Dear TR,
Accroding to an article on the San Francisco Chronicle, from May of
this year, "nearly 6,200 gay and lesbian couples [...] got married in
Massachusetts since May 17, 2004" (SOURCE: Anna Badkhen, "In
Massachusetts, gay weddings are now routine - Growing acceptance of
same-sex nuptials on first anniversary" San Francisco Chronicle, May
17, 2005, <>).
There is even better information from April 2005: "According to
preliminary data from the state's Registry of Vital Records and
Statistics, 5,382 same-sex couples got married between May 17, 2004,
when a court order legalizing such marriages went into effect in
Massachusetts, and the end of April 2005.
That's about 12 percent of the more than 45,000 marriages performed in
the state during that time.
The data showed 3,421 of the same-sex couples that got married were
female, compared to 1,961 male couples." (SOURCE: Eric Johnston,
"Mass. releases data on same-sex marriages", Our Planet,,
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
clarification on this answer before you rate it. My search terms were:
["same sex marriages" "couples got married" massachusetts],
["same sex marriages" massachusetts],
["* weddings" "same sex marriages" massachusetts],
[since "same sex marriages" massachusetts] |