I am preparing a manuscript for publication. My question is, "what
health-related professional (research-oriented) journals
would possibly be interested in this manuscript, and, for each
publication noted, where can I find submission guidelines for would-be
authors?" Publications should normally include coverage of primary
health care in developing countries and should include readers who
represent a mix of researchers and practitioners.
The article will describe a methodology that has been used to
strengthen health-oriented organizations serving populations in
developing countries. Specifically, the methodology helps users
assess organizational capacities and address factors that impede
mission-achievement. The article will also address the methodology's
reliability and validity, and will situate the specific methodology
under discussion within the context of other capacity assessment tools
and techniques.
In summary, I want names of journals that cover the social science
aspect of primary health care for developing country populations along
with links to the submission guidelines for each publication
nominated. I don't need to know about every journal that publishes in
this area. A list of 5-7 strong matches would be excellent. A smaller
number of really outstanding prospects would also be acceptable.
I need this information ASAP. |