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Q: Where can I find full-coverage dental insurance? ( No Answer,   3 Comments )
Subject: Where can I find full-coverage dental insurance?
Category: Health
Asked by: elenafox-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 21 Sep 2005 18:54 PDT
Expires: 18 Oct 2005 15:28 PDT
Question ID: 570743
I am looking for dental insurance that offers full coverage or high
coverage (over 70%) including specialist procedures such as root canals,
crowns, etc. Does this type of insurance exist? 

I have searched online and all I can find are cheap dental plans that
only cover 20% of special procedures and they have a rather limited
number of dentists. Also wonder if any plans cover aesthetic dental
work? I am 20s female in Mew York, no employer.  Anyone have a
There is no answer at this time.

The following answer was rejected by the asker (they received a refund for the question).
Subject: Re: Where can I find full-coverage dental insurance?
Answered By: aliciadenney-ga on 21 Sep 2005 19:35 PDT
Hello!  Thank you for choosing Google Answers!  Regarding your
question, I commenced by using the search terms
"full dental coverage" on I was able to pull up several
verifiable insurances that will cover at least 70% of medical dental
work, as well as a large portion of cosmetic work.

My ABSOLUTE favorite of all of these:

After reading about these guys, I wondered, why on earth am I paying
what I am paying for my dentist, chiropractic work and prescriptions
(heck, I don't even HAVE prescription coverage!)...

Bear in mind, this is considered "full coverage," but is not
"insurance," per-se, as the health care providers do not bill this
agency; rather, you receive deep, deep discounts by paying their fee
once per month.

The fee?
11.95 per person, or 19.95 per household, whether those housemates are
family or not.

Regarding strictly cosmetic procedures, according to their site:
"COSMETIC DENTISTRY INCLUDED, such as bleaching or aesthetic bonded
finishes in selected markets."

Also, according to their site, these guys are a member of the following orgs:
AmeriPlan USA® is a member of the:
 - Better Business Bureau of Dallas 
- United States Chamber of Commerce 

- American Academy of Group Dental Practices
 - National Association of Dental Plans 
- National Association of Provider Access Organizations

- Consumer's Health Alliance

I am honestly truly amazed by this service...I have been on a
fruitless hunt for something similar for the past three years for
myself.  Just this morning, I took my grandmother to the dentist to
have ONE bridge done, and then watched her plunk down 1100 dollars. 
Not easy to do when you make less than 300 dollars per month in social

Here is another organization that actually claims to be insurance for
the self-employed or small-business owner:
Click on the left dental tab for more information.  Again, with these
guys, no deductible is paid by you.

Here is another one of interest, marketed to students and artists, but
obviously open to anyone who wants to apply.  Here is information on
this program from the NY Small Business Network:

If you click on the dental thing on the left column, it actually pulls
up another option, but for some reason, I didn't find it as attractive
as Capdent...
Regarding Capdent, 
I found this explanation of benefits form elsewhere on the Web:

Here is more information on Capdent from yet another Web
looks like there are several choices of coverage from Capdent:
The CAPDENT (Non-Group) Individual Plans are designed for individuals
and their families. Diagnostic and Preventive services are covered in
full, and other dental services are covered with minimal copayments
that you pay to the dentist. These plans are available in NY and NJ
respectively, and have no deductibles, maximums or waiting periods or
exclusions for pre-existing conditions. The premium is billed
The CAPDENT GROUP Plans are available to small and large groups on a
voluntary basis -- there is no minimum enrollment. The plan covers
Diagnostic and Preventive services in full, and covers other services
with copayments that represent discounts of 25% to 50% off
participating dentist's usual fees. The plan is available in NY and
NJ, and has no deductibles, maximums, waiting periods or exclusions
for pre-existing conditions. Premiums are billed monthly.
The CAPDENT/PLUS Plan is a point-of-service plan available only in New
York that includes allowances for services rendered by any dentist. It
is available on a voluntary basis to groups of any size with a minimum
enrollment of three. The In-Network option is similar to CAPDent but
has lower out-of pocket expenses with a $5 per visit fee. The
Out-of-Network option includes a deductible, an annual maximum and
requires the use of claims forms for reimbursement. The Out-of-Network
option may include waiting periods for prosthetics and orthodontics
unless the group has an existing dental plan. Premiums are billed

I really hope that I have given you a good starting point, and that
you will eventually end up with full dental coverage and get those
services of need! :)

My search strategy commenced with my simply searching "full dental coverage"
I then proceeded to search "full dental coverage" + "self employed" 
and finally, I further narrowed the search with:
"Full dental coverage" + "self-employed" + "new york" to get some
location-specific hits.

May your teeth be as white as snow-capped mountains forever more! :)

Thank You
Google Answers

Request for Answer Clarification by elenafox-ga on 21 Sep 2005 21:53 PDT
Hi there!  Thank you for a fast response.  I have meticulously gone
over every one of the links posted and none of them offer more than a
25% discount on specialist procedures.

The first link you mentioned 
has a fee schedule for NY
as you can see the majority of treatments are only discounted 25%,
treatments performed by general dentists offer around 50% the only
thing that seems "deeply, deeply discounted" would be regular office
check-ups and cleanings. As for a "large portion of cosmetic work"
being covered none of companies listed offer more than 25% off of
restricted treatments. has a $50
deductible and a maximum cap of $1000 yearly and only offers 25% off
of specialists.

The link which seems to market
Capdent has a link to their fees and regulations

They only offer 25% off on specialists, their services are very
restrictive (ie any kind of issue not listed is not covered including
variations of issues that are covered for example restoring existing
root canal,etc) and worst of all there is a $1200 maximum per year
which doesn't cover too much when you get in to anything but
diagnostic procedures.

I would really appreciate if you could find some dental insurance that
offers full coverage or over 70% of the cost of specialist services as
per my original question (ie not a plan with only 25%
discount/coverage of specialists). I would expect this type of plan to
be significantly more expensive than the ones listed- I would be happy
to double or triple the original question price for accurate info.

Clarification of Answer by aliciadenney-ga on 22 Sep 2005 06:14 PDT
I give up.  
I've been searching for hours.  Moreover, it's quite difficult without
your personal information.  While my expenditure of time on this
project has far-exceed the 10 dollar value placed on finding such
information, I am please asking that you request a refund from Google.
 You should have no problem, unles you interact with them in the same
facetious manner you have with me.
Reason this answer was rejected by elenafox-ga:
1.The researcher has completely ignored the original question (dental
insurance covering over 70% of the cost).

2.The researcher claims to have found "several insurances that will
cover at least 70% of medical dental work, as well as a large portion
of cosmetic work" when in fact not even one of the suggested options
offer over 70% of dental work, the only procedure that highly
discounted is diagnostics. Certain opitions offer 25% off limited
cosmetic procedures this does not qualify as "covering a large

3.Despite the fact that I clearly stated in my original question that
I myself was only able to find "cheap dental plans that only cover 20%
of special procedures" which is obviously not of interest to me these
are the exact type of plans she has posted in her answer.

4.The researchers comments are not realitybased for example claiming
there is "no deductible" when even the website clearly states that
there is.

5.The researcher sounds as if she is promoting the products and seems
to have simply copied and pasted text from the insurance companies
promotional pages as opposed to looking at the actual facts.

6.Researcher gets personal and accuses me of being facetious although
I very politely asked for clarification and patiently pointed out the
errors in her original answer.

I would understand if the researcher did not find information within
the parameters mentioned and suggested alternative options as opposed
to claiming to have found the product I was seeking in addition to
providing inaccurate calculations. I generally enjoy using Google
Answers and happily give tips and five star ratings to the serious
researchers who mostly do excellent jobs.  This is the first time I
have come across a researcher to be so inadequate and disappointing.

Subject: Re: Where can I find full-coverage dental insurance?
From: drcristellodc-ga on 22 Sep 2005 09:10 PDT
I have been reading along as I too am interested in Dental insurance.
I don't understand why you said that the questioner was interacting in
a "facetious manner". I have looked at her question and your answer,
as well as the links provided and she was correct to ask for
clarification. Your anger is misplaced. Please keep the commentary
Subject: Re: Where can I find full-coverage dental insurance?
From: aliciadenney-ga on 03 Oct 2005 14:06 PDT
Dr. Cristello:
facetious \fuh-SEE-shuhs\, adjective:
1. Given to jesting; playfully jocular.
2. Amusing; intended to be humorous; not serious. 

Why do people so often confuse this word with its pejorative
counterpart, sarcastic?

sar·casm (sär'k?z'?m) 
A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is
intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

In reference to:
" you can see the majority of treatments are only discounted 25%,
treatments performed by general dentists offer around 50% the only
thing that seems "deeply, deeply discounted" would be regular office
check-ups and cleanings. As for a "large portion of cosmetic work"
being covered none of companies listed offer more than 25% off of
restricted treatments."

From my experience, Google Answers editors are quite the literal,
straight-forward entity, and I wanted to make certain that she would
get her money back without incident.

She was most certainly right in requesting clarification, and I had no
choice but to concede to not being able to provide the information
reqested in her original request.  I was duped by the careful language
of organizations masquerading as insurance coverage, when they are in
fact, discount memberships, leading me to be excited in my ability to
help her find exactly what she needed, and therefore, answer the

There was certainly not anger.  I WILL admit to being frustrated in my
own inability to satisfy a client, and maintain my 4.5/5 star rating.

Doctor Tom, DC, is this a hobby for you?

That was just me being...facetious!!!  :) 

May you always provide relief to subluxated patients--have a wonderful day.
Subject: Re: Where can I find full-coverage dental insurance?
From: aliciadenney-ga on 03 Oct 2005 14:12 PDT
NYC zip codes were ALWAYS excluded from dental coverage plans in the
manifestation you need.
I meant to tell you that before.

I apologize again.

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