I am trying to conduct a study on how regional trading agreements
influence international trade. The regional trade agreement I am
using is the EU and the year in question is 2000. I already
understand the basics of the analysis, and the results should be
fairly logical, i.e. some countries are going to benefit from the RTA
? trade creation.
However, it is the statistical side that I would like assistance with.
My main problem is gathering data and running a least squares
regression. Ideally, I would like a study done with the dependent
variable as the dollar value of country i?s exports to country j
measured according to country j?s import data.
There are a number of independent variables that need to be included
to make the test more conclusive:
Yi and Yj are the nominal GNP of countries i and j expressed as a dollar value.
Ni and Nj are the populations of the respective countries.
Tj is the tariff rate on imports.
Dij is the distance between the commercial centres of the two countries.
Aij is a dummy variable for adjacent or neighbouring countries.
Ideally, I would like a large number of countries to be tested, some
within the EU, the rest outside it, using cross section data. I would
like a summary of the regression and statistical results (e.g.
regression equations, standard errors, coefficients, standard errors,
t-ratios, F-ratios, R^2, etc) and also the original data for the
regression in some sort of spreadsheet if possible emailed to me.
I had problems finding the data without a subscription and wasn?t sure
how to carry out some of the statistical tests, also it seems quite
time consuming for a large number of countries.
Hope this is enough info, thanks. |