I know this is a backwards way of answering your question but avoiding
foods will also help (as you found out through the dairy exclusion)
the following are foods that stimulate the stomach?s acid secretions:
fatty foods, fruit juices, cola and other carbonated drinks, coffee
including decaffeinated, chocolate, and alcohol. Eggs, fish, bread,
starchy grains, and sugary foods will also promote acid secretion.
as to your question, there are certain foods that can aid or
strenghten the stomach lining (some however are temporary solutions)
as to avoiding spicy foods etc conversely studies have shown that
small doses of cayenne pepper actually strengthen the stomach lining.
chlorophyll-rich liquid algae will heal inflammation. Bananas, figs,
antioxidant green tea, and kale can all strengthen the stomach lining.
Cabbage is also very helpful if taking in supplement form take 500mg
of Vitamin U and Quercetin (a bioflavonoid) three times a day.
Liquorice root also stimutlates the production of mucin (the
protective layer of the stomach)
Aloe Vera Juice is also getting a lot of media attention lately for
its general digestive-aiding properties.
As you can see there are a lot of things to try, even in different combinations.
I hope this answers your question. |