchases. For more
details, click on the "Pricing" link on the left side of the Archives'
main page (
Although you can't search for older Jerusalem Post articles online,
you can order reprints of articles going back to 1940. This will cost
a minimum of $25.00. For help in locating and ordering articles, you
should contact the following person:
Elaine Moshe
Jerusalem Post Archives
P.O. Box 81
Jerusalem, 91000, Israel
Tel: 1-972-2-531-5692
The Times of London -
"The Times" of London is an another excellent source of historical
news. Many public and university libraries have back issues of The
Times available on microfiche or microfilm. Before you visit the
library, you can compile a list of specific articles using the
following online index. Although full access to this database
(including online viewing of articles) requires a subscription, you
can search the index for free and print out the results in your
Historical Newspapers Online
Official Index to the Times 1906-1980
A simple search using the keyword "bernadotte" retrieves a list of
main headings, including this one:
11. "Bernadotte, Count F. (Sweden) 120"
If you click on this heading, you will see a list of 120 Times
articles on Count Bernadotte starting from November 16, 1937. Here are
some the results showing the article's date, page number, and column
Bernadotte, Count F. (Sweden)assassination (Sept. 17)
18 September 1948 (Page 6 col d)
Bernadotte, Count F. (Sweden)covering letter to provisional report
20 September 1948 (Page 4 col b)
Bernadotte, Count F. (Sweden)Assassination: details; dispatch by
U.S. Consul-General in Jerusalem; investigation ordered by Military
Governor in Jerusalem; special meeting of Security Council called
18 September 1948 (Page 4 col a (and 3*; 5*))
Bernadotte, Count F. (Sweden)Assassination: arrest of Stern Gang
members; curfew imposed in Jerusalem; Dr. R. Bunche's tel. to
Foreign Min. on Jewish responsibility; details; lying-in-state in
Jerusalem; body brought to Haifa
20 September 1948 (Page 4 col a (and 5*; 2*))
Bernadotte, Count F. (Sweden)Assassination: body brought to
search for assassins continues
21 September 1948 (Page 3 col c)
You should repeat this search to see the complete list of Times
articles. There is an interactive demo explaining how you search the
database here:
Step-by-Step Demos
Check with your local libraries to see if they offer online access to
the above database or other online biographical information. You may
also be able to access these databases from home.
InfoTrac Article Databases -
Another online database widely available through local libraries is
the Gale Group's ( "InfoTrac Web: Expanded
Academic ASAP".
This lets you search for articles from 1980 to the present, and you
can read their full text online. You can also email the articles to
yourself, or, as I've done below for your reference, you can email
selected article citations:
I found the following citations on my library's InfoTrac database
using the search terms "count AND bernadotte":
- - -
Trying to Define Terrorism (Transcript)
Robert V. Keeley
Middle East Policy, March 2002 v9 i1 p33(7)
Sweden's Policy toward Israel: Constraints and Adjustments.
Jacob Abadi
Middle Eastern Studies, April 2001 v37 i2 p23
Hazards of Statehood.
Daniel Mandel
Midstream, Nov 2000 v46 i7 p16
The Sword and the Olive: A Critical History of the Israeli Defense
Force.(Review) - (book review)
Joshua Sinai
Middle East Policy, June 2000 v7 i3 p176.
Israel and the Bomb.(Review) (book review)
Joshua Sinai
Middle East Policy, June 2000 v7 i3 p176.
Brother Against Brother: Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics
from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination. (book review)
Joshua Sinai
Middle East Policy, June 2000 v7 i3 p176
The trees stand still (UN peacekeeping forces in Jerusalem)
Annetta Strugar.
UN Chronicle, Spring 1999 v36 i1 p95(1)
The culture of resistance: the 1967 War in the context of the
Palestinian struggle. (Israeli-Arab war of 1967; Palestinian
displacement by creation of Israel)
Jamal R. Nassar
Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ), Summer 1997 v19 n3 p77(22)
A Death in Jerusalem (book review)
Alfred M. Lilienthal
Middle East Policy, Sept 1995 v4 n1-2 p220(9)
Summit of love: the State Department's Richard Holbrooke and author
Kati Marton forge a romantic alliance.
J.D. Reed and Jane Sims Podesta.
People Weekly, August 28, 1995 v44 n9 p97(3)
The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: 1947-1951. (book reviews)
Neil Caplan.
Journal of Palestine Studies, Summer 1995 v24 n4
Falsifying the record: a fresh look at Zionist documentation of 1948.
Benny Morris.
Journal of Palestine Studies, Spring 1995 v24 n3 p44(19)
A Death in Jerusalem. - (book reviews) Meron Benvenisti.
Foreign Affairs, Jan-Feb 1995 v74 n1 p171(6)
Israeli policy on Jerusalem at the United Nations, 1948. Shlomo
Slonim. Middle Eastern Studies, July 1994 v30 n3 p579(18)
Walking with the Damned: The Shocking Murder of the Man Who Freed
30,000 from the Nazis. - (book reviews)
Publishers Weekly, Jan 13, 1992 v239 n3 p43(2)
A haunting legacy: the assassination of Count Bernadotte. (Swedish
U.N. mediator assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948) Cary David Stanger.
The Middle East Journal, Spring 1988 v42 n2 p260(13)
Give peace talks a chance; the U.N. in the Middle East. (United
Nations) Stephen Green.
The Nation, Sept 21, 1985 v241 p238(5)
Consult the Bernadotte Library -
The Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library at Gustavus Adolphus College in
St. Peter, Minnesota is dedicated to the memory of the Count. There is
a brief biography of him here:
Gustavus Adolphus College
Count Folke Bernadotte
Here is the Library's contact information:
Folke Bernadotte Library
Gustavus Adolphus College
800 West College Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082
Tel: 507-933-7567 (Reference Desk)
Summer Hours: Mon: 8am-7pm
(to 9/1/02) Tue-Fri: 8am-4:45pm
Sat,Sun: Closed
Regular Hours: Mon-Thu: 8am-Midnight
(after 9/1/02) Fri: 8am-9pm
Sat: 9am-9pm
Sun: Noon-Midnight
There is a reference librarian on duty whenever the library is open. I
suggest you contact their reference desk and ask what archives,
bibliographies, and other resources are available for Count
Articles on the Web -
There is no shortage of information about Count Bernadotte on the Web.
For example, the following Google search gives over 500 results:
bernadotte assassination article
Examining about one-fourth of these results, I found the following
online articles and references:
The Wall Street Journal Online
April 11, 2002
Commentary - Palestinians Deserve Better Leaders,,SB1018483666212620600,00.html
From the Irv Rubin Bust to the Stern Gang:
The Rich History of Jewish Terrorism
By Jason Vest
The Village Voice - Week of December 19-25, 2001
The Palestinian Times
Issue No. 110 - August 2000
American policy toward the Palestinian refugees since 1948
Dr. Daud Abdulla
The Palestinian Times
Issue No. 99 - September 1999
No Memorials in Israel for Bernadotte
By Dr. Daud Abdullah
Staff Writer
London Times 27Apr98
How the Middle East was won
Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs
Letters to the Editor
January 1996, pgs. 3, 100-104
"Why Kati Marton's Death in Jerusalem is Not an Unbiased Source"
[NOTE - this refers to a book about Bernadotte, "A Death in
Jerusalem" by Kati Marton; Pantheon Books New York, NY; ©1994]
The Ethical Spectacle, April 1995
Two Snippets of Israeli History
The Assassination of Count Bernadotte
American Committee on Jerusalem
Jerusalem: Legal Status And U.S. Policy
Here is a detailed account of the assassination:
Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs
Portrait of a Mideast Terrorist
By Richard H. Curtiss
December 1986
You can find additional articles by using the Google search links
noted below.
Search Terms & Google Results -
Count Folke Bernadotte
Bernadotte assassination article
Bernadotte "United Nations"
Bernadotte Jerusalem "international city"
You can also use Google to search for terms on a specific Web site.
For example, the following search looks only in the United Nations
site: Bernadotte
:// |