I am Indonesia citizen, who have been worked and lived in US under H1B
visa in the last 6 years. Married with Indonesia citizen, and have 2
children born in the US. My company failed me on my green card
application because of their financial report did not match what INS
needed, so I have to prepare to leave the US. Our children education
if the first in our live, and we do not want to raise them in
Indonesia, so we prepare to move to Canada. We love Indonesia, but we
want to give our children the best education as we can. So we try to
choose other country to be their home.
I checked some website about imigration in Canada. I looks little bit
easy for us to get working visa(s). My wife and I were graduate from
electrical engineering and computer science. I have 5 years industrial
(non-academical) experiences in computer programer. I tried to see our
points in immigration assessment, and we should be ok. But, of course
my question is : is it easy now days to get a job and good career in
Canada ? Please provide any good statistic references. If you can
provide me links for help to prepare for imigration, it would be great
help. |