Hello, i have found an article from Italian Farmacology Association.
[Google search:'numero di endoscopie'].
Hope it helps
Link: http://www.farmacia.it/cgi-bin/dbnews/dnrun.cgi?newsid=rdm249
News of 28 April 2005 relative at 2004:
1.600.000 endoscopies/year [1.444.414 diagnostic, 156.065 terapeutic]
The ambulatorial patients subordinates to digestive endoscopy have
been 61.6% of the total.
The pancolonscopie catch up the number of 320.645.
90.240 echographies
30.480 hepatic biopsies
Just a simple traduction of the article of other general data:
In Italy they are, in fact, the nearly 10 million persons who turn out
affette from gastrointestinal pathologies.
Therapeutic Digestive Endoscopy. More frequently executed it has been
the removal of polipoidi lesions of straight-colon (57.888
polipectomie) that, with the technical new of the mucosectomia, it is
put into effect also on superficial tumors that until some year it
makes demanded surgical participations demolished to you. To follow
the endoscopica haemostasis to level of the esophagus, stomach,
duodenum and colon (the 23.766 endoscopies in emergency urgency nearly
all for acute sanguinamento have rendered the resource to the surgery
of urgency in these situations only anecdotal). The bilio-pancreatica
endoscopy (in 48.967 patients) more frequently executed have been the
removal of the gallstones, in alternative or association to surgical
colecistectomia (29.278 endoscopies), continuation from the
positioning of stent biliary or pancreati to us with palliativa
purpose (10.561 endoscopies), also in this case more often in
alternative that in preparation to a surgical participation.
Hope it helps |