Hello Julie,
I just looked at your site and first of all, you need to get rid of
the flash presentation and place your content into an HTML layout that
search engines can read. Right now there isn't a scrap of content on
your site that will be indexed by any of the major crawlers. Once you
have a search engine friendly layout, there are a few tricks to make
sure that you have good keyword rich content that matches your page
title, description, alt text, and link titles. Right now you have a
nice sales presentation but you will need to work on filling out more
content for the search engines to read. A Blog system is one of the
best ways to accomplish this. Publishing relevant articles and
information on a regular basis will increase the content that search
engines index, increase the frequency that your site is crawled, and
it just good marketing to increase your credibility and get some free
PR for your company.
If you would like further assistance, feel free to contact me. Good
luck with your business!
Pete Stevenson
www.phenixmarketing.com |