My birth certificate says I was born in Lewiston, Idaho on May 16,
1950 at 5:41 AM. For purposes of constructing an accurate astrological
chart, I need to know if there was daylight savings time in Lewiston
in that year. All of the ephemerides that I have found posted on line
would change my birth time by an hour. (I don't know if they claim
there IS or IS NOT daylight savings--I just know that it would change
my my chart significantly.) However, I wrote to a librarian at
Lewiston Public Library and asked her to research this question. She
indicated that in Idaho in 1950, there was no state law regulating
daylight savings time and some parts of the state used it and some did
not. To the best of her knowledge, she thinks there was no daylight
savings in 1950 in Lewiston, thus my birth time of 5:41 AM is
accurate. I would like to know once and for all, was there or was
there not daylight savings at the time, date, and place of my birth?
And I would like to know what evidence supports your answer. |
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Sep 2005 07:07 PDT
Hi jovian,
Have you tried the online websites Astrolabe and Astrodienst? Both
claim to automatically compensate for time zone.
"One of the teeny, weenie, little mistakes folks typically make when
calculating a chart is when choosing the correct time zone.
Unfortunately, making this teeny, weenie, little mistake totally
throws off the calculation. The Astrolabe online tool solves this for
you by automatically choosing the correct time zone. There's no need
to guess whether the time zone in use was Daylight, Standard, Wartime,
etc. No muss, no fuss. No mistakes."
ASTROLABE: Free Chart & Astrology Report Data Input
"Please enter the legal time of day at the time of birth. Our database
has a record of all time zones throughout history, including daylight
time, war time, etc. These time zones will be compensated for
"My rising sign on this chart is different than I expected, how come?"
: Our software uses the most accurate data available anywhere for
places and changes in time zones throughout history. The rising sign
changes every two hours. Your time must be accurate to get the proper
rising sign. In many cases people are given incorrect rising signs
when the astrologer or software program calculates the time zone
incorrectly. There are many loopholes in the time zone laws, daylight
savings time rules were not even standardized until 1966. Our
programmers have been dealing with this issue for 20+ years. Provided
you have entered your location and date and time correctly and your
town was found in our database then you can trust this astro chart as
being accurate."
May 16 1950
5:41 AM Time Zone is PDT
Lewiston, ID
"Astrodienst has now developed a simple, 99% mistake-free option for
calculating charts. Better yet, after calculating your chart, there
are several different (and free) chart interpretation report options
available. The bottom line is that the Astrodienst simple chart online
tool is so "user friendly," you have to work hard to make a mistake.
Astrodienst, also, automatically chooses the correct time zone for
you. The other plus for Astrodienst is that by using drop down boxes
in the entry of data, Astrodienst forces you to choose between AM and
( f ) born on 16 May 1950 at 5:41 in Lewiston, ID (US) Time Zone: 7 h
west, Daylight Saving [PDT]
Please let me know if find these two websites acceptable or if you
require further research.
Will look forward to your reply,
Clarification of Question by
23 Sep 2005 05:36 PDT
Thank you for your assistance and information. My core problem is not
related to finding out how to cast a chart--I am aware of the many on
line sites--but rather, whether or not daylight savings time was in
effect in Lewiston Idaho in the year of my birth (1950.) That is why I
had mentioned in my original question that I had written to a
librarian at the library in Lewiston, figuring she would have access
to newspapers, etc. from that year and would thus be able to determine
if Lewiston observed DST.
The librarian answered me, stating that in Idaho in 1950, there was no
standardized state or federal position in regard to DST. Therefore, it
was up to individual counties to determine if they would utilize DST
or not. This resulted in some areas of Idaho observing DST, and other
areas not observing.
Whoever did the research for the on line ephemerides/time changes that
are utilized by various astrological sites, perhaps was not aware of
Idaho's unique situation. It seems they might have assumed the entire
state observed DST. From what the librarian told me, that is not
Earlier, print editions of time changes books utilized by astrologers
(or anyone correcting for DST) did not include Lewiston, ID in the DST
I am looking for some type of official state or county document (a
published newspaper or almanac is fine) that states whether or not
Lewiston ID observed DST in 1950. I had thought perhaps there is a
state or county agency that might have recorded such information, but
I have not taken time to research which agency that might be.
The letter I received from the librarian at the Lewiston Library I
consider anecdotal, as she did not provide me with an official
document, but rather information based on her personal recollection. I
am inclined to trust her recollection, put would like to obtain
official documentation.
I am willing to pay a little more for this information if it involves
a lot of time. Thank you for your interest.