Dear honcho5,
The original Posse Comitatus Act (U.S. Code Title 18, Part I, Chapter
67, §1385) was approved on 18 June 1878. The original act only
referred to the Army; in 1956, the Air Force was added. The Navy and
the Marine Corps have been included by a regulation of the Department
of Defense.
The so-called Insurrection Act consists of the set of laws U.S. Code
Title 10, Subtitle A, Part I, Chapter 15, §§331-335. Those laws were
originally approved resp. added on various dates:
§331: 10 August 1956
§332: 10 August 1956; derived from Act of 29 July 1861
§333: 10 August 1956; derived from Act of 20 April 1871
§334: 10 August 1956; derived from Act of 29 July 1861
§335: 11 September 1968
Wikipedia: Posse Comitatus Act
Wikipedia: Insurrection Act
U.S. House of Representatives: Search the United States Code
Cornell University: US Code Collection - § 1385. Use of Army and Air
Force as posse comitatus
Cornell University: US Code Collection - § 1385. Use of Army and Air
Force as posse comitatus; notes
Cornell University: US Code Collection - Title 10, Chapter 15, Insurrection
Air & Space Power Chronicles: The Origins of the Posse Comitatus, by
Bonnie Baker (Google Cache)
Search terms used:
"insurrection act" passed
"Posse Comitatus Act" passed 1878 june
"Posse Comitatus Act" 1878
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