hello - i am posting a continuation/elaboration of a question i had
asked on here previously, however, for some reason i cannot get
clarification to it/post comments further on the old thread- something
wrong with google? so i figured i'd start another question.
The original google answers thread is located here?
this should give some background to the question, but I need some
additions/alterations to the program (since my boss was so impressed
with this program that I had intended to use just for myself to make
the mindless calculations faster, he?s decided to ask me to see if a
more in depth program can be made now).
After reading the above thread, which was solved by theta ? and I
greatly appreciate it and great work! The program is now needing some
more assistance. There are a few more parts I need to add to it.
I am attaching a layout I made that is now the full version I need to
be coded. Theta?s code works, but needs to now be changed a little to
work with the new layout/more machines.
Here are the additions to the program I need now ?
First off, I have added a MainMenu form ? this main menu is sort of
like a switchboard to choose from the different machines (named red,
blue, green, yellow, vis0vis15, or calculate all at once). When the
user clicks on one of the machines, it will then take you to the
corresponding form (i.e. user clicks on ?Red? and the program opens up
the RedCalc.frm, ?Green? opens GreenCalc.frm, Vis0,Vis15 opens up
VCalc.frm, etc?). These are now additions to the original machine and
they are pretty much repetitive except for a few areas, which I will
point out after I clarify some other things?
First, with the VCalc.frm open, the user needs to enter the ?file
prefix?. I am attaching also an actual file from a machine (no more
*.txt ? ), this time it?s formatted as a slave.transmission file (if
you can?t open this type of file, open it with notepad ? if the
program will not work with this by itself, you might have to write
some code to make it convert to a .txt or something). However, since
I just found out the other day there is confusion between machines,
because they all dump into the same C:\pl folder, I needed to add a
prefix to the file. The machine runs series of tests, and then spits
out the data in sequences ? 00000, 00001, 00002,
00003.slave.transmission, however, as I last posted, this got
confusing and overwriting started occurring, so when I started a run
on the machine I had it prompt the user for a prefix to the file.
This is something I made up. Theta has the idea in the program
written, however, it isn?t going to be behind the scenes - the user
needs to input it (see form for idea). For example, if I ran a
sequence with the machine and saved all the data from that run as
?RunA?, the machine will name every run after that
RunA.00000.slave.transmission, RunA.00001.slave.transmission,
RunA.00002.slave.transmission, and so on? So now, I need to call up
only RunA data, because RunA data is situated in C:\pl with RunB data,
and maybe RunC data or thisfile data, etc? (please let me know if I
need to clarify on this ? it?s probably pretty confusing)
As for the next part, now that we can look only at the specified data
? for instance, ?RunA? data now, after the user types in ?RunA? and
hits Enter in the program, the program brings up the
RunA.00000.slave.transmission (if needed ? depending on machine) and
RunA.00001.slave.transmission (See Theta?s program for reference ?
except now this machine doesn?t require 0 and 15th files ? only 00000
and 00001, which will always remain static, which might be easier, no
more having to count 0 and 15s). The CF file path is also listed for
the one used (the CF is different for each calculation). The next few
labels/text boxes work like Theta?s program, with slight differences
between the machines. The VCalc machine will be pretty much the same
as Theta?s set up, just making adjustments for using 00000 and
00001.slave.transmission (instead of the looped 0 and 15th files) and
also further dividing the answer by 100 for 00000 and 00001 answers ?
so instead of 5766.17307, we now have 57.66173 ? (the quotient need
not be divided by 100 as it will work itself out with the other two
sum of products being done so already).
The Green, Blue, Red, Yellow machines will not need to find the 0th
file (00000.slave.transmission), but will only need the Tau color
(which is really the sum of products of 00001.slave.transmission file)
and don?t forget to divide by 100. The CF is going to be different,
instead of just CF.txt, each color has it?s own RedCf.txt or
BlueCf.txt, which is calculated with the file just the same. And
instead of finding the quotient, we are now trying to find Q for each
color, which is the Tau color (sum of products with corresponding
color CF) divided by the Vis15 file from earlier.
As for the UVB, UVA ? this is a whole another calculation in its
entirety. the calculation is as follows for these.
UVB= the sum of products of the %t*CF divided by the sum of all CFs
together for UVB and likewise for UVA, except with UVA?s CFs. Please
see the UVBcf.txt and UVAcf.txt for the cf?s matched with their w?s.
don?t forget to divide by 100 for the sum of products!
And lastly, I need this program to have a save, print, view function,
and return to menu option. These are more flexible. The save
function and view function will work hand in hand. My idea is maybe
having the save function, when clicked save each data to an excel
spreadsheet, i.e. it might list in columns (see excel spreadsheet
?DataStorage.xls?) maybe have the program come with its own folder? So
that way if we have to transfer it from computer to computer it can be
carried from each. And another idea, maybe have the red calculations
have its own spreadsheet of red calculations, and the CalculateAll
keeps track of all the numbers together? This part is pretty much
just I need the stuff on DataStorage, and however is the best way to
display it. I?m thinking that maybe displaying it by choice of color
and/or All calculations is a good idea. Feel free to modify my forms.
Or maybe have a form that imports the excel spreadsheet or makes use
of it? So that you don?t have to have excel running all the time.
However is the best/easiest way to keep track of data and storage it,
this would be great. I have also attached an excel file that would
show what information I would like displayed.
The print function on the individual pages maybe just give a printout
of each of the color data when asked, and then all the data for
?AllCalculations?, and excel can take care of its own printjob.
And the view function ? maybe just a button that will bring a page up
that shows the data in excel. If anyone else has any better setups i
welcome hearing them.
Thanks so much for your help ? I am also enclosing an excel program
that has the answers for everything except for the UVA and UVB ? I?ll
have to add those later ? still working them out by hand. Thank you
again ? good luck. I?m trying to finish this by/before Friday the
16th of September 2005 if possible (hence the $200 max price again)
thanks! |