I would like a list of 50-60 "Right Wing" Christian Fundamentalist
blogs with their URLS |
Request for Question Clarification by
14 Sep 2005 19:21 PDT
Do me a favor, please, and look over the blog postings at this link:
These are not 100% on target -- some of the postings are doubtless
just the opposite, taking pot-shots at the Christian right wing.
However, I think that most of these are the types of sites you're looking for.
After you've looked them over, please let me know how close to the
target these are. And if they're well off target, give me some
feedback on which ones suit you, and which don't.
I'll try my best to fine-tune the results to get you precisely what you need.
Clarification of Question by
14 Sep 2005 21:00 PDT
The vast majority of these results are from one "Scraper site"
that just has various Christian headlines... Yuck, not a blog a all!
this is a very poor search....
by adding "secular" and "humanism" to the search string
the searcher basically found all the Christian Blogs that
don't believe in God.
Not exactly what we want.... to say the least.
And what's this stuff about "unfunded" ?
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Sep 2005 05:23 PDT
Thanks for the feedback.
Here's a revised list, with the 'Headlines" scraper site removed.
The blogs showing up that look to be on-target include:
Christian bands Community - http://www.livejournal.com/community/christianbands/
The Questioning Christian - http://www.questioningchristian.com/
21st-century Christian Philosopher - http://christian-philosopher.com/blogwp
A Christian Perspective -
Christian Origins Blog - http://www.christianorigins.com/
DJLynda's Christian Praise and Music Show - http://spaces.msn.com/members/DJLynda/
The Christian Guy Next Door - http://spaces.msn.com/members/1way/
Christian Fans of Idol - http://www.livejournal.com/community/idolchristians/
Christian Alliance for Progress Blog - http://blog01.kintera.com/christianalliance/
Christian Engineer - http://christianengineer.blogs.com/christian_engineer/
Christian Origins Blog - http://www.christianorigins.com/
Do these work for you? If so, I can try to come up with a few score
more to fully answer your question.
By the way, I included in my search strategy terms that I thought
likely to show-up in a right-wing site. Since the right wing often
discusses what it sees as the disturbing trend of 'secular humanism',
I included these terms in my search. I will continue to play with
these as I fine-tune my search strategy.
By the way, I used "unfunded" as one of my terms, because the
political topic of 'unfunded mandates' was -- and still is -- a
darling of the right wing, and yet obscure enough that it wouldn't
show up in too many anti-right-wing blogs. I don't think it was a
particularly successful choice of terms, though.
Let me know how things are looking at this point.
Clarification of Question by
15 Sep 2005 08:29 PDT
Yes, that is precisely the kind of blogs I am looking for.