Hi raffielo,
The first wristwatch was produced in the USSR at the "First Moscow
Watch Factory". The watch was the "Pobeda".
Construction of the factory in Moscow is commenced. The first pocket
watches with the name "The First Soviet Union Watch Factroy" are
Manufactoring production of pocket capacity increased to 450.000
pieces per year. The factory is given the name "Kirov"
The production facility is transferred to beyond the Ural mountains.
Manufacturing returns to Moscow and the factory now produces under the
name "The First Moscow Watch Factory".
The first wrist watches under the brand name "Pobeda" and the first
marine chronometers and deck watches are produced.
The production of wrist watches increased to 1,100,000 pieces per year.
Mark Pol
"With the beginning of the World War II the production of watches was
suspended. But immediatelly after the Victory the enterprise
manufactured the first Soviet-made man's wrist watch of
"Pobeda"(Victory} brand. In 1949-1950 years assembly of watches
"Pobeda"(Victory) was completely transferred to the conveyor, that not
only increased the output, but also has improved the quality the of
assembly. 13 conveyor lines were created. By 1951 the annual total
output of watches at the factory has reached half a million, and in
1955 - 1 million and 100 thousand pieces."
The history of "The First Moscow Watch Factory"
Search criteria:
"first wristwatch" USSR
"first watch" USSR pobeda
"First Moscow Watch Factory" pobeda
I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions regarding my answer
please don?t hesitate to ask before rating it.
Best regards,
Rainbow |