The 'water' value of seltzer water is just as good for you as regular
water. The main problem with selzer water is that bottled seltzer is
not held to the same FDA regulations as regular water as it is
classified under soda, and thus may contain more bad minerals (usually
a high sodium content, but you said you are buying sodium free
seltzer). (Sparkling water and mineral water are, however, subject to
the same FDA regulations.) My suggestion to you would be to use
regular tap, filtered, or bottled water which is subject to FDA
regulations and add the carbonation yourself, using something similar
to the 'Soda Club' product, which I personally use at home.
The effects of carbonation seem to be as follows:
1) aiding digestion (not scientifically proven)
2) calming nerves (not scientifically proven)
3) bloating feeling, which causes you to feel full faster and thus
drink less water. (This could impede your water intake, or perhaps be
good diet advice - to have a glass of seltzer before every meal?)
4) kills some bacteria that causes infection (good while traveling or sick)
5) 'esophagus irritation leading to bloating or indigestion.'
6) 'breaks down calcium in the human body, which can be a risk to
weak tooth structure and in severe cases lead to osteoporosis.'
7) increases absorbtion of alcohol into the system
Hope this helps!
Sodium free.
Sparkling Water: Water that after treatment and possible replacement with
carbon dioxide contains the same amount of carbon dioxide that it had at
emergence from the source. (An important note: soda water, seltzer water
and tonic water are not considered bottled waters. They are regulated
separately, may contain sugar and calories, and are considered soft drinks.)
"Many curative properties have been attributed to effervescent waters
(e.g., aiding digestion and calming nerves), but few have been
scientifically tested...Today, however, seltzer is simply
well-filtered tap water with artificially added carbonation."
"Seltzer is the popular name for filtered, carbonated tap water.
Unlike mineral water, it does not have any added minerals. Unlike club
soda and sparkling water, it does not have added salt. Plain seltzer
would therefore have the same 'water' value as regular water," says
Lahey Clinic Dietitian Lois Maurer, RD, CDE.....Most supermarkets now
stock mineral water, spring water, sparkling water, club soda and
seltzer water in addition to regular, bulk water sold in one-gallon
jugs. Unfortunately, labels provide little information about the
chemical content of these waters. Therefore, it is not surprising that
many people are confused about the relative merits of the many
varieties of water now available....Seltzer is filtered, carbonated
tap water with no added mineral salts. Some "flavored" seltzers have
added sugar. Check the label...Mineral water is water that contains
dissolved minerals. With the exception of distilled or purified water,
all water contains dissolved minerals. Although FDA guidelines require
that "mineral water" not exceed specified limits for certain minerals
and organic compounds, there are no upper limits for calcium,
magnesium and sodium. In some cases, local tap water may contain more
minerals than bottled mineral waters...Mineral water is water that
contains dissolved minerals. With the exception of distilled or
purified water, all water contains dissolved minerals. Although FDA
guidelines require that "mineral water" not exceed specified limits
for certain minerals and organic compounds, there are no upper limits
for calcium, magnesium and sodium. In some cases, local tap water may
contain more minerals than bottled mineral waters.
Avoid carbonated drinks which can leave the athlete feeling bloated.
Carbonated water does nothing more for your body than make you belch.
In fact, the gas from carbonation makes you feel fuller sooner, so you
drink less. If you enjoy the fizz, add a little seltzer to plain
Carbonation is known to kill bacteria that may cause infection.
You may choose carbonated water if you are traveling in a foreign
country to prevent a negative reaction to the country?s bacteria.
USA Weekend Magazine (September 2-4, 1994)
...In an article in
?Mindconnection?s Information Connection: How to Have Healthy Skin?,
we learn that carbonation can break down calcium in the human body,
which can be a risk to weak tooth structure and in severe cases lead
to osteoporosis.
...In her article ?Natural Remedies for Heartburn?, Alli Parker explains
other risks involving carbonation including esophagus irritation leading
to bloating or indigestion.
...?Life?s Essentials? by Alli Parker
..Carbonation also increases the absorption of alcohol in the bloodstream,
according to the article Basic Alcohol Information |