Howdy nickscho-ga,
Greatly appreciate you accepting this as an answer. My posting this
as an answer will conclude the process, unless you have any further
The following might be the only place where you can source this clock,
outside some vintage store.
The main source for the clock you want is the company that made them,
the Fountain Valley, California based California Clock Company, also
the makers of the famous "Kit-Cat" clocks.
Electric, motor-driven, clocks were discontinued 16 years ago by
California Clock Company. Today the only available electric clocks are
Bear Clock Colors Available
Call 800-454-8228 to see if clock is available.
They can also be contacted through the following methods.
- 714-545-4321 - phone
- 714-708-2099 - fax
The Kit Cat Clock Service Center in Lakewood, Colorado might be able to
source one for you.
"... clock repairman who specializes in Kit Cat, Owl, French Poodle,
Teddy Bear, and Panda Bear clocks. I buy, sell, trade, repair, service,
and restore many of these clocks each year."
- 303-763-5227 - phone
- 303-763-5227 - fax
Strangely enough, I used to live 10 minutes away from this business.
You might be able find one on eBay, but some searches I did on there
did not produce any at all, which is not a good sign.
If you need any clarification, please feel free to ask.
Search strategy:
I knew about the "Kit-Cat" clocks, and I suspected that they made the
clock in question, and my searches confirmed that suspicion.
Google search on: cat clock monkey OR bear
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