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History of the "@" character
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: marv1953-ga List Price: $2.00 |
17 Sep 2005 07:46 PDT
Expires: 17 Oct 2005 07:46 PDT Question ID: 569092 |
Who invented the "@" sign found on keyboards? How did it come to mean "at"? How long has it been around? What is the history of this character? |
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Re: History of the "@" character
Answered By: politicalguru-ga on 17 Sep 2005 08:23 PDT |
Dear Marv, The symbol @ (official term: asperand) - as you know it, as part of email addresses - was introduced by Ray Tomlinson of Bolt Beranek and Newman in 1971, as a separator symbol for one of the first e-mail systems (SOURCE : Ray Tomlinson's Homepage, "Frequently Made Mistakes", <http://openmap.bbn.com/~tomlinso/ray/mistakes.html>). However, the symbol existed before, and with the meaning of "at" in Anglo-Saxon and Northern European cultures: "A commonly accepted theory is that the symbol is derived from the Latin preposition "ad" (which means "to" rather than "at"). The @ is supposed to be a ligature developed by transcribing monks. However no document showing this usage has been presented. A more recent idea concerning the history of the @ symbol has been proposed by Giorgio Stabile, a professor of history in Rome. He claims to have traced the symbol back to the Italian Renaissance in a Venetian mercantile document signed by Francesco Lapi on May 4, 1536. The document talks about commerces with Pizarro and in particular the price of an @ of wine in Peru. The symbol is still called arroba in Spanish and Portuguese, and it represents a unit of weight with the same name (1 arroba = 25 U. S. pounds), an old (Antonio Nebrjia, Salamanca, 1492) Spanish/Latin dictionary translates arroba with amphora. Under this view, the symbol was used to represent one amphora, which was a unit of weight or volume based upon the capacity of the standard terracotta jar. The symbol came into use with the modern meaning "at the price of" in northern Europe." (SOURCE: Wikipedia, @, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/@>). You can read more about the history of @, @: "WHERE IT’S AT Names for a common symbol" , World Wide Words, <http://www.worldwidewords.org/articles/whereat.htm> Ray Tomlinson's Homepage <http://openmap.bbn.com/~tomlinso/ray/home.html> The Guardian: Does the symbol @ have a name? If not, any suggestions? <http://www.guardian.co.uk/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-1773,00.html> I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any further clarifications on this answer before you rate it. Search terms: "the at sign", asperand |
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Re: History of the "@" character
From: elaphotomus-ga on 17 Sep 2005 08:29 PDT |
Why was i banned from giving an answer to this question Who has the power to lock other users from posting an answer. Here is some information i found on the internet First they detail why it was chosen for then internet then look further back for itls history. http://www.webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Internet/2002/HistoryofAtSign.asp In 1972, Ray Tomlinson sent the first electronic message, now known as e-mail, using the @ symbol to indicate the location or institution of the e-mail recipient. Tomlinson, using a Model 33 Teletype device, understood that he needed to use a symbol that would not appear in anyone's name so that there was no confusion. The logical choice for Tomlinson was the "at sign," both because it was unlikely to appear in anyone's name and also because it represented the word "at," as in a particular user is sitting @ this specific computer. However, before the symbol became a standard key on typewriter keyboards in the 1880s and a standard on QWERTY keyboards in the 1940s, the @ sign had a long if somewhat sketchy history of use throughout the world. Linguists are divided as to when the symbol first appeared. Some argue that the symbol dates back to the 6th or 7th centuries when Latin scribes adapted the symbol from the Latin word ad, meaning at, to or toward. The scribes, in an attempt to simplify the amount of pen strokes they were using, created the ligature (combination of two or more letters) by exaggerating the upstroke of the letter "d" and curving it to the left over the "a." Other linguists will argue that the @ sign is a more recent development, appearing sometime in the 18th century as a symbol used in commerce to indicate price per unit, as in 2 chickens @ 10 pence. While these theories are largely speculative, in 2000 Giorgio Stabile, a professor of the history of science at La Sapienza University in Italy, discovered some original 14th-century documents clearly marked with the @ sign to indicate a measure of quantity - the amphora, meaning jar. The amphora was a standard-sized terra cotta vessel used to carry wine and grain among merchants, and, according to Stabile, the use of the @ symbol ( the upper-case "A" embellished in the typical Florentine script) in trade led to its contemporary meaning of "at the price of." While in the English language, @ is referred to as the "at sign," other countries have different names for the symbol that is now so commonly used in e-mail transmissions throughout the world. Many of these countries associate the symbol with either food or animal names. Afrikaans - In South Africa, it is called aapstert, meaning "monkey's tail" Arabic - The @ symbol does not appear on Arabic keyboards, only keyboards in both Arabic and English. The Arabic word for @ is fi, the Arabic translation of at Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian - In these countries, it is referred to as the "Crazy I" Cantonese - In Hong Kong it is generally referred to as "the at sign," just as in England and America Catalan - In Catalonia, it is called arrova, a unit of weight Czech - In the Czech Republic, it is called zavinac, meaning "rollmop," or "pickled herring" Danish - It is called alfa-tegn, meaning "alpha-sign" or snabel-a, meaning "elephant's trunk" or grisehale, meaning "pig's tail" Dutch - Since English is prominent in the Netherlands, the English "at" is commonly used. However, the Dutch also call it apestaart, meaning monkey's tail," apestaartje, meaning "little monkey's tail" or slingeraap, meaning "swinging monkey" French - In France, it is called arobase the name of the symbol. It is also referred to as un a commercial, meaning "business a", a enroule, meaning "coiled a", and sometimes escargot, meaning "snail" or petit escargot, meaning "little snail" German - In Germany, it is called Affenschwanz, meaning "monkey's tail" or Klammeraffe, meaning "hanging monkey" Greek - In Greece, it is called papaki, meaning "little duck" Hebrew - It is shablul or shablool, meaning "snail" or a shtrudl, meaning "strudel" Hungarian - In Hungary, it is called a kukac, meaning "worm" or "maggot" Italian - In Italy it is called chiocciola, meaning "snail" and a commerciale, meaning "business a" Japanese - In Japan, it is called atto maaku, meaning "at mark" Mandarin Chinese - In Taiwan it is called xiao lao-shu, meaning "little mouse," lao shu-hao, meaning "mouse sign," at-hao, meaning "at sign" or lao shu-hao, meaning "mouse sign" Norwegian - In Norway, it is called either grisehale, meaning "pig's tail" or kro/llalfa, meaning "curly alpha." In academia, the English term "at" is widely used Polish - In Poland, it is called malpa, meaning "monkey." It is also called kotek, meaning "little cat" and ucho s'wini, meaning "pig's ear" Portuguese - In Portugal it is called arroba, a unit of weight Romanian - In Romania, it is called la, a direct translation of English "at" Russian - Russians officially call it a kommercheskoe, meaning "commercial a", but it is usually called sobachka, meaning "little dog" Spanish -- Like in Portugal, in Spain it is called arroba, a unit of weight Swedish - The official term in Sweden is snabel-a, meaning "trunk-a," or "a with an elephant's trunk" Thai - There is no official word for it in Thai, but it is often called ai tua yiukyiu, meaning "the wiggling worm-like character" Turkish - In Turkey, most e-mailers call it kulak, meaning "ear" The web page also gives other links for further explantations For more information, also see: A Brief History of @ @ -- A Sign of the Times From Whence Comes The At Sign @ ? Who Put the @ in Your E-Mail? Where It's At: Names for a Common Symbol I typed in the 3 words, "at symbol" history, to get his information. |
Re: History of the "@" character
From: elaphotomus-ga on 17 Sep 2005 08:33 PDT |
http://art-bin.com/art/asignoftimes.html also says the sign might go back to latin roman times. |
Re: History of the "@" character
From: myoarin-ga on 17 Sep 2005 10:41 PDT |
Hi Elaphotomus, That was fantastic, thank you, from me, just another commenter. Only Google Answers Researchers, whose user names appear in blue and are underlined, may post "answers". We commenters with black user names, can just post comments. It is a two class society (check out the FAQs). But again, my compliments for your effort, the most comprehensive compilation on the subject I have seen. :) Myoarin |
Re: History of the "@" character
From: mongolia-ga on 17 Sep 2005 12:02 PDT |
elaphotomus-ga Further to myoarin's comments , the Google Answer service has been in existance since 2002. After an initial pilot/beta test, Google recruited 500 official researchers to formally answer the questions on this site. Commenters like myoarin, yourself and myself can add comments which may add (or in some cases detract) from the original answer. They can also give the questioner very useful information if no Official Researcher wishes to answer a particular question. In many cases (and yours is one example) a commenter will provide an information which in effect answers a question. In this case the questioner gets his/her answer for free if the question does not get an "official answer". In most cases if a commenter gives a relevant answer, official researchers will refrain from posting an "official answer". A questioner has also the option to "expire" a question which simply means no further updates can be made to the question (although the information still resides on the system) Google has up to now choose not to replenish the original 500 researchers which it recruited in 2002. Quite a few questions come to Google Answers from people wishing to be Google Answer Researchers and the answer has always been "Thank You but no Thank you" In my humble opinion it is high time Google hired more researchers. This is certainly not meant as a criticism of the current Google Researchers but just to point out the large number of questions which go unanswered and also the fact that core group of remaining researchers probably number less than 30. I fully accept the fact that my comment will have absolutely no influence on the Google Corporation who can like most other trans national corporations do whatever they want. Regards Mongolia |
Re: History of the "@" character
From: myoarin-ga on 17 Sep 2005 18:03 PDT |
Marv, There is a typo in the first line of the answer. The @ is called "ampersand". Mongolia, I think that there actually have been some new Researchers. Hagan-ga appeared a while ago with a first and several subsequent and very savvy legal answers. Myoarin |
Re: History of the "@" character
From: atk-ga on 17 Sep 2005 19:36 PDT |
Correcting myoarin-ga's correction: the "@" sign is indeed called an "asperand." "Ampersand" is the name of the "&" sign (meaning "and") not the "@" sign (meaning "at") |
Re: History of the "@" character
From: myoarin-ga on 17 Sep 2005 19:43 PDT |
OH, geez, you're right, atk-ga! Thanks, and my apologies, also to Politicalguru. Maybe I should have chosen the user name "half-cocked" instead of Myoarin |
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